Friday, July 26, 2019

Comparative Media Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comparative Media Analysis - Research Paper Example The first article is on the report that was presented by Chymlley Organization. According to the article, they had a perception that the use of pests is not effective given the fact that this is another way that reduces the insects that are in the environment. According to the organization, their view in regard to the pests, they view them with an aesthetic perception and not in a layman’s way. This is the benefits accrued o having diverse types of animals (Mtsiva, 2003). The National Environment Management Authority, (NEMA) of the republic of Singapore however encourages this natural suggestion in controlling pests. According to the organization, they view this as an environmental friendly method owing to the fact that there is no chemical that is discharged on to the ground. The organization considers this method in mind environmental conservation (Khopkar, 2007). The weakness of these two articles is that in the first article, it focuses on the aesthetic benefits of the pests and insects but not mentioning the adverse effects of the pests on productivity. The second article on the other hand focuses on the environmental conservation measures but not mentioning the ecological balance in terms of biodiversity (Bharuch,

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