Saturday, December 28, 2019

compare the ways the poets use language to represent...

Compare the ways the poets use language to present relationships in, â€Å"To his Coy Mistress† and one other poem in the relationship cluster. In the poem I have chosen to compare In Paris with you to To his coy mistress, in comparison to each other both poems have many similarities but the differences are shown in how the use the structure, language and theme to create different effects on the reader. To show the poems are about relationships the writer has written in first person which is the perspective of one of the people in the relationship talking about the other person. In both of the poems the theme being portrayed is Love in, ‘In Paris with you’ this is shown throughout the language Fenton uses Dont talk to me of†¦show more content†¦It seems to me that it shows that they don’t know where the relationship is going; they just live in the moment, time is not a virtue. This is backed up later in the poem by when it says â€Å"There’s a crack in the wall† this implies that there is time to waste as he notices it and doesn’t realise about the wasting time. This is ambi guous because it could perhaps be interpreted as there are conscious thoughts about the time as the speaker says â€Å"do you mind if we do not go to the Louvre†, this shows that they don’t have a lot of time and just want to stay in the hotel. This is similar to â€Å"His Coy Mistress† in the way that the speaker wants to not do anything except spend time alone as they don’t have enoughShow MoreRelatedThe Epithet in the Novel Jane Eyre18849 Words   |  76 Pagestopicality of chosen by us theme lies in the fact that a human being perceives the reality by means of various images. These images exist everywhere: in art, in nature, in thoughts, and in speech in particular. Each of us at least ones created an image. We use different means (stylistic expressive means and devices) to achieve the aim. In our research we would like to concentrate our attention on â€Å"epithet†, a figure of speech which gives the opportunity to create the most expressive and vivid images. Despite

Friday, December 20, 2019

Feminism In Chaucers The Wife Of Bath - 1216 Words

A large part of the study of literature deals with interpreting the original meaning of a work and attempting to understand how it applies to modern day readers. As with other pieces of literature, this is also true for Chaucer’s â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Prologue,† where many contemporary scholars hail Chaucer as feminist icon for his depiction of an eloquent, independent woman. This interpretation, however, is flawed because it is highly anachronistic. Feminism, as we understand the term today, did not emerge until the 19th Century. Though there were certainly medieval writers who wrote about the relationships of the sexes, such as Christine de Pizan, these works did not focus on equality and the independence of women the way feminism would†¦show more content†¦After all, her wealth allows her to be financially independent. Clearly, she is also not restricted in her movements, as she is allowed to travel around the world on various pilgrimages. Furtherm ore, her strong desire for sex can be interpreted to mean that she has taken control of her sexuality. Instead of being a passive object of men’s desires, she is pursuing her own pleasure. From this perspective, the Wife of Bath is clearly a symbol representing the liberation of women. However, as Chaucer elaborates more on her character in the Wife of Bath’s prologue, this image becomes muddied as many of her character flaws come to light. Out of these flaws, one of the most problematic is the Wife of Bath’s cavalier attitude towards marriage. The Wife of Bath seems to be aware of the fact that her many marriages are problematic, as the first thing she does in her prologue is to justify them, despite the fact that it is legal at the time to remarry as a widow. As Jill Mann points out in her notes on â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Prologue,† the Wife of Bath is arguing against the writings of St. Jerome, who suggests that since Christ only went to a wed ding once, a persons should only take one spouse. This positioning of her character in opposition with a prominent religious figure calls attention to the fact that her multiple marriages may not be virtuous as she claims them to be. Some might argue that this restriction on theShow MoreRelatedChaucers Views On Wife Of Bath And Feminism1529 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Views on Wife of Bath and Feminism† In the time period of the 14th century, many woman faced inequality. Women were not viewed to uphold the same quota as men. Most females were viewed as passive to males and were not able to make many demands in their relationships or make any contributions to their own survival or life. In the â€Å"Wife of Bath Tale†, written by Geoffrey Chaucer, Chaucer gives an insight into the struggles of a woman. Chaucer gives a voice for women who cannot speak for themselvesRead MoreEssay on The Wife of Bath: Feminism in Chaucers Work2146 Words   |  9 Pagesto their husbands and follow their lead. A womans place was also in the home and the responsibilities of cooking, cleaning, sewing, etc. fell into their domain. Women who deviated from these cultural-set norms made for interesting characters. Chaucers use of women and their overstepping their boundaries and typical roles in society make them most memorable. Most of the gender expectations stemmed from the Church and biblical history. There were many anti-feminist feelings due to Eve causingRead MoreThe Wife Of Bath s Prologue And Tale990 Words   |  4 PagesThe Wife of Bath s Prologue and Tale is about female empowerment it shows strong protagonists. I believe Geoffrey Chaucer used The Wife of Bath’s Tale to advocate for feminism. Chaucer used a strong female character to expose female stereotypes. It was an oppressive time for women in male-dominated society. During the Middle Ages, Chaucer wrote from a woman’s point of view something that was not normal at that time. He set his feminist ideals through the characters of the Wife of Bath and the oldRead MoreChaucers The Canterbury Tales1381 Words   |  6 Pagesthe perception of women and men to relate to his own opposite view. Through his literary work, it is implied that Chaucer believed that women and men should be treated as equals. Most specifically, he believed that women should have their rights. Chaucer’s characters in the tale reflects the society. For instance, in the Miller’s Tale, Allison is the personification of a woman in the Middle Ages. It can be inferred that she had no control over her life. For instance, while she was â€Å"wild and young†Read MoreThe Wife of Bath Essay715 Words   |  3 PagesWife of Bath vs. Lady Gaga Geoffrey Chaucers, Wife of Bath, character in Canterbury Tales can be compared with todays modern pop icon Lady Gaga. Both woman share many similar qualities regarding their personality types and behavior. From the Fifteenth century to the Twenty- First, these women symbolize feminism and contradiction of societal norms. This essay will discuss the similarities and differences between Chaucers fictional character, the Wife of Bath, and Lady Gaga, one of this century’sRead More Passive Women in Chaucers Canterbury Tales? Essay1466 Words   |  6 PagesPassive Women in Chaucers Canterbury Tales? One argument that reigns supreme when considering Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is whether or not there is an element of anti-feminism within the text. One thread that goes along with this is whether or not the women of The Canterbury Tales are passive within the tales told. This essay will explore the idea that the women found within the tales told by the pilgrims (The Knight’s Tale, The Miller’s Tale and The Wife of Bath’s Tale to name a few)Read More Chaucers Canterbury Tales Essay - Women in The Wife of Bath1433 Words   |  6 PagesWomen in Chaucers The Wife of Bath Chaucers The Wife of Baths Prologue and Tale is a medieval legend that paints a portrait of strong women finding love and themselves in the direst of situations. It is presented to the modern day reader as an early tale of feminism showcasing the ways a female character gains power within a repressive, patriarchal society. Underneath the simplistic plot of female empowerment lies an underbelly of anti-feminism. Sometimes this is presented blatantlyRead MoreGeoffrey Chaucer Stance on Feminism1254 Words   |  6 Pages The investigation into whether or not Geoffrey Chaucer was ahead of his time in terms of his views on feminism has been up for debate for hundreds of years. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue is just one solitary example of the complicated nature of Chaucer’s belief system. On the one hand, we have many strong female characters that despite still being extremely dependant on the men in their lives, know what they want out of life. From a contrasting point of view, readers see a group of men, includingRead MoreSex in The Canterbury Tales Essay937 Words   |  4 Pagesinstrument in The Canterbury Tales. Portraying sex as a power that women exert over men rather than the marital bond of â€Å"making love† makes evident Chaucer’s skewed views of love and marriage with underlying tones of misogyny. He expresses these views throughout the work, however, the theme of love and sex is most evident in the sub-stories of The Wife of Bath and The Miller’s Tale. Chaucer breaks the topic of sex into two basic parts: carnality and romanticism. Although carnal love is a controversialRead MoreAnalysis Of Geoffrey Chaucer s The Time Of Women 1760 Words   |  8 PagesGeoffrey Chaucer is a defining figure throughout Medieval European literature, Throughout time women have been placed in a subjugated position. Men have placed themselves as the leaders but to contest the unfairness in rule feminism became a movement. Feminism is the movement, ideal set that women and men should be equal to each other in all ways. This includes socially, lawfully and any other way that would make the society better. In the time of Chaucer, the roles of women were very rigid and

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The seven deadly sins are thin... free essay sample

The seven deadly sins are things that, in the Christian faith people commit that will decrease their progression to heaven or spiritual salvation. They are and what they mean are the next following sentences. Pride is the first of the sins and it means to have excessive belief in ones own abilities, that interferes with the individuals recognition of the grace of God. It is thought to be the sin that the rest of the sins are made from and come from. The next sin is Envy. Envy is the basic jealousy that people have every day. The third sin on the list is gluttony. Being a glutton is basically over extracting your resources and only taking. The fourth sin is lust. Lust is about the undisciplined, unchecked desire for self-enjoyment. It is typically linked to sexual desires that arent carried out. The next sin is greed. Greed is one known by all. We will write a custom essay sample on The seven deadly sins are thin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is when you want wealth or some type of gain without the consideration of anyone or anything else. The final sin is sloth. Sloth is about the laziness and avoidance of work that an individual can or could do. In the play Macbeth the main character in Macbeth displays a multitude of these sins. He displays pride, envy, gluttony and greed most of all. All of these play into his downfall as a ruler and his death in the play. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare the main character Macbeth is introduced as a general who is greatly appreciated by the people of Scotland. He is widely known and even praised by the kind but he never displayed an overly narcissistic personality. That is until he becomes king. As king he becomes more prideful. It was a mix of lust for power and overwhelming greed which tempted him to turn on Duncan. Even though he obtained Cawdor, Macbeth was not satisfied; the lure of being a King was far too great and his greed for more plunged him into sin. It wasnt just Macbeths insatiability for control, however; Lady Macbeths greediness and manipulative ways influenced Macbeths decision to murder King Duncan. You can see his change specifically when the witches

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Major Project Proposal free essay sample

Damage control Is the upcoming fourth studio album from the underground UK hip- hop entrepreneur, Flirty, which is to be released in 2013. His prior releases Include Third eye of the storm and Theory of Rhyme http://shop. Hall-focus. Com/category/ CDC. Alexander Flirty Whitehead has amalgamated deep conceptual theories with dominating mil presence to gain notable attention and respect within the underground UK hip hop scene, as well as merging a loyal following from his solo career (http://www. Warmongerings. Mom/2012/04/reviews/filmstrip-third-eye-of-the- storm).Filmstrip has also gained popularity from being the founder and owner of the independent record label, High Focus Records, which is described as the power house (http://www. Undergrounds. Com/news/full/3/UGH_Presents:AAAigh_Focus) of underground UK Hip Hop. Multiple accolades were awarded to High Focus Records by the reputable Knowledge magazine where they won 3 out of 10 of the top 10 Best UK Hip-Hop albums of 2011 (http://www. We will write a custom essay sample on Major Project Proposal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page kmGammacoCoukUKdDaltoneatures/l()- best-ukUKlhelpop-albums-of-2011 . tmHTMLThis enforces the fact that they are fast becoming one of the most established Independent record labels In the UK Hip-Hop to date.FlFilmstripCD sales from his previous albums indicate that his popularity has increased with each album he has made. His first album Force Fed Imagery, released in 2007, sold over 800 copies. His second album Theory of Rhyme, released in 2010, sold over 900 copies. His third album, released earlier this year, Third eye of the Storm, has already sold 672 CD albums, 759 digital albums and 654 digital singles. Looking at hehoseigures, it is very clear that the expectations for his next album release are very high.MARKETING PLAN We have devised a marketing plan that will compliment the needs of his loyal fan base and potential new listeners; increase his popularity and ultimately augmenting the sales. The target audience of our campaign Is aimed at 16 to 30 years old who are interested in U. K. hiHipop or those who like all kinds of music. It is a twelve month long campaign divided in three phases. The first phase would start at the same time as the production of the album and howoulde approximately eight months long depending on the progress of the production.During this time, we will be focusing on creating an online presence via social media websites, developing a personal relationship with fans, providing updates and weekly newsletters. When the album has been completed, we will start the two month long second phase where we will be making the preparations for the release this will include creating the artwork, choosing a flagship single, creating a press kit, announcing a release date and creating a viral strategy using material that onnonusersould enjoy sharing.For our final phase, we will be promoting the album to different media and finally launch the album. We are going to start by looking at the research we have done in order to build our about the financial aspect of the campaign. Finally, we will end with a S. W. O. T. anAnalysisf the whole project. Research Our marketing strategy is based on promotional techniques used by different hip- hop artists. Social media websites are crucial in promoting nowadays. Almost all artists, from EmMinehttp://www. emMinecoCom to DiDizziedascal (http:// wmhemisphericalo. Ok/K, keep their websites up to date with news and regularly upload videos to YoYouthhttp://www. yoYouthcoComrtist/emMine(http:// www. yoYouthcoComser/DiDissocializedin order to have continuous interaction with the audience. FlFilmstripromotion plan will not be the exception; will be using Mobile Backstage which is a platform developed by Steam Republic that will connect FlFilmstripsan communities allowing users to interact directly with him,exchange information, buy or stream music and find tickets to gigs (www. moInevitabilitiescoComOther promotional techniques we are using are quite ommoonut effective, such as creating flyers, merchandising or creating a press kit. One of the ideas that stand out the most is creating a buzz around the name of the album DAMAGE CONTROL where we will be uploading a series of controversial pictures to the social networks that will intrigue and attract public. Regular tweets asking where or what we should damage control, will engage the existing commun ity in a constant dialogue, we will also ask them to create their own meme about damage control and encourage followers to share their memesspictures and thoughts. Once we have delivered the message, we will make all content available to the public this will create new self-generated cocontendrom which we will measure the cocommunitysnvolvement and interests. We were inspired by Jay ZGslbum Watch the Throne where he created an increasing interest and speculation into a new album without announcing a release date six month prior to its release which demonstrated that secrecy is an important factor when launching a new product.