Saturday, December 28, 2019

compare the ways the poets use language to represent...

Compare the ways the poets use language to present relationships in, â€Å"To his Coy Mistress† and one other poem in the relationship cluster. In the poem I have chosen to compare In Paris with you to To his coy mistress, in comparison to each other both poems have many similarities but the differences are shown in how the use the structure, language and theme to create different effects on the reader. To show the poems are about relationships the writer has written in first person which is the perspective of one of the people in the relationship talking about the other person. In both of the poems the theme being portrayed is Love in, ‘In Paris with you’ this is shown throughout the language Fenton uses Dont talk to me of†¦show more content†¦It seems to me that it shows that they don’t know where the relationship is going; they just live in the moment, time is not a virtue. This is backed up later in the poem by when it says â€Å"There’s a crack in the wall† this implies that there is time to waste as he notices it and doesn’t realise about the wasting time. This is ambi guous because it could perhaps be interpreted as there are conscious thoughts about the time as the speaker says â€Å"do you mind if we do not go to the Louvre†, this shows that they don’t have a lot of time and just want to stay in the hotel. This is similar to â€Å"His Coy Mistress† in the way that the speaker wants to not do anything except spend time alone as they don’t have enoughShow MoreRelatedThe Epithet in the Novel Jane Eyre18849 Words   |  76 Pagestopicality of chosen by us theme lies in the fact that a human being perceives the reality by means of various images. These images exist everywhere: in art, in nature, in thoughts, and in speech in particular. Each of us at least ones created an image. We use different means (stylistic expressive means and devices) to achieve the aim. In our research we would like to concentrate our attention on â€Å"epithet†, a figure of speech which gives the opportunity to create the most expressive and vivid images. Despite

Friday, December 20, 2019

Feminism In Chaucers The Wife Of Bath - 1216 Words

A large part of the study of literature deals with interpreting the original meaning of a work and attempting to understand how it applies to modern day readers. As with other pieces of literature, this is also true for Chaucer’s â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Prologue,† where many contemporary scholars hail Chaucer as feminist icon for his depiction of an eloquent, independent woman. This interpretation, however, is flawed because it is highly anachronistic. Feminism, as we understand the term today, did not emerge until the 19th Century. Though there were certainly medieval writers who wrote about the relationships of the sexes, such as Christine de Pizan, these works did not focus on equality and the independence of women the way feminism would†¦show more content†¦After all, her wealth allows her to be financially independent. Clearly, she is also not restricted in her movements, as she is allowed to travel around the world on various pilgrimages. Furtherm ore, her strong desire for sex can be interpreted to mean that she has taken control of her sexuality. Instead of being a passive object of men’s desires, she is pursuing her own pleasure. From this perspective, the Wife of Bath is clearly a symbol representing the liberation of women. However, as Chaucer elaborates more on her character in the Wife of Bath’s prologue, this image becomes muddied as many of her character flaws come to light. Out of these flaws, one of the most problematic is the Wife of Bath’s cavalier attitude towards marriage. The Wife of Bath seems to be aware of the fact that her many marriages are problematic, as the first thing she does in her prologue is to justify them, despite the fact that it is legal at the time to remarry as a widow. As Jill Mann points out in her notes on â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Prologue,† the Wife of Bath is arguing against the writings of St. Jerome, who suggests that since Christ only went to a wed ding once, a persons should only take one spouse. This positioning of her character in opposition with a prominent religious figure calls attention to the fact that her multiple marriages may not be virtuous as she claims them to be. Some might argue that this restriction on theShow MoreRelatedChaucers Views On Wife Of Bath And Feminism1529 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Views on Wife of Bath and Feminism† In the time period of the 14th century, many woman faced inequality. Women were not viewed to uphold the same quota as men. Most females were viewed as passive to males and were not able to make many demands in their relationships or make any contributions to their own survival or life. In the â€Å"Wife of Bath Tale†, written by Geoffrey Chaucer, Chaucer gives an insight into the struggles of a woman. Chaucer gives a voice for women who cannot speak for themselvesRead MoreEssay on The Wife of Bath: Feminism in Chaucers Work2146 Words   |  9 Pagesto their husbands and follow their lead. A womans place was also in the home and the responsibilities of cooking, cleaning, sewing, etc. fell into their domain. Women who deviated from these cultural-set norms made for interesting characters. Chaucers use of women and their overstepping their boundaries and typical roles in society make them most memorable. Most of the gender expectations stemmed from the Church and biblical history. There were many anti-feminist feelings due to Eve causingRead MoreThe Wife Of Bath s Prologue And Tale990 Words   |  4 PagesThe Wife of Bath s Prologue and Tale is about female empowerment it shows strong protagonists. I believe Geoffrey Chaucer used The Wife of Bath’s Tale to advocate for feminism. Chaucer used a strong female character to expose female stereotypes. It was an oppressive time for women in male-dominated society. During the Middle Ages, Chaucer wrote from a woman’s point of view something that was not normal at that time. He set his feminist ideals through the characters of the Wife of Bath and the oldRead MoreChaucers The Canterbury Tales1381 Words   |  6 Pagesthe perception of women and men to relate to his own opposite view. Through his literary work, it is implied that Chaucer believed that women and men should be treated as equals. Most specifically, he believed that women should have their rights. Chaucer’s characters in the tale reflects the society. For instance, in the Miller’s Tale, Allison is the personification of a woman in the Middle Ages. It can be inferred that she had no control over her life. For instance, while she was â€Å"wild and young†Read MoreThe Wife of Bath Essay715 Words   |  3 PagesWife of Bath vs. Lady Gaga Geoffrey Chaucers, Wife of Bath, character in Canterbury Tales can be compared with todays modern pop icon Lady Gaga. Both woman share many similar qualities regarding their personality types and behavior. From the Fifteenth century to the Twenty- First, these women symbolize feminism and contradiction of societal norms. This essay will discuss the similarities and differences between Chaucers fictional character, the Wife of Bath, and Lady Gaga, one of this century’sRead More Passive Women in Chaucers Canterbury Tales? Essay1466 Words   |  6 PagesPassive Women in Chaucers Canterbury Tales? One argument that reigns supreme when considering Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is whether or not there is an element of anti-feminism within the text. One thread that goes along with this is whether or not the women of The Canterbury Tales are passive within the tales told. This essay will explore the idea that the women found within the tales told by the pilgrims (The Knight’s Tale, The Miller’s Tale and The Wife of Bath’s Tale to name a few)Read More Chaucers Canterbury Tales Essay - Women in The Wife of Bath1433 Words   |  6 PagesWomen in Chaucers The Wife of Bath Chaucers The Wife of Baths Prologue and Tale is a medieval legend that paints a portrait of strong women finding love and themselves in the direst of situations. It is presented to the modern day reader as an early tale of feminism showcasing the ways a female character gains power within a repressive, patriarchal society. Underneath the simplistic plot of female empowerment lies an underbelly of anti-feminism. Sometimes this is presented blatantlyRead MoreGeoffrey Chaucer Stance on Feminism1254 Words   |  6 Pages The investigation into whether or not Geoffrey Chaucer was ahead of his time in terms of his views on feminism has been up for debate for hundreds of years. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue is just one solitary example of the complicated nature of Chaucer’s belief system. On the one hand, we have many strong female characters that despite still being extremely dependant on the men in their lives, know what they want out of life. From a contrasting point of view, readers see a group of men, includingRead MoreSex in The Canterbury Tales Essay937 Words   |  4 Pagesinstrument in The Canterbury Tales. Portraying sex as a power that women exert over men rather than the marital bond of â€Å"making love† makes evident Chaucer’s skewed views of love and marriage with underlying tones of misogyny. He expresses these views throughout the work, however, the theme of love and sex is most evident in the sub-stories of The Wife of Bath and The Miller’s Tale. Chaucer breaks the topic of sex into two basic parts: carnality and romanticism. Although carnal love is a controversialRead MoreAnalysis Of Geoffrey Chaucer s The Time Of Women 1760 Words   |  8 PagesGeoffrey Chaucer is a defining figure throughout Medieval European literature, Throughout time women have been placed in a subjugated position. Men have placed themselves as the leaders but to contest the unfairness in rule feminism became a movement. Feminism is the movement, ideal set that women and men should be equal to each other in all ways. This includes socially, lawfully and any other way that would make the society better. In the time of Chaucer, the roles of women were very rigid and

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The seven deadly sins are thin... free essay sample

The seven deadly sins are things that, in the Christian faith people commit that will decrease their progression to heaven or spiritual salvation. They are and what they mean are the next following sentences. Pride is the first of the sins and it means to have excessive belief in ones own abilities, that interferes with the individuals recognition of the grace of God. It is thought to be the sin that the rest of the sins are made from and come from. The next sin is Envy. Envy is the basic jealousy that people have every day. The third sin on the list is gluttony. Being a glutton is basically over extracting your resources and only taking. The fourth sin is lust. Lust is about the undisciplined, unchecked desire for self-enjoyment. It is typically linked to sexual desires that arent carried out. The next sin is greed. Greed is one known by all. We will write a custom essay sample on The seven deadly sins are thin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is when you want wealth or some type of gain without the consideration of anyone or anything else. The final sin is sloth. Sloth is about the laziness and avoidance of work that an individual can or could do. In the play Macbeth the main character in Macbeth displays a multitude of these sins. He displays pride, envy, gluttony and greed most of all. All of these play into his downfall as a ruler and his death in the play. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare the main character Macbeth is introduced as a general who is greatly appreciated by the people of Scotland. He is widely known and even praised by the kind but he never displayed an overly narcissistic personality. That is until he becomes king. As king he becomes more prideful. It was a mix of lust for power and overwhelming greed which tempted him to turn on Duncan. Even though he obtained Cawdor, Macbeth was not satisfied; the lure of being a King was far too great and his greed for more plunged him into sin. It wasnt just Macbeths insatiability for control, however; Lady Macbeths greediness and manipulative ways influenced Macbeths decision to murder King Duncan. You can see his change specifically when the witches

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Major Project Proposal free essay sample

Damage control Is the upcoming fourth studio album from the underground UK hip- hop entrepreneur, Flirty, which is to be released in 2013. His prior releases Include Third eye of the storm and Theory of Rhyme http://shop. Hall-focus. Com/category/ CDC. Alexander Flirty Whitehead has amalgamated deep conceptual theories with dominating mil presence to gain notable attention and respect within the underground UK hip hop scene, as well as merging a loyal following from his solo career (http://www. Warmongerings. Mom/2012/04/reviews/filmstrip-third-eye-of-the- storm).Filmstrip has also gained popularity from being the founder and owner of the independent record label, High Focus Records, which is described as the power house (http://www. Undergrounds. Com/news/full/3/UGH_Presents:AAAigh_Focus) of underground UK Hip Hop. Multiple accolades were awarded to High Focus Records by the reputable Knowledge magazine where they won 3 out of 10 of the top 10 Best UK Hip-Hop albums of 2011 (http://www. We will write a custom essay sample on Major Project Proposal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page kmGammacoCoukUKdDaltoneatures/l()- best-ukUKlhelpop-albums-of-2011 . tmHTMLThis enforces the fact that they are fast becoming one of the most established Independent record labels In the UK Hip-Hop to date.FlFilmstripCD sales from his previous albums indicate that his popularity has increased with each album he has made. His first album Force Fed Imagery, released in 2007, sold over 800 copies. His second album Theory of Rhyme, released in 2010, sold over 900 copies. His third album, released earlier this year, Third eye of the Storm, has already sold 672 CD albums, 759 digital albums and 654 digital singles. Looking at hehoseigures, it is very clear that the expectations for his next album release are very high.MARKETING PLAN We have devised a marketing plan that will compliment the needs of his loyal fan base and potential new listeners; increase his popularity and ultimately augmenting the sales. The target audience of our campaign Is aimed at 16 to 30 years old who are interested in U. K. hiHipop or those who like all kinds of music. It is a twelve month long campaign divided in three phases. The first phase would start at the same time as the production of the album and howoulde approximately eight months long depending on the progress of the production.During this time, we will be focusing on creating an online presence via social media websites, developing a personal relationship with fans, providing updates and weekly newsletters. When the album has been completed, we will start the two month long second phase where we will be making the preparations for the release this will include creating the artwork, choosing a flagship single, creating a press kit, announcing a release date and creating a viral strategy using material that onnonusersould enjoy sharing.For our final phase, we will be promoting the album to different media and finally launch the album. We are going to start by looking at the research we have done in order to build our about the financial aspect of the campaign. Finally, we will end with a S. W. O. T. anAnalysisf the whole project. Research Our marketing strategy is based on promotional techniques used by different hip- hop artists. Social media websites are crucial in promoting nowadays. Almost all artists, from EmMinehttp://www. emMinecoCom to DiDizziedascal (http:// wmhemisphericalo. Ok/K, keep their websites up to date with news and regularly upload videos to YoYouthhttp://www. yoYouthcoComrtist/emMine(http:// www. yoYouthcoComser/DiDissocializedin order to have continuous interaction with the audience. FlFilmstripromotion plan will not be the exception; will be using Mobile Backstage which is a platform developed by Steam Republic that will connect FlFilmstripsan communities allowing users to interact directly with him,exchange information, buy or stream music and find tickets to gigs (www. moInevitabilitiescoComOther promotional techniques we are using are quite ommoonut effective, such as creating flyers, merchandising or creating a press kit. One of the ideas that stand out the most is creating a buzz around the name of the album DAMAGE CONTROL where we will be uploading a series of controversial pictures to the social networks that will intrigue and attract public. Regular tweets asking where or what we should damage control, will engage the existing commun ity in a constant dialogue, we will also ask them to create their own meme about damage control and encourage followers to share their memesspictures and thoughts. Once we have delivered the message, we will make all content available to the public this will create new self-generated cocontendrom which we will measure the cocommunitysnvolvement and interests. We were inspired by Jay ZGslbum Watch the Throne where he created an increasing interest and speculation into a new album without announcing a release date six month prior to its release which demonstrated that secrecy is an important factor when launching a new product.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Laptop vs. Desktop Essays - Classes Of Computers, Personal Computing

Many Americans have a computer at home; the computer could be a Dell, Mac, Apple, or even Macintosh, but still many Americans have either a laptop or a desktop. In this fast-changing world, sometimes people are faced with difficult choices. For instance, a computer has just been kept until it was three years old, now the person is forced to buy a new computer and the question the person is debating on is, ?Should I buy a laptop or a desktop This question is debated more and more every day. Laptops have their benefits, but also the laptop has drawbacks. Many Americans buy laptops rather than desktops because they are portable, laptop parts are proprietary, and the major cost difference between a laptop and a desktop. What intrigues the eye about the laptop is that of course is that laptops are portable and can be taken anywhere. This huge benefit allows people to take their computer to work, on planes, camping trips, and anywhere else. How easy to take a computer that has everything that you need on it anywhere in the world, but every perk has a drawback. Being that the laptop is so portable then this would allow a thief to simply walk away with your computer. Laptops are stolen at an alarming rate, simply just because they are so easy to steal. When a laptop is stolen you lose the computer, but also the valuable data that was stored to the computer. Laptops parts are proprietary; this meaning that if your laptop breaks, only the company that made the laptop will be able to fix the computer. This does not sound too bad right? Every laptop comes with a warranty, depending on the company most warranties last for a year. When the warranty expires the company will be very happy to charge you an expensive price for the service they will provide. But with desktop computers, you are able to take advantage of your local computer store which will often fix the computer at a much more reasonable price. Another drawback to the laptop craze is the most noticeable difference, the price. When looking for a laptop the buyer could easily spend one thousand dollars, or around that area; but for the price of an average laptop the buyer could purchase a more powerful desktop. The price difference with the laptop and the desk top is that you are paying for the laptops option to be portable and indeed much smaller in size. Depending on the buyer some will spend the extra money on the laptop, but others with simply stick with what they know which is the desktop. Americans are in a fast-changing technological world, and feel that the average American has to have the latest gadget. Many Americans now have a laptop or have debated on getting a laptop. One major group of people who purchase the laptops is college students. Often the first year students purchase laptops because they have the idea they will take their computers to class and also they will be able to do their homework anywhere on campus. The reality of this idea is that no college student takes their computer to class, unless instructed, in fear that the laptop will get stolen. While a noble ambition, no one actually carries through with the plan to carry the laptop around. Laptops should be viewed as a luxury item, for instance you would not purchase a car with 4-wheel drive unless you actually had to use that feature, because it would not justify the extra money you spend on the difference; the same with buying a laptop versus the desktop. Many Americans buy laptops rather than d esktops because they are portable, laptop parts are proprietary, and the major cost difference between a laptop and a desktop.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Venus And Earth

Venus and Earth: The Twin Sisters Venus is known as Earth’s sister planet because they are similar in mass, sizes density, and volume. But have you ever wondered how they are different. Venus is actually very different from Earth in many ways. Venus is closer to the sun than any other planet except Mercury. Venus’s distance from the sun is about 67.2 million miles, compared with about 93 million miles from the Earth. Venus orbits the sun in a circular motion. The Earth and all other planets orbit the sun in an oval shaped motion. Venus takes about 225 Earth days to go around the sun once compared to earth’s 365 days. Unlike Earth, Venus does not rotate in the same direction in which it travels around the sun. Rather, Venus rotates in the opposite direction and spins around once every 243 Earth days. Venus can be see going through changes in shape and size. These changes are called phases much like the moons. Earth does not go through phases such as those of Venus. Earth and Venus do have some similarities when it comes to the their surfaces features. Both planets have mountains, valleys, and canyons. Venus’s surface is still very different from Earth’s surface. For example, Venus has crowns, ring like structures that range from 95 to 360 miles in diameter. These crowns form when hot material inside the planet rises to the surface. Earth has huge bodies of water and land, compared to Venus’s extremely dry planet. Venus has do lakes, oceans, or any bodies of water because the temperatures are to hot. If it did have water it would boil and evaporate, thus still leaving not water on the dry planet. The atmospheric pressure of Venus is estimated at 1,323 pounds per square inch, which is about 90 times greater than the atmospheric pressure on Earth, which is about 14.7 pounds per square inch. Such difference in atmospheric pressure is due to the fact that Venus’s atmosphere is made up primarily of ca... Free Essays on Venus And Earth Free Essays on Venus And Earth Venus and Earth: The Twin Sisters Venus is known as Earth’s sister planet because they are similar in mass, sizes density, and volume. But have you ever wondered how they are different. Venus is actually very different from Earth in many ways. Venus is closer to the sun than any other planet except Mercury. Venus’s distance from the sun is about 67.2 million miles, compared with about 93 million miles from the Earth. Venus orbits the sun in a circular motion. The Earth and all other planets orbit the sun in an oval shaped motion. Venus takes about 225 Earth days to go around the sun once compared to earth’s 365 days. Unlike Earth, Venus does not rotate in the same direction in which it travels around the sun. Rather, Venus rotates in the opposite direction and spins around once every 243 Earth days. Venus can be see going through changes in shape and size. These changes are called phases much like the moons. Earth does not go through phases such as those of Venus. Earth and Venus do have some similarities when it comes to the their surfaces features. Both planets have mountains, valleys, and canyons. Venus’s surface is still very different from Earth’s surface. For example, Venus has crowns, ring like structures that range from 95 to 360 miles in diameter. These crowns form when hot material inside the planet rises to the surface. Earth has huge bodies of water and land, compared to Venus’s extremely dry planet. Venus has do lakes, oceans, or any bodies of water because the temperatures are to hot. If it did have water it would boil and evaporate, thus still leaving not water on the dry planet. The atmospheric pressure of Venus is estimated at 1,323 pounds per square inch, which is about 90 times greater than the atmospheric pressure on Earth, which is about 14.7 pounds per square inch. Such difference in atmospheric pressure is due to the fact that Venus’s atmosphere is made up primarily of ca...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Herzog and de Meurion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Herzog and de Meurion - Essay Example Herzog and De Meuron manage to preserve their identities as modernist architects. Their early works cite significant inspiration from the minimalist art of Donald Judd. Both also regard Joseph Beuys as an important motivator to their designs as they collaborate with different artists in each individual project. From the formation of their architectural partnership in 1978, Herzog and De Meuron evolved to be the best in their field. From simple styles of rectangular-inspired architectural designs, the complexity of their adventure in the phase of the Modernist Movement allowed them to adopt and develop complex and dynamic geometric shapes and patterns for their designs. Along with the maturity of skill and technique, innovation when it comes to the use of materials is also taken into account. Herzog and De Meuron’s imagination led then to the use of exterior materials such as silkscreened glass to the down-right simplest plywood (Craven). All of these, no matter how grand or si mple, no matter how expensive or cheap, work to the advantage of these Swiss architects. Both are significantly considered as important figures in architecture. They are regarded as primary institutions when it comes to modernism. The honor they received in 2001 through the prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize (Craven) was but a tiny complement as compared to the reputation they had built upon the development of their careers as architects. With much said about the prestige of both architects, it is also important to note that the most important development in the lives of both as professionals occurred upon their designation as primary architects of the 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing or more famously known as the Bird’s Nest Stadium. It was in that moment that the modern architects almost went into a conversion of style, adhering to the rules and tenets of post-modernism. However before

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Are you a Collaborative Leader Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Are you a Collaborative Leader - Article Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that there are diverse learning takeaways that include acknowledging that there are four skills areas that collaborative leaders manifest, to wit: â€Å"playing the role of connector, attracting diverse talent, modeling collaboration at the top, and showing a strong hand to keep teams from getting mired in debate†. Likewise, the authors presented the kinds of results that collaborative leaders generate. In sum, these results center on: (1) making global connections; (2) engaging and harnessing diverse talents; (3) pioneering collaborative efforts at an apex of the organizational hierarchy; and (4) taking control in decision-making. It was likewise differentiated in the article the distinguishing features of the three leadership styles: command and control, consensus, and collaborative through expounding on their disparities in organizational structure, access to information, final authority for decision-making, bas is for accountability and control, and applicability. Through the experiences shared by executive officers such as Marc Benioff, CEO of; David Kenny, President of Akamai Technologies; Beth Comstock, Chief Marketing Officer of General Electric; Bart Bechtm, soon to retire CEO of Reckitt Benckiser; Vineet Nayar, CEO of India’s HCL; and Natura Cosmà ©ticos’s CEO Alessandro Carlucci; have all attested to the remarkable and significant positive transformation accorded with a collaborative leadership style. The authors’ aptly concluded that this particular leadership style is most applicable given the contemporary global setting and emphasized that â€Å"the world has become One firmly believes that there are immense strength and power to that a collaborative leadership style could accord people in organizations.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Forecasting and business analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Forecasting and business analysis - Assignment Example The feasibility study concludes that Tribeco would benefit by expanding to Adelaide market. Expansion of business activities to other market area is a challenge that needs proper assessment and forecasting. Tribeco needs to get feasibility study of Adelaide market to assure them of profitability if they invest. As the name suggests, a feasibility study is an investigation of the practicality of an initiative. The feasibility study concentrates on assisting answer the essential query of whether a corporation should proceed with the planned project idea. All practices of the research are directed toward assisting answer this question. Feasibility analysis can be utilized in many approaches but primarily concentrate on proposed business project. For this study, RGRT, AWE and UR are essential for this study since they provide the summation needed to make a conclusion concerning the expansion idea. This paper illustrates methods of forecasting study applying regression of a given dataset. The method of forecasting employed is checked for the statistical significance of the regr ession model. It is important that the model must be significant in order to create a relevant and effective analysis (Shim and Siegel, 2007).   Recreational Good Retail Turnover (RGRT) concerns the sale of products that are not essential for life. Recreational goods are not usually fundamental to life, and could be offered as Christmas or other holiday’s presents. When a region has a high RGRT rate it indicates other essential needs are equally well taken care of. Average weekly earnings (AWE) are indicators of short-term earnings expansion giving monthly estimates of the stage of average weekly earnings per individuals. AWE substituted AEI (Average Earnings Index) in 2010. AWE measure was recognized as a National Statistic in 2010 and, as a result, it replaced the NAE (National Average Earnings)  Index as the heading

Friday, November 15, 2019

Wal Marts Entry Strategy Into China Management Essay

Wal Marts Entry Strategy Into China Management Essay With reference to Porters PEST theory, the paper aims to examine Wal-Mart entry strategy into China, and show whether or not pursuing a joint venture strategy was key to Wal-Marts external growth within the Far East. The paper is situated relative to previous academic research articles and sets out to contribute to the literature, aiming to expand on previous work while giving an insight into business decisions and intent that need to be considered when entering new markets. The paper will aim to answer two questions in relation to Wal-Mart business strategy as seen in the analytical theory section, offering an in depth understanding and critique in regards to Wal-Marts Far Eastern ventures: Did the Political, Economic, Social and Technological incentives favour Wal-Marts strategy into China, and; Based on the findings from the PEST analysis, was Wal-Marts decision to adopt a joint venture entry strategy feasible? Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction Wal-Mart Inc. is ranked on a global scale as one of the largest retail companies worldwide, with a market capitalisation of 192.38billion ( and sales in excess of $108 billion and earnings per share of 96 cents (Smith, 2009). This combined with its position within the Top 5 of the Fortune 500 Index and the impacts of the ongoing credit crunch make it a very engaging topic to investigate. In this paper I aim to build on the concepts within the topic of international business strategy, addressing Wal-Marts own strategy in their decision to enter the Chinese Market. Business strategy within many global organisations plays an essential role in attaining a desired level of strategic leadership (intent) and Wal-Mart is no exception. Wal-Mart like many firms is very specific in its business agenda, which Pereira (2002) summarily acknowledged, as establishing dominance in the home retail markets (US), global expansion/leadership and a constructive brand creation (Pereira et al, 2002). Based on Pereiras perception of Wal-Marts strategy, by undertaking Porters PEST analysis looking at Political, Economical, Social and Technological, the findings will be aligned with regards to Wal-Marts policy on joint ventures. It will build on previous academic research articles and theories, listed in the literature review with the aim of understanding the strategic decisions Wal-Mart has undertaken in regards to its global expansion. These decisions underpin the entry strategy Wal-Mart has adopted to enter into the Chinese market, Wal-Mart is exporting its retail savvy east to Asia with stores opening in China (Halverson, 1994, p1). The paper having outlined the general concept of PEST when considering market entry, will then conclude with an overview of the entry strategy taken by Wal-Mart in China based on this PEST analysis. 1.2 PEST Analysis PEST is a business tool that was developed by Michael Porter (1980s). It is used by firms to understand changes within the macro environment focusing on 4 main factors, Political, Economic, Social and Technological. Gathering information based on these four components PEST is used by firms to address their strategic positioning, planning and marketing decisions. The importance of a PEST analysis according to articles written by Glaister and Falshaw, is that PEST considers the integral components of the external appraisal of the company, leading to considered view of the opportunities and threats facing the firm (Glaister and Falshaw, 1999, p112). By contrast other types of analysis, for instance the TECOP model, bring into the commercial and organisational risk aspects into the analysis. (www., p25) However for the purpose of this report a PEST analysis is the most appropriate. The views on PEST, combined with Porters own theories on firm behaviour in relation to the environment, the pressure to change is more often environmental than internal (Porter, 1998, p52) exemplifies why aligning an entry strategy to a PEST analysis is, for many firms, crucial. Wal-Mart is a typical example of this, highlighting the importance of considering all four aspects before making a decision. Wal-Marts development and decisions based on its entry strategy are strongly aligned to the fundamentals of PEST. The template below illustrates this: Chapter 2 2.1 Literature Review There are many previous studies and literature, which use Porters PEST analysis as a tool to understanding entry decisions. This review will aim to expand on these and use the concepts to offer a diverse understanding of Wal-Marts global expansion strategy within China. From a global perspective, the retail sector is one of the biggest and most competitive markets, the amount and variety of forms of international retail operations have increased in recent decades (Dawson, 1994, p39). Having established in 1962, Wal-Mart has been no exception to this pattern, Wal-Mart is both the worlds largest retailer and corporation measured by its revenue (Dobson, 2004, P89). As Wal-Mart has strategically developed, the necessity to adapt and evolve a global strategy and align it to the external environment has been vital. Wal-Marts global expansion and positioning within new markets with the strategic intent of acquiring a competitive advantage against other retail giants such as Tesco and Carrefour in terms of market share, epitomizes this, since 1994, Wal-Mart, the biggest retailer in the world, has been one of a range of American `new format retailers causing havoc in foreign retail markets (Hallsworth and Evers, 2004, p1). The literature gives an insight into why firms exist where they do. PEST is a tool used to gain an understanding of market growth and decline (external to the firm) and as a result helps to determine the ideal strategic positioning for an organisation. As Langlois and Robertson stated, a company when dealing with any business strategy must establish the boundaries of control in relation to their organisations scale and scope (Langlois et al, 1995, p7). If this is not established upfront, any plan around firm positioning becomes problematic and as Lamont has stated in his work, and in particular with reference to Wal-Marts global-regional strategy, this has been the case in some areas. Wal-Mart, Lamont argues has made some mistakes in judging the importance of economic, cultural, and business risks within local countries (Lamont, 2002), which as a result has prevented them from positioning themselves in some countries as a successful retail firm. Many European cities like Germany for instance have stuck with the smaller retailers like Spar and Lidl as their needs and choice are not as diverse as the Chinese demands. Further literature expands on the problems of a lack of understanding of the external environment. For instance, Lamont, Kottoli and Schaefer critique Wal-Marts European entry strategy in relation to the fundamentals of PEST. Lamont picks up on the economic analysis and argues that higher prices and increased competition was a source of Wal-Marts failure in countries like Germany (Lamont, 2002). Kottoli also joins the debate and argues cultural insensitivities became the barrier to Wal-Marts success, which in turn backs up Schaefers theories relating to why Wal-Mart had the problems it did. Wal-Marts inability to adapt its home ideologies to its global goals due to management problems, language barriers (social), market knowledge and political regulation all added to its decision to re-structure and sell off its losses (Schaefer, 2006). This said carrying out a PEST analysis on Wal-Marts Chinese venture becomes an interesting exercise, because, while Kottoli, Schaefer and Lamonts arguments are all credible for Europe, others believe China offers a unique angle. A PEST analysis will give a more in depth understanding of why Wal-Mart chose a certain entry strategy for China. Goldstein in his writing showed how Wal Marts approach to China differed from previous entry strategies and that it has actually experienced an element of success (Goldstein, 2003). It is at least still present expanding and respected in China and Asia, which cannot be said for its development in some European countries like Germany. Kierney compounds this further when stating with regards to China, Wal-Mart is firmly entrenched (Kearney, 2006, p6) within China. Other literature agrees with such a viewpoint and Naughton for instance states that for Wal-Mart, China represents the biggest frontier since it conquered America (Naughton 2006). Having utilised PEST to understand the external environment Wal-Mart had to develop a suitable entry strategy for China. Previously Wal-Mart in Canada, as stated by Govindarajan and Gupta, used an acquisition strategy. The reasons behind such a development were that Wal-Mart faced relatively little need for new learning, and thus, entering through a strategic alliance was unnecessary (Govindarajan and Gupta, 1999). China on the other hand presents a very different emerging market, which at the time of the Wal-Mart venture had remained much untapped. Taking this into account, an alliance or joint venture is the best entry strategy to utilise, as a joint venture allows firms to assess the competitive landscape with more accuracy (Hamel and Prahalad, 1989). Realising this, Wal-Mart entered China on the basis of a joint venture, which capitalised on their previous acquisition experience. Chapter 3 3.1 Analytical Theory From a detailed PEST perspective this section will look at the individual P-E-S-T aspects. It questions whether the underlying concepts of a PEST analysis, the political, economic, social and technological concepts favour Wal-Mart in pursuing an entry strategy based on joint ventures. It will do this by considering two aspects of the entry strategy: 1) Did the Political, Economic, Social and Technological incentives favour Wal-Marts strategy into China, and; 2) Based on the findings from the PEST analysis, was Wal-Marts decision to adopt a joint venture entry strategy feasible? 3.2 Political When considering any business strategy it is important for an organisation to analyse the political environment in which decisions must be made. It should consider regulation, government positioning, trade agreements and policy. Politically, Hallsworth and Evers have examined the barriers that internationalisation of firms like Wal-Mart have frequently encountered, responses from indigenous rivals, the regulatory mechanisms of the governments of host or target nations have often hindered strategies for global development (Hallsworth and Evers, 2004, p1). In China, the political agenda exposed Wal-Mart to such potential barriers in the shape of highly regulated systems favouring domestic firms and preventing a so-called foreign takeover. However, timely changes in government policies meant that Wal-Mart was able to gain a foothold, as China was opened up to investment, and the government eased restrictions on foreign businesses, and encouraged Chinese entrepreneurs to enter joint vent ures with Westerners (Hornblower, 2004). Wal-marts entry strategy at the time clearly benefited from this. Wal-Mart undertook a joint venture with Citic Pacific Ltd ( with the sole purpose of gaining an established brand in the highly competitive Chinese domestic retail sector. As China continued to develop a more open commercial philosophy, economic growth opportunities started to emerge particularly as the economic climate (growth and investment) was right (the commercial side of the TECOP model not addressed by PEST). Wal-Mart was faced with greater prospects in terms of positioning itself in the market and enhancing its market share. Wal-Mart as a result adapted its strategy around such political incentives. Having established its brand, Wal-Marts strategy evolved to embrace acquisitions and pull out of its original joint venture. Political restructuring and incentives, which included greater leniency of jurisdiction in relation to competition enhanced t he Wal-Mart entry strategy. Wal-Mart expanded as a single entity, increasing its capacity to 89 stores in different cities, beginning to slowly erode the domestic retail sectors market share ( Chinas goal to achieve political stability and its opening up of policies also acted as an incentive for investment to take place ( The political environment contributing to a new emerging Chinese market, allowed opportunistic businesses such as Wal-Mart to develop joint venture strategies, which gave them easier access and control over distribution channels and supply chains. 3.3 Economic In relation to any retailer considering global expansion, the strategy it bases its actions upon has to be aligned to market conditions. Based on market conditions certain strategy decisions will be developed and in Wal-Marts case, its development of a joint venture strategy in economic terms is understandable. Wal-Marts entry strategies were very much in line with Chinas 5-year plan of economic growth. ( The International Monetary fund (IMF) Statistics are proof of this. Wal-Mart by utilising the economic concept within PEST has strategically positioned itself in correlation to data seen in Table 1. China with a population greater than1,334,296 million and an increasing annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which highlights its economic performance, presented Wal-Mart with a massive opportunity for growth, customer base and profit maximisation ( By aligning its entry strategy to work with those already in the market, Wal-Mart was then able to bu ild foundations to expand its network. Table 1 Country Subject Descriptor Scale 2009 2010 2011 China GDP Billions 12,076,672 12,983,630 14,314,365 China Population Millions 1,334,296 1,354,310 1,374,625 (, Accessed 11th June2009) Economically the US-China Business Council also shows a pattern of growth, which explains why Wal-Mart wanted to expand into China, with political support back in the USA. In relation to retail sales (Table 2) these have increased dramatically over the last 10 years. For instance from 2003 to 2008 the percentage of growth in retail has been 12.5% ( Such statistics would appeal to any foreign firm looking to strategically position itself within Asian Markets. At the same time the joining of China into the World Trade Organisation in 2001 ( 2001 Press Releases) also presents companies like Wal-Mart with an opportunity to enter a market that is categorically a Free Trade Zone, increasing export led growth (USCBC, 2009). Such economic incentives, established through the Political and Economic (part of PEST) analysis are the reason why the Wal-Mart scale and scope now extends into the Far East. Table 2 Main indicators 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Retail sales 5,251.6 5,950.1 6,717.7 7,641.0 8,921.0 10,848.8 % growth 9.1 13.3 12.9 13.7 16.8 21.6 (General Economic and Financial Indicators, 1999-2008, By carrying out a joint venture entry strategy, Wal-Mart was able to utilise labour pools already present in the retail field without incurring start up costs. Similarly, the size of Chinas workforce meant that Wal-Mart was able to significantly reduce the cost of capital investment, Chinas abundant labour supply means that companies can choose to use manual processes instead of automated processes and still save money (Huffman 2009). Hornblower also expressed a fundamental aspect of the importance of understanding the economic environment. He stated that Wal-Mart entry strategy was timed to allow others to enter the market first. This allowed Wal-Mart to have a second mover advantage or fastest follower and in so doing minimise its fixed costs. This clearly worked as Wal-Mart was able to cash in on low-wage Chinese labour already present due to previous investors (Hornblower, 2004). 3.4 Social When using PEST to develop a strategy, the social dimension of a country is also very important. Cultural attitudes, country specific product development and language barriers are a few of the issues that have to be considered external to the firm. Wal-Mart, when entering China, has had to develop a strategy around understanding such issues and how to address them. It is therefore not surprising that joint-ventures seemed to be a logical entry strategy for Wal-Mart into China. Through adapting such a strategy Wal-Mart has prevented some of the problems it faced in Europe, namely that of language barriers (Schaefer argument). Through gaining an alliance with domestic firms, Wal-Mart has gained an understanding of the cultural demands of the Chinese people. Using the cultural experience gained from its initial entry, Wal-Mart has started to diversify its strategy to reach out into areas not supplied by the typical hypermarkets, Wal-Mart is now operating 3 convenient stores (Wei and Kwok, 2009). This along with Wal-Marts adaptation of their strategy based around going green and addressing environmental problems (Hennock, 2008), has enabled Wal-Mart to develop a strategy based around longevity and socio-cultural awareness. Such a strategy is considered for a USA firm exceeding rare, but in this particular case was built upon US-China trade agreemen ts. At the same time, Wal-Mart has tried to learn from the problems it experienced when entering Europe. Wal-Marts entry strategy into China takes into consideration the needs of the community. Kottolis argument of cultural insensitivities found in previous ventures, as mentioned within the literature review, have been addressed and Wal-Mart actively participates in community service and charity events and has donated funds and in kind support worth more than RMB 58millon (US$8million) ( has capitalised on the positive effects of being seen within the community as a sympathetic and generous enterprise. In addition, Wal-Mart has developed a strategy, which focuses on upstream measures with the aim of meeting customer demands. Using a strategy of working in partnership with suppliers, Wal-Mart has managed to reduce prices of goods by an average of 20 percent, generating increased customer traffic and turnover ( 3.5 Technological Technological innovation is also a factor, which needs to be taken into consideration when developing an entry strategy into an unknown external environment. Wal-Mart on entering the Chinese market sought to gain a competitive advantage over other retailers by introducing innovative measures around marketing and implementing cost reduction methods. For instance taking control of the supply chain and outsourcing. Such a strategy is key to explaining Wal-Mart global expansion, as Technological innovations account for approximately 60% of Wal-Marts growth (Basker and Pham, 2008). At the same time Wal-Mart has also introduced advanced retail technology and experience to China and advanced Chinas retail industry standards and development (, which has helped it to produce cheaper products, offering innovation, controlling supply chains and meeting the requirements of consumers. An example of this is the Wal-Mart introduction of electronic stock taking and till to back office re-ordering which consequently led to other firms imitating such technological advances supplying the needs of the Chinese customer both efficiently and at the lowest cost possible. Through adapting both internal and external strategies Wal-Mart has been able to gain control over and add value to certain areas that focus on customer communications/awareness as its core competence within China. Chapter 4 4.1 Policy implications Having established the reasons why Wal-Mart chose to enter China through Porters PEST analysis it is important to look at the policy implications Wal-Mart has needed to address and understand. A joint venture strategy, for instance requires Wal-Mart to take into account the risk of exploitation, and bootlegging from other competing firms. At the same time Wal-Mart has to consider its internal policy implication for entering China and whether Chinas policy for foreign direct investment (FDI) supports Wal-Marts entry strategy choice. Policies based around exports and imports (Tax), foreign policy and anti dumping legislation encouraging fair competition must be considered. The Chinese government itself must impose anti dumping legislation making sure price competition is even-handed. Such policy implications are important as without understanding these, retail firms strategies incorporate unnecessary risk and the decisions to enter into certain markets becomes problematic. The theoretical findings within the paper highlight the importance of making sure the correct entry strategy is chosen. The paper shows that Wal-Mart has had to evolve its core competencies to incorporate Chinas demands. The labour force, varying tastes and changing demands exemplify why Wal-Mart entry included a joint venture strategy aligning itself to market requirement. Using a PEST analysis has illustrated how Wal-Mart has evolved its US strategy to meet the needs of Far Eastern Markets. If Wal-Mart had undertaken other entry strategy decisions such as franchising, or even an acquisition strategy, they may have been unable to adapt their home market policy to foreign market policy. As seen in some of Wal-Marts European ventures (i.e. Germany) this would have resulted in a lack understanding and consequently market failure. If one wanted to pursue this paper further, incorporating other tools to assess the theoretical reasoning of Wal-Mart entry into the Far East and in particular China, a SWOT analysis as a business tool could be used. This tool allows firms to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, both internally and externally, allowing decisions to be based on whether or not certain entry strategies are supported by the policies that exist and whether there is a need for the development of new policies. Combining the use of a PEST analysis with other businesses tools like the SWOT into entry strategies will give a much more informed decision and remains fundamental to business development. Similarly other more in depth models could be used to analyse Wal-Mart entry strategy. For instance as mentioned the TECOP model would add another dimension from both a commercial and organisation aspect, perhaps addressing the marketing perception in greater detail. 4.2 Conclusion It is clear that from analysing and using the data from the World Trade Organisation and US Chinese councils that Porters PEST analysis is a useful tool in understanding Wal-Mart strategic motives for developments within China. Europe, on the other hand, in regards to PEST has pressures that were not suited to Wal-Mart entry strategies. Its ideology around discount low prices for instance did not appeal, and politically and economically the competition meant Wal-Mart was unable to gain any market control. Through making mistakes in Europe, Wal-Mart has gathered experience in entering markets significantly different from the American market and as a firm it has been able to establish clear boundaries of control within China. This, combined with a learning strategy based around joint ventures has also been beneficial to Wal-Mart entry strategy within China, particularly when dealing with an emerging market and the domestic competition that existed. At the same time with Wal-Mart acting as a second mover within the Chinese retail market, following a strategy of joint ventures has allowed it to establish itself within the market. Taking into account the policy implications for entry into China as part of its entry decision has allowed Wal-Mart to establish a brand that incorporates the Economic, Political, Social and Cultural factors that is was unable to do in Europe. Having said this however it is imprudent to focus on the external environment as the only factor facing Wal-Mart in decisions to enter new markets. Managerial decisions and core competencies along with other internal aspects also need to be aligned to suit Wal-Marts strategic intent. Keeping success going requires constant attention to the competitive environment. Continuous work on the supply chain, responsiveness to political decisions and influence over these decisions and, last but not least, continued customer and employee focus are all aspects Wal-Mart needs to continue to address.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Student Evaluation of Educators Essay -- Teacher Evaluation Education

Different opinions arise when it comes to whom is supposed to evaluate teachers’ performances as they educate students. Although teachers have had the proper education necessary to execute education in a classroom, some lack skills to present material which students can fully comprehend. In an effort to help students grasp learning material, the idea of students evaluating and grading their teacher’s performance has been suggested. This idea would be helpful to teachers who need views on how to reach slower students and whom welcome helpful criticism. However, the entire evaluation should not be based solely on students opinions. Teacher evaluations should not be done solely by students. However, if students filled out 10% of a teacher evaluation, which stated the student’s opinion about the teacher’s performance, this could be constructive for both teachers and students. Louisa Coburn stated, â€Å"Students are the main source of information about the learning environment, including teachers' ability to motivate students for continued learning, rapport or degree of communication among instructors and students.† Another suggestive idea about evaluating teachers are letter grades for their performance. This would be given by students. This could potentially be beneficial as well. In both cases, this would allow the teachers to understand how the students feel about teacher‘s instructional learning material. Teachers do not always meet the needs of individual students. Providing a way for students to give opinions about their teacher’s performance helps teachers to develop the flaws in their teaching habits. However, the controversy about grading, rating and evaluating is that students do not have enough knowledge on how to properly ... ...inking of students’ education for the future should be a number one priority to educators. Works Cited Barrett, Joan. The Evaluation of Teachers. ERIC Digest 12. ERIC Clearinghouse on Teacher Education , 1986. Web. 5 Dec. 2010. Coburn, Louisa. Student Evaluation of Teacher Performance. ERIC Clearinghouse on Tests Measurement and Eval, 1984. Web. 5 Dec. 2010. . Doyle, Terry. Evaluation Teacher Effectiveness--Research Summary. Centering for Teaching and Learning, 30 Oct. 2002. Web. 5 Dec. 2010.'%20Evalution%20of%20Faculty%20Teaching/EvalTeachEffec.htm. Huerner, Michael. Student Evaluations: A Critical Review. Web. 5 Dec. 2010.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Susan B Anthony

Susan B. Anthony 1820 – 1906 Through her accomplishments and persistent dedication to â€Å"the cause†, the woman suffrage movement, Susan B. Anthony became one of the most historically significant figures in American history. Her life long fight for women’s rights led to the 1920 passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. Born in 1820, Susan was one of six children to Daniel and Lucy Anthony. Daniel, a 6th generation Quaker, believed in equal treatment for boys and girls.Although in the 1800’s most girls did not receive a formal education, because of her father’s belief of equality, all four of the Anthony girls were given the same opportunity as their two brothers and was able to attend a private Quaker boarding school in Philadelphia (World Book Encyclopedia). The temperance movement, anti-slavery movement and women’s rights were some of the reform movements that the Anthony family was very active in. Her knowledge and involvement with these mov ements became the foundation on which she built her life. In 1852, Ms.Anthony attended a Sons of Temperance state convention and because she is a woman she was not allowed to speak in the temperance rally, instead she was told to â€Å"listen and learn†. Due to her experience at this state convention as well as her meeting with Elizabeth C. Stanton, she attended her first women’s rights convention. It was at this convention that Anthony was quoted saying â€Å"that the right which woman needed above every other, the one indeed which would secure to her all the others, was the right of suffrage† (Linder 2011, pg 1).Both Stanton and Anthony advocated and worked for reforms for their sex, including property rights, custody rights, and the right to education and gainful employment (Hartmann 2012, pg 600). Susan B. Anthony along with her friend Elizabeth C. Stanton founded the National Woman’s Suffrage Association in 1869, where they worked together, for women ’s suffrage, for over fifty years. The year 1872 brought and event to Susan’s life that in turn would create a opportunity for her to spread her argument for women suffrage to a much wider audience than ever before.She argued, wherever possible, that the Fourteenth Amendment said that â€Å"all persons born and naturalized in the United States†¦ are citizens of the United States† and citizens were entitled to â€Å"privileges† and Susan proclaimed that those privileges included the right to vote. So in November o 1872, in her home town of Rochester, New York, Susan and a group of fifty women walked into a voter registration office and demanded to be registered as voters.Election inspectors refused but Anthony did not give up and after much discussion between the elections officials and Anthony’s persistence, it was voted two to one to accept her vote. Susan had the satisfaction of casting her ballot into the ballot box on November 5, 1872 and wrote a letter to her close friend Elizabeth Stanton, telling her of the accomplishment. However, just days later, on November 14, 1872 a warrant for Anthony’s arrest was issued. The charge was that Anthony voted in a federal election â€Å"without having a lawful right to vote and in violation of section 19 of an act of Congress† (Linder 2001, pg 3).On January 24, 1873, a grand jury of twenty men returned an indictment against Anthony and charged her with â€Å"knowingly, wrongfully, and unlawfully† voting for a member of Congress. On June 17, 1873, Anthony’s trial began. Though the lawyers for Anthony argued that she reasonably believed that she was entitled to vote and therefore could not be held guilty for the crime of knowingly casting an illegal vote. Her lawyer even called himself to the witness stand to testify on her behalf. He explained that she called upon him seeking legal advice as to whether she was or was not a legal voter.Henry Selden, Ant hony’s attorney, stated that he â€Å"unhesitatingly† informed her that the laws and Constitution of the United States authorize her to vote as well as they authorize any man to vote. As the trial moved forward, Selden continued to argue the Anthony cast a legal vote by the definitions of the Fourteenth Amendment and stressed that she was prosecuted purely on account of her gender. The Fourteenth Amendment explains what constitutes citizenship, securing the rights of citizens to â€Å"all person born of naturalized in the United States†.Selden concluded his argument by insisting that even if the Fourteenth Amendment did not make her vote legal, that she could not be prosecuted because she acted in good faith and believe that her vote was in fact, legal. Though her legal fight was a sound one, Anthony was ultimately found guilty and ordered her to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and the fees of the prosecution. Anthony never paid a penny of her fine. In fact, s he submitted a petition to the United States Congress in January of 1874, asking for the fine to be remitted on the grounds that her conviction was unjust.Congress never acted on Anthony’s petition, but Congress also did not make an effort to ever collect the fine. Even after her arrest, Susan B. Anthony continued her fight for women’s rights. She began a speaking tour giving a lecture she called â€Å"Is it a Crime for a Citizen of the United States to Vote? † She gave 75-100 speeches a year, over a span of forty-five years, traveling throughout the United States and continuing to fight the battle- when all United States citizens shall be recognized as equals before the law. Although Susan B.Anthony passed away before getting to rejoice in the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, which gave women the right to vote, it goes without saying that Susan B. Anthony was and forever will be a significant woman in American History. The path that she laid down fo r women’s rights was a long one but one that she never refused to give up on. Because of her commitment to â€Å"the cause† and her persistent struggle and battle for women’s suffrage, she is known for her pivotal role in paving the way to have women’s rights instituted into the American government. ?

Friday, November 8, 2019

Domestic Violence And Abuse Analysis Social Work Essay Example

Domestic Violence And Abuse Analysis Social Work Essay Example Domestic Violence And Abuse Analysis Social Work Essay Domestic Violence And Abuse Analysis Social Work Essay Domestic force harmonizing to many definitions is considered a form or consistence of behaviour ( s ) towards any single in any sort of relationship which is used to get and retain a signifier of power and control over another individual. Domestic force varies in many different signifiers and the maltreatment can be physical, sexual, and psychological and besides it can be an emotional maltreatment. These maltreatments cause fright in the lives of the abused persons. The abused person will demo marks of fear, bullying, panic, physical hurt and many more. These are few of the marks that can indicate to person being a victim of domestic force. Harmonizing to the office on force against adult females, domestic force is seen as a consistent form of opprobrious behaviour in any relationship. Besides this office believes that domestic maltreatment and force can go on to about anyone which can in turn lead to more annihilating amendss to the victim. This issue is a really of import issue th at sometimes can be overlooked and ignored and proper aid are non being received by the victims. There are many different groups and services that are available for these victims in hope to assist them acquire out of these opprobrious and violent relationships. A batch of accent has been made on the fact that possibly domestic force merely happens to females, but at that place have been issues where these violent maltreatments have come upon males and kids every bit good. Many males who experience domestic force tends to maintain quiet and do nt describe it because they believe that as a male, such action should nt be go oning to them. Many suffer in silence for a long clip before any signifier of intercession is received to assist them acquire out of the state of affairs. Children as good are common perpetrators of domestic maltreatment either from their parents or possible health professionals. Many of these kids have learned a get bying mechanism that helps them cover with the ma ltreatment and they sometimes do nt describe it to governments. It is now up to the instructors and outside beginnings to step in for some of these kids in order for them to have adequate and appropriate aid at the right clip before it becomes excessively late. Domestic force does nt hold a needed age or race cast on it, it can decidedly go on to any individual of any race, age, faith, gender or even sexual penchants. This act of offense happens to people of all background with no prejudice to instruction or fiscal position. Domestic force and maltreatment within households is considered to be a national offense in our society in today`s universe. Many people argue that the thought of domestic force has become over hyperbolic and whether or non it should ensue in penalty and terrible reprimanded. Domestic force is an act that should nt be tolerated by any single and should be punishable by jurisprudence. Harmonizing to the National Criminal justness mention services, most domestic force maltreatment occurs among intimate spouses. Those with whom the wrongdoer had a relationship as a current or former partner or fellow or girlfriend ( NCJRS Abstract ) . Many of these violent maltreatments can be rather detrimental and sometimes can even ta ke to lasting amendss and decease. Social Cognitive Theory which was written by Bandura negotiations about behaviours, knowledge of the person and other major events and environmental factors. The one of import factor that seem really important to this theory based on Bandura`s theory is the individual`s ability and strength to place similar behaviours in domestic force instances and besides larning ways of covering or get the better ofing that peculiar state of affairs. Based on this strength that the person has, self finding and realisation can be better accomplished without waiting excessively long. In cognitive theory, many different programs and techniques can be used to assist victims of domestic force have the bravery to talk up against their maltreater by utilizing all the available agencies and beginnings around them. This can besides construct on the thoughts of expecting results, and larning from observation of Acts of the Apostless that might finally take to an maltreatment. . Domestic force can be seen from another position and theory which is the societal acquisition theory. Many will inquire the inquiry ; what is societal larning theory and how does it associate to domestic force? Harmonizing to the great theoretician Bandura, he believed that it rather impossible for an person to larn everything that needs to larn on their ain without any societal and outside aid. His theory went on farther to reason that people learn new behaviours and information by detecting and watching other people. This act is known as experimental acquisition and it can be used to explicate a batch of behaviours that persons display. Based on this theory, it can be seen how positive behaviours can be reinforced and frailty versa with a negative 1. In instances of domestic force, many of the victims and the maltreaters at one clip in their life have likely observed violent behaviours in which they ended up copying subsequently on in life. For illustration, a immature male child who grew up seeing his male parent mistreating his female parent might stop up turning up to be an maltreater every bit good. For these maltreaters, it becomes a power issue for them and if there are no reverberations for their actions or the victim does non object, they tend to go on without any signifier of compunction. These bad wonts tend to go on in a rhythm and passed down from one coevals to another. Looking at domestic force from a behavioural position, theoreticians have argued the fact that any traumatic event can hold a important influence on a person`s behaviour. In respects to domestic force, many negative behaviours have been associated to this maltreatment and it consequence can be seen physically and emotionally. A immature kid who is exposed to changeless force at place might move out at school or decide to work out issues with his equals with force. These behaviours are learned by detecting and seeing what is being done invariably in their environment. Equally bad as this issue is, many people are nescient to the marks and symptoms of a individual sing domestic force. Many ask the inquiry, how do you cognize? What are the marks? Well there is nt merely one mark. There is no easy manner to state if a individual suffers from maltreatment or force but there are many ways and marks to observe if single is traveling through a force either at place or anyplace else. There are physiological marks and besides physical marks. Physical Sign: There are many different physical marks that points to domestic force or any sort of force in an person, they are: Body contusions Broken tooth or mouth hurt Black oculus or facial contusions and cuts Neck contusions Genital country hurts ( these are frequently covered up so it can be seen0 Abdominal contusions Most of these physical hurts are caused by bite Markss from the maltreater, coffin nail Burnss, and other recognizable indoor arms like belts, places, or any other available objects that can be used to do hurting on the victim. Physiological Sign: Bing able to place that a individual is a victim of some signifier of maltreatment can be rather slippery particularly when there are physical marks to endorse it up. But there are other marks that can be used to find if person is an maltreater of a victim. In the instance of the maltreater, they are usually excessively commanding and can be rather intimidating particularly to the victim. An illustration will be a adult female non allowed to speak when asked a direct inquiry in the thick of other people, ( like at a party ) . The victim of domestic force may invariably look really fearful, rather and distant towards outside beginnings in fright that person might happen out which can in bend cause more problem for them. Some marks that a victim might demo are: Depression Suicidal efforts Changeless fatigue Jitteriness Anxiety Alcohol and drug maltreatment ( this will be a signifier of blunting off the emotional and physical hurting the victim endures ) Low-self regard Apart from the above physical and physiological marks that a individual is sing force, there are other ways to observe every bit good. These victims tend to develop a batch of unexplained medical issues that sends them to the infirmary rather frequently. They frequently complain about assorted medical issues that can truly be justified by the physicians. These can be seen as an avenue to shout out in order to have both physical and psychological aid. Examples of these medical issues are: Chest hurting Concern Pelvic hurting Reoccurring UTI`s Neck and organic structure hurting Vaginal hurting ( in female victims ) It is really of import and important f=to ticker out for these marks because a person`s life can be saved merely by being attentive and argus-eyed. Now this lead us to the following large inquiry, what cause domestic force? There have been many different theories, thoughts and even research that are based on happening out precisely what cause s domestic force. And up to day of the month, there are many different grounds that can be said are the causes. Domestic force can get down bit by bit or it can be sudden. When a individual feels the demand to command another individual particularly in a partnership relationship, this can take to domestic force. Some of these maltreaters are persons covering with low self-prides, anger issues, emotional issues, green-eyed monster, and lower status composite. In instances where the adult male abuses the adult female, some of these work forces feel and believe that they have the right to command their adult females based on their traditional believes that work forces are the leader and accountant of the place. Another cause that has been verified by surveies conducted is the act of violent be haviours witness by the maltreaters. Basically what this means is that many of these maltreaters learn their violent behaviours from their household members, or they were victims themselves. A batch of kids who witness this awful act sometimes learn to accommodate and believe that force is the lone manner to work out or decide any jobs or issues they might meet in life. For illustration, immature male childs who see their male parent disrespect their ma are more likely traveling to turn up believing that s the manner adult females are suppose to be treated. And this goes both ways every bit good, some of the immature misss who experience and witness force maltreatment on their female parent most likely end up going victims every bit good when they get older. Apart from learned behaviours and personal experiences, other causes can be linked to domestic violent. The usage of drugs and intoxicant can take to domestic force every bit good. Many people lose their ability to command their action after acquiring high or intoxicated and this can take to physical maltreatment on their spouses or kids. How do we forestall this ons of the different ways to forestall domestic force are: Get the constabulary involved if you suspect or have grounds of domestic force Become a interpreter against this violent act Be supportive of anyone you might surmise is in a violent relationship Be a voluntary at local shelters for domestic violent victims Promote domestic force consciousness Educate people particularly immature kids about how force is neer acceptable in any state of affairs These are merely few of the many ways that domestic force can be prevented and maltreaters can acquire the proper and immediate aid that they require. Domestic force is a major issue in our society that surveies has shown that it leaves a long permanent consequence on its victims. Domestic force cause a batch of emotional, and mental wellness issues in the lives of its victims that it can take old ages of therapy and reding session before a individual is back to their normal ego. Some victims find it really hard to retrieve from the maltreatment and this affects them in all facet of their lives. They lose their occupations, ca nt work decently which in bend leads to poorness and finally homelessness. In immature kids that informant domestic force, most of the male childs grows up to be maltreaters themselves and the misss might stop up being victims of domestic force. Domestic force as discussed earlier is an issue that has taken a high note in the society and all step are being taken to guarantee that the victims of these maltreatments receive the aid they need. Harmonizing to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, great publication has been given to this issue particularly against adult females. It has even gone to the extent of making out to domestic maltreatment victims outside the United States. Last month, NNEDV applauded Attorney General Eric Holder for making the Violence against Women Federal and Tribal Prosecution Task Force. This undertaking force will work manus in manus with federal prosecuting officers in prosecuting maltreaters of victims in Indian state. This great consciousness non merely shows the importance of undertaking the issue of domestic force, it besides shows that the higher ups are get downing to see that without proper intercession, there might be amendss that ca nt be fixed. Domestic force is an on-going issue that continues to brew every individual twenty-four hours. Many victims are being neglected or are non having equal aid due some disregard from the society and the governments. Many uncountable deceases are the consequences of domestic force instances that were left untasted or noticed and the figure keeps turning every twenty-four hours. With much consciousness and exposure, the decease rates from this maltreatment can perchance be reduced in important sum. Domestic force is non biased. It has no age or stamp demand. It can go on to merely about anyone. Surveies have shown that bulk of the victims of a domestic force are females and the remainder are males and kids. Either work forces kids or adult females, this is an issue that should nt be ignored at all. Perpetrators should be punished to the fullest extent of the jurisprudence. Victims should be given proper aid to assist retrieve and travel on with their lives.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

9 Signs Your Boss Secretly Hates Everything About You

9 Signs Your Boss Secretly Hates Everything About You Everybody wants to be liked- especially by their boss. Your job can go from wonderful to awful based on your relationship with your boss. If you feel yours is lacking- or something is just plain off- then you might want to think about whether any of these signs apply.  Whatever discord there is might just be in your head, but just in case, see if you recognize any signs. If you do, maybe it’s time to have a chat with him/or or HR. 1. You feel it in your gut.Don’t discount your own intuition! If you just feel like your boss hates you, it might be true. Don’t rely on this sign only, but it’s not one to be discarded lightly.2. You’re never asked for input.And you’re left out of key decision processes. It’s almost as if you don’t exist.3. There’s no eye contact.You can tell a lot from your boss’s body language and eye contact. If you’re being avoided, you’ll be able to tell physically. Almost as if it p ains them to look you directly in the eyes- let alone smile or laugh!4. You are getting micromanaged.You- and only you- are being hovered over. If your boss is just a micromanager in general, that’s one thing. But if it’s only in your direction, this could be a sign that you just aren’t trusted.5. You’re avoided.Your boss seems to go out of his way to dodge you in the corridors or elevators. He communicates with you only over email- even when your office is right next door. And when he does come close enough to you- say you show up at his  office door- he doesn’t acknowledge your presence. There’s no exchange of good morning/evening pleasantries either- you aren’t included in any jokes or banter.6.  There’s a sense of snippiness.You get monosyllabic answers to genial questions. Emails are not opened with a friendly salutation or a well-meaning sign off. Basically, your boss is acting like a teenager. This is not a great sig n. Does your boss make small talk about personal things with your other coworkers but not you? Also not a great sign.7. You don’t get enough feedback.Some managers are just terrible at giving feedback- especially positive feedback. If you get negative feedback, it’s usually super public. But if you find you’re getting no feedback, while your co-workers are getting constructive criticism and pats on the back, then you have a problem.8. The door is always closed.There’s nothing like looking at a closed door to make you feel like you’re not welcome. Whether it’s to your boss’s office, or to a big important meeting that you can’t seem to get invited to†¦ you might be out in the cold.9. You get all the worst jobs.You keep getting assigned tasks that are way beneath your level and your pay grade- just busywork that offers no challenge. And no matter how well you accomplish each task, you’re not moving forward. In fact, yo u seem to be moving backward.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Hall effect Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hall effect - Lab Report Example These devices are most commonly used in industries either to calculate the revolutions of a wheel or to evaluate the respective timing of the revolutions. On the other hand, displacement is also encountered with these types of sensors due to their high credibility. The construction of the sensor may differ depending on the applications these devices are used in (New robust hall effect rotary sensor, 2006). When the magnetic field of lines deflects the straight beam of highly charged particles, the bean is deflected due to the magnetic field. In this manner the straight path of the charged particles does not remain straight. In general, a Hall plate has a fixed flow of electrons from the plate in the form of electron beam. However, in the respective magnetic field the beamsn gets deflected due to the magnetic flux and less current flows through the plate. The voltages appear over the positive and negative terminals of the plate are Hall voltages (Zheng and Zhang, 2014). 1. Make the Hall Effect Sensor board by fixing the Hall Effect sensor to the board. After fixing the Hall Effect sensor, mark the board with scaled numeric values with the help of marker and scale. The marking should be as 0 mm at null position, (where the head of the Hall Effect sensor is there) and with the intervals of 20 mm. The highest marked number should be 160mm. Carefully select the scale and mark appropriately and clearly. 3. Connect the probe of the Hall Effect Sensor to the Signal processing unit. Connect the probes of the Digital DC voltmeter to the output measurement of signal processing unit. Use 0 to 1 volt setting at the Signal Processing unit to calculate output. Use the 100mT setting. Turn the zero dial all the way to the left before you begin. In the experiment, it is quite clear that as the magnetic field goes away from the Hall Effect Sensor, the voltage signal gains strength. However, a little difference is evaluated as the magnetic field crosses 160mm on

Friday, November 1, 2019

( Ontological Arguments ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

( Ontological Arguments ) - Essay Example The conceptual analysis of the cause of the universe based on cosmological argument helps in establishing the important facts about the existence of the universe and its being. The argument starts from three premises; Premise (1) is notably true since something cannot come out of nothing. According to metaphysical intuition there has to be some cause for the existence of something. It is thus very reasonable to argue that there is a requirement of a causal explanation for the existence of the universe even for the atheists. This is because if they believe that the universe began at the Bing Bang, then the universe must have had the potentiality to exist in the first place. And since there is nothing that had existed prior to the Bing Bang, then the potentiality of the universe’s existence rested in the power of God who made it possible. As such, this premise is true as we can confirm it in our realities and also the scientist naturalists can sense in it. Premise (2) holds that an actual infinite cannot exist. This is because as infinite temporal regress of events causes intolerable absurdities and therefore it cannot exist. History is made of events leading up to each other sequentially and, therefore it is very possible to add to history making its existence potentially infinite. However, it can only be potentially infinite as opposed to being actually infinite. This argument is frequently objected on the basis of the second premise which is deemed problematic both scientifically and philosophically. This is because opponents state that if the universe has an infinitely distant starting point, then one should be able to transverse from the starting point to the present. The common logic is that if there is a finite distance which connects sequential events in the past, then it can be easily transversed, which is not the case here. This objection is further worsened by the fact that the cosmological argument presupposes

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Interview Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interview - Research Paper Example He is now staying with his daughter Mary Slater in the same city. It seems that he is of 90 years now. I got acquitted with him by one of my friends, Alex. Actually Mr. Anderson is a relative of Alex. Last month I had visited the aunt of Alex, Mary Slater and from there I got acquainted with Anderson who talked a lot about his period when he was a boy. He was very friendly with me and so when I thought of such an assignment I had no other choice, but Anderson. I went to his house and I showed the list of choice of assignments on which he would have to talk a little of his experience. He chose the topic ‘silent motion picture’ that he had seen when he was a boy. Actually his father was a dramatist and who had acted in many plays. Anderson too had deep interest towards the making of films. He had seen the film ‘The Kid’ by the greatest comedian of all ages, Charlie Chaplin. Anderson was much excited to speak on the first film that he had seen in his life. He navigated me through the film: the comedies and at the same time the pathos associated with it. How the child in the film happened to be parentless and how the Tramp (Charlie Chaplin) tried his level best to return the baby to its mother. This aroused much laughter among the audience. As he failed in this attempt he had taken the pain of looking after the baby. Their attempts to earn a living by breaking windows and mending the same made the audience roared wit h laughter. He remembers that people laughing together at the farce of the characters created a sense of unity. For ‘little Anderson’ the play of the Tramp and the Kid seemed to be real and he associated it with his father. He remembered that situation of the period was also the same as in the film. The poor had to struggle a lot to earn their livelihood, and he was familiar with the Tramps in his surroundings. Mr. Anderson admitted that he had seen the same film in a second time in the Chaplin’s festival at New York City. And this time

Monday, October 28, 2019

Mumbai-the City of Dreams Essay Example for Free

Mumbai-the City of Dreams Essay Mumbai – the city of dreams, the city of broken dreams. Millions go unnoticed like sand castles washed away at the beach, millions are attracted by the skyscrapers of Elphinstone, and millions are immortalized like the Elephanta-s. From Haji Ali to Siddhivinayak, from local trains to the Vada Pav, from the boulders of Bandstand to the sands of Juhu, from Mangeshkar to Tendulkar, from the Khans to the Bachchans, it is ‘Aamchi Mumbai’ all the way. From the trawlers’ struggle for fresh catch to the country’s top CEO-s’ meetings, India’s business capital doesn’t seem to sleep. With fruit juice at Rs. 5 a glass outside railway stations, to Rs. 200 a cappuccino at the Trident, life in Mumbai sails smooth with all its diversity. The night remains young from DJ jamming sessions to ek chaalis ki last local. Almost a hundred Bollywood movies have had as their opening scene a long shot of Victoria Terminus, introducing Mumbai as sapno ki nagari. Arvind Swami’s lovelorn ‘Tu Hi Re’ on old fort reminds us of Bombay, whereas Ranbir Kapur’s ‘Wake up Sid’ sketches Mumbai on a realistic canvas. Dreams come true here, dreams shatter here, but life doesn’t go off the tracks. The locals move on, carrying few lakh dreaming hearts every day. The Churchgate slow local arrives on platform 3 of Lower Parel station at 11am with about a dozen hanging on each footboard; the ladies compartments have decked up corporate women in formals and topknots to Marathi fisherwomen rushing to the markets to sell their fresh catch. In fact, Mumbai traffic compels few office goers to park their cars at stations and take the reliable local to office everyday! ‘Bombay to Goa’ to ‘Saathiya’, the local train has repeatedly come on the silver screen. Even the Oscar winning Indian movie ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ had one of its popular songs shot at the famous Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus platform. Over the decades, it has turned out to be Mumbai’s lifeline. The tracks take a three hour daily break from 1:40am to 4:45am, CST to Khopoli, Churchgate to Dahanu. There are three main lines — the Western, Central and the Harbour line. Life in Mumbai revolves around local trains; the truth about which was felt when the Motormen strike on May 3rd, 2010 had left Mumbai chaotic and overturned. Another thing that raises tourist’s eyebrows is the ‘on-track’ vendors and their items. The ladies on their way buy household items to earrings to kurti-s. There is trial option also; anyone can try a kurti before choosing to buy! Another familiar face in the 9:01am Ambernath-Lower Parel II class ladies compartment is a lady who sells home-made sweets. She has an amazing style of calling out the names of the sweets, a shrill loud voice coming unexpectedly out of her frail structure, and women indeed go berserk buying her delicacies. It is perhaps correctly said, â€Å"You will find answers to all the mysteries of the world, except one— What does a woman want?† The engine siren pierces through the silence of the night, the bogies rattle on the tracks, the signals go red and green, the pebbles on the fishplates turn and overturn, and the Mumbai locals go on and on.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Supernatural in H.P. Lovecraft’s The Outsider Essay -- Lovecraft

The Supernatural in H.P. Lovecraft’s The Outsider One of H.P. Lovecraft’s many short stories, â€Å"The Outsider† has been praised since its publication as his most profound and meaningful. This story has been interpreted many different ways, varying from an autobiography of Lovecraft himself to several different philosophical analyses. One such interpretation, by Dirk Mosig compares the plot and settings of â€Å"The Outsider† to Lovecraft’s own doubtful views of religion and an afterlife. Mosig supports his interpretation with many facts from the story, I believe he pinpoints one very possible meaning of the story. His argument successfully uses the plot and details to convince the reader that his hypothesis is correct. In order to understand Mosig’s interpretation, one must first understand â€Å"The Outsider† and its general themes, from an unbiased viewpoint. The story begins with the narrator explaining his origins. He, a nameless creature, tells of his environment: a dark, decaying castle amid an â€Å"endless forest† of high, lightless trees. (Lovecraft) He has never seen light, nor a single living human being. He lives among crypts lined with decomposing bones and rats. He never mentions eating, but lives alone, with only the thousands of books that the castle holds as a mental way to escape from the boredom of his prison-like home. Everything he know has come from his reading of the â€Å"antique books† that line the walls of his castle. (Lovecraft) There is no escape from his world save one tall tower which seems to reach above the soaring treetops. He explains that he had once tried to escape through the forest, but became scared in the endless woods and returned before he became lost. He has... ... It seems strange that H.P. Lovecraft, who made his fortune from stories about the supernatural, would be seen as not believing in the subject which made him famous. This may subtract from Mosig’s arguments. Also, other sources suggest that this should be read as a horror story; not just for the people who saw the outsider, but also for himself, when he realized his own fate and past. Dirk Mosig’s arguments are convincing however, and his interpretation makes good sense with the complex story that is â€Å"The Outsider.† Works Cited Lovecraft, Howard Phillips. â€Å"The Outsider.† H.P. Lovecraft Library. 1921. 6 Nov. 2002 . Mosig, Dirk W. â€Å"The Four Faces of The Outsider.† Discovering H.P. Lovecraft. Ed. Darrell Schweitzer. Mercer Island, Washington: Starmont House, 1987. 6754

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Margret atwood

In the book The Penelopiad, Margret Atwood gives the 12 hanged maids a voice throughout the novel. She tells the story of the odyssey and Penelope's voice is powerful while also truthful and honest throughout the story. There is a reason and a purpose of why Margret Attwood chooses to give the maids a voice and let them be heard. In the story, Margret Atwood talks and discusses the maids for a specific reason. I believe that she thinks that the maids had no voice, they are all females, and there eath was not explained.That leaves one explanation that Margret Atwood is a feminist and thought that it would be important to include the maids and give them a much bigger part to show that its not 0k to treat women that way. In the first telling of the story, it was never stated that the maids had restrictions as to who and whom they couldn't sleep with. What also was not explained was why they slept with the suitors in the first place.That is why Margret Atwood found it to be intriguing to write bout what actually happened and give the maids a voice. Another reason for why Margret Atwood chose to give the maids a voice is because women didn't exactly have a say back in that time period and were also looked down upon. I think that Margret Atwood The last reason why Margret Atwood chose to include the maids into the story is because she wanted people to see and understand the daily life of a maid back then and what they had to go through. Margret atwood In the book The Penelopiad, Margret Atwood gives the 12 hanged maids a voice throughout the novel. She tells the story of the odyssey and Penelope's voice is powerful while also truthful and honest throughout the story. There is a reason and a purpose of why Margret Attwood chooses to give the maids a voice and let them be heard. In the story, Margret Atwood talks and discusses the maids for a specific reason. I believe that she thinks that the maids had no voice, they are all females, and there eath was not explained.That leaves one explanation that Margret Atwood is a feminist and thought that it would be important to include the maids and give them a much bigger part to show that its not 0k to treat women that way. In the first telling of the story, it was never stated that the maids had restrictions as to who and whom they couldn't sleep with. What also was not explained was why they slept with the suitors in the first place.That is why Margret Atwood found it to be intriguing to write bout what actually happened and give the maids a voice. Another reason for why Margret Atwood chose to give the maids a voice is because women didn't exactly have a say back in that time period and were also looked down upon. I think that Margret Atwood The last reason why Margret Atwood chose to include the maids into the story is because she wanted people to see and understand the daily life of a maid back then and what they had to go through.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chapter 6 The Portkey

Harry felt as though he had barely lain down to steep in Ron's room when he was being shaken awake by Mrs. Weasley. â€Å"Time to go, Harry, dear,† she whispered, moving away to wake Ron. Harry felt around for his glasses, put them on, and sat up. It was still dark outside. Ron muttered indistinctly as his mother roused him. At the foot of Harry's mattress he saw two large, disheveled shapes emerging from tangles of blankets. â€Å"‘S time already?† said Fred groggily. They dressed in silence, too sleepy to talk, then, yawning and stretching, the four of them headed downstairs into the kitchen. Mrs. Weasley was stirring the contents of a large pot on the stove, while Mr. Weasley was sitting at the table, checking a sheaf of large parchment tickets. He looked up as the boys entered and spread his arms so that they could see his clothes more clearly. He was wearing what appeared to be a golfing sweater and a very old pair of jeans, slightly too big for him and held up with a thick leather belt. â€Å"What d'you think?† he asked anxiously. â€Å"We're supposed to go incognito – do I look like a Muggle, Harry?† â€Å"Yeah,† said Harry, smiling, â€Å"very good.† â€Å"Where're Bill and Charlie and Per-Per-Percy?† said George, failing to stifle a huge yawn. â€Å"Well, they're Apparating, aren't they?† said Mrs. Weasley, heaving the large pot over to the table and starting to ladle porridge into bowls. â€Å"So they can have a bit of a lie-in.† Harry knew that Apparating meant disappearing from one place and reappearing almost instantly in another, but had never known any Hogwarts student to do it, and understood that it was very difficult. â€Å"So they're still in bed?† said Fred grumpily, pulling his bowl of porridge toward him. â€Å"Why can't we Apparate too?† â€Å"Because you're not of age and you haven't passed your test,† snapped Mrs. Weasley. â€Å"And where have those girls got to?† She bustled out of the kitchen and they heard her climbing the stairs. â€Å"You have to pass a test to Apparate?† Harry asked. â€Å"Oh yes,† said Mr. Weasley, tucking the tickets safely into the back pocket of his jeans. â€Å"The Department of Magical Transportation had to fine a couple of people the other day for Apparating without a license. It's not easy, Apparition, and when it's not done property it can lead to nasty complications. This pair I'm talking about went and splinched themselves.† Everyone around the table except Harry winced. â€Å"Er – splinched?† said Harry. â€Å"They left half of themselves behind,† said Mr. Weasley, now spooning large amounts of treacle onto his porridge. â€Å"So, of course, they were stuck. Couldn't move either way. Had to wait for the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad to sort them out. Meant a fair old bit of paperwork, I can tell you, what with the Muggles who spotted the body parts they'd left behind†¦..† Harry had a sudden vision of a pair of legs and an eyeball lying abandoned on the pavement of Privet Drive. â€Å"Were they okay?† he asked, startled. â€Å"Oh yes,† said Mr. Weasley matter-of-factly. â€Å"But they got a heavy fine, and I don't think they'll be trying it again in a hurry. You don't mess around with Apparition. There are plenty of adult wizards who don't bother with it. Prefer brooms – slower, but safer.† â€Å"But Bill and Charlie and Percy can all do it?† â€Å"Charlie had to take the test twice,† said Fred, grinning. â€Å"He failed the first time. Apparated five miles south of where he meant to, right on top of some poor old dear doing her shopping, remember?† â€Å"Yes, well, he passed the second time,† said Mrs. Weasley, marching back into the kitchen amid hearty sniggers. â€Å"Percy only passed two weeks ago,† said George. â€Å"He's been Apparating downstairs every morning since, just to prove he can.† There were footsteps down the passageway and Hermione and Ginny came into the kitchen, both looking pale and drowsy. â€Å"Why do we have to be up so early?† Ginny said, rubbing her eyes and sitting down at the table. â€Å"We've got a bit of a walk,† said Mr. Weasley. â€Å"Walk?† said Harry. â€Å"What, are we walking to the World Cup?† â€Å"No, no, that's miles away,† said Mr. Weasley, smiling. â€Å"We only need to walk a short way. It's just that it's very difficult for a large number of wizards to congregate without attracting Muggle attention. We have to be very careful about how we travel at the best of times, and on a huge occasion like the Quidditch World Cup†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"George!† said Mrs. Weasley sharply, and they all jumped. â€Å"What?† said George, in an innocent tone that deceived nobody. â€Å"What is that in your pocket?† â€Å"Nothing!† â€Å"Don't you lie to me!† Mrs. Weasley pointed her wand at George's pocket and said, â€Å"Accio!† Several small, brightly colored objects zoomed out of George's pocket; he made a grab for them but missed, and they sped right into Mrs. Weasley's outstretched hand. â€Å"We told you to destroy them!† said Mrs. Weasley furiously, holding up what were unmistakably more Ton-Tongue Toffees. â€Å"We told you to get rid of the lot! Empty your pockets, go on, both of you!† It was an unpleasant scene; the twins had evidently been trying to smuggle as many toffees out of the house as possible, and it was only by using her Summoning Charm that Mrs. Weasley managed to find them all. â€Å"Accio! Accio! Accio!† she shouted, and toffees zoomed from all sorts of unlikely places, including the lining of George's jacket and the turn-ups of Fred's jeans. â€Å"We spent six months developing those!† Fred shouted at his mother as she threw the toffees away. â€Å"Oh a fine way to spend six months!† she shrieked. â€Å"No wonder you didn't get more O.W.L.s!† All in all, the atmosphere was not very friendly as they took their departure. Mrs. Weasley was still glowering as she kissed Mr. Weasley on the cheek, though not nearly as much as the twins, who had each hoisted their rucksacks onto their backs and walked out without a word to her. â€Å"Well, have a lovely time,† said Mrs. Weasley, â€Å"and behave yourselves,† she called after the twins' retreating backs, but they did not look back or answer. â€Å"I'll send Bill, Charlie, and Percy along around midday,† Mrs. Weasley said to Mr. Weasley, as he, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny set off across the dark yard after Fred and George. It was chilly and the moon was still out. Only a dull, greenish tinge along the horizon to their right showed that daybreak was drawing closer. Harry, having been thinking about thousands of wizards speeding toward the Quidditch World Cup, sped up to walk with Mr. Weasley. â€Å"So how does everyone get there without all the Muggles noticing?† he asked. â€Å"It's been a massive organizational problem,† sighed Mr. Weasley. â€Å"The trouble is, about a hundred thousand wizards turn up at the World Cup, and of course, we just haven't got a magical site big enough to accommodate them all. There are places Muggles can't penetrate, but imagine trying to pack a hundred thousand wizards into Diagon Alley or platform nine and three-quarters. So we had to find a nice deserted moor, and set up as many anti-Muggle precautions as possible. The whole Ministry's been working on it for months. First, of course, we have to stagger the arrivals. People with cheaper tickets have to arrive two weeks beforehand. A limited number use Muggle transport, but we can't have too many clogging up their buses and trains – remember, wizards are coming from all over the world. Some Apparate, of course, but we have to set up safe points for them to appear, well away from Muggles. I believe there's a handy wood they're using as the Apparition point. For those who don't want to Apparate, or can't, we use Portkeys. They're objects that are used to transport wizards from one spot to another at a prearranged time. You can do large groups at a time if you need to. There have been two hundred Portkeys placed at strategic points around Britain, and the nearest one to us is up at the top of Stoatshead Hill, so that's where we're headed.† Mr. Weasley pointed ahead of them, where a large black mass rose beyond the village of Ottery St. Catchpole. â€Å"What sort of objects are Portkeys?† said Harry curiously. â€Å"Well, they can be anything,† said Mr. Weasley. â€Å"Unobtrusive things, obviously, so Muggles don't go picking them up and playing with them†¦stuff they'll just think is litter†¦.† They trudged down the dark, dank lane toward the village, the silence broken only by their footsteps. The sky lightened very slowly as they made their way through the village, its inky blackness diluting to deepest blue. Harry's hands and feet were freezing. Mr. Weasley kept checking his watch. They didn't have breath to spare for talking as they began to climb Stoatshead Hill, stumbling occasionally in hidden rabbit holes, slipping on thick black tuffets of grass. Each breath Harry took was sharp in his chest and his legs were starting to seize up when, at last, his feet found level ground. â€Å"Whew,† panted Mr. Weasley, taking off his glasses and wiping them on his sweater. â€Å"Well, we've made good time – we've got ten minutes.† Hermione came over the crest of the hill last, clutching a stitch in her side. â€Å"Now we just need the Portkey,† said Mr. Weasley, replacing his glasses and squinting around at the ground. â€Å"It won't be big†¦.Come on†¦Ã¢â‚¬  They spread out, searching. They had only been at it for a couple of minutes, however, when a shout rent the still air. â€Å"Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it.† Two tall figures were silhouetted against the starry sky on the other side of the hilltop. â€Å"Amos!† said Mr. Weasley, smiling as he strode over to the man who had shouted. The rest of them followed. Mr. Weasley was shaking hands with a ruddy-faced wizard with a scrubby brown beard, who was holding a moldy-looking old boot in his other hand. â€Å"This is Amos Diggory, everyone,† said Mr. Weasley. â€Å"He works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son, Cedric?† Cedric Diggory was an extremely handsome boy of around seventeen. He was Captain and Seeker of the Hufflepuff House Quidditch team at Hogwarts. â€Å"Hi,† said Cedric, looking around at them all. Everybody said hi back except Fred and George, who merely nodded. They had never quite forgiven Cedric for beating their team, Gryffindor, in the first Quidditch match of the previous year. â€Å"Long walk, Arthur?† Cedric's father asked. â€Å"Not too bad,† said Mr. Weasley. â€Å"We live just on the other side of the village there. You?† â€Å"Had to get up at two, didn't we, Ced? I tell you, I'll be glad when he's got his Apparition test. Still†¦not complaining†¦Quidditch World Cup, wouldn't miss it for a sackful of Galleons – and the tickets cost about that. Mind you, looks like I got off easy†¦.† Amos Diggory peered good-naturedly around at the three Weasley boys, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny. â€Å"All these yours, Arthur?† â€Å"Oh no, only the redheads,† said Mr. Weasley, pointing out his children. â€Å"This is Hermione, friend of Ron's – and Harry, another friend -â€Å" â€Å"Merlin's beard,† said Amos Diggory, his eyes widening. â€Å"Harry? Harry Potter?† â€Å"Er – yeah,† said Harry. Harry was used to people looking curiously at him when they met him, used to the way their eyes moved at once to the lightning scar on his forehead, but it always made him feel uncomfortable. â€Å"Ced's talked about you, of course,† said Amos Diggory. â€Å"Told us all about playing against you last year†¦I said to him, I said – Ced, that'll be something to tell your grandchildren, that will†¦.You beat Harry Potter!† Harry couldn't think of any reply to this, so he remained silent. Fred and George were both scowling again. Cedric looked slightly embarrassed. â€Å"Harry fell off his broom, Dad,† he muttered. I told you†¦it was an accident†¦.† â€Å"Yes, but you didn't fall off, did you?† roared Amos genially, slapping his son on his back. â€Å"Always modest, our Ced, always the gentleman†¦but the best man won, I'm sure Harry'd say the same, wouldn't you, eh? One falls off his broom, one stays on, you don't need to be a genius to tell which one's the better flier!† â€Å"Must be nearly time,† said Mr. Weasley quickly, pulling out his watch again. â€Å"Do you know whether we're waiting for any more, Amos?† â€Å"No, the Lovegoods have been there for a week already and the Fawcetts couldn't get tickets,† said Mr. Diggory. â€Å"There aren't any more of us in this area, are there?† â€Å"Not that I know of,† said Mr. Weasley. â€Å"Yes, it's a minute off†¦We'd better get ready†¦.† He looked around at Harry and Hermione. â€Å"You just need to touch the Portkey, that's all, a finger will do -â€Å" With difficulty, owing to their bulky backpacks, the nine of them crowded around the old boot held out by Amos Diggory. They all stood there, in a tight circle, as a chill breeze swept over the hilltop. Nobody spoke. It suddenly occurred to Harry how odd this would look if a Muggle were to walk up here now†¦nine people, two of them grown men, clutching this manky old boot in the semidarkness, waiting†¦. â€Å"Three†¦Ã¢â‚¬  muttered Mr. Weasley, one eye still on his watch, two†¦one†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It happened immediately: Harry felt as though a hook just behind his navel had been suddenly jerked irresistibly forward. His feet left the ground; he could feel Ron and Hermione on either side of him, their shoulders banging into his; they were all speeding forward in a howl of wind and swirling color; his forefinger was stuck to the boot as though it was pulling him magnetically onward and then – His feet slammed into the ground; Ron staggered into him and he fell over; the Portkey hit the ground near his head with a heavy thud. Harry looked up. Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory, and Cedric were still standing, though looking very windswept; everybody else was on the ground. â€Å"Seven past five from Stoatshead Hill,† said a voice.