Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Criminal justice- diversion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criminal justice- diversion - Essay Example This way, the non-standard provision of remedy may have the outcomes sought in flexible manner that potentially assures sensible change in the offender’s well-being through possible adjustments with the other capacities over mere focus on pertinent sanctions. (2) What do you think about the use of diversion in the criminal justice system? In my opinion, diversion if properly administered would attain to the principal goal of leading the involved parties at fault towards psychological renewal or even emotional reorientation for their own sake and the society that is directly impacted by their reformed attitude. Such desired end as characterized by a gradual change of heart in the process truly signifies relief for the system of justice given the number of other major cases or concerns in need of serious attention, however, some questions of equivalent weight inevitably tag along when this approach is brought to realistic as well as extensive implementation. A critique I think m ight readily necessitate raising certain levels of doubt regarding whether diversion means would be effective at length and to what degree and how conducive the settings are in facilitating the treatment of each offender. Moreover, it is further logical to ask how the financial investment would figure in covering the procedures necessary and if properly trained workers come in sufficient quantity and proportion with the erring subjects since handling the latter is such a sensitive task that requires inherent humanitarian values besides patience, time, thorough education, and specialized skills. (3) List 3 reasons with an explanation for the use of diversion, and discuss why it would be beneficial to the criminal justice system. In the U.S., one ground being examined for utilizing diversion is the quest for a solution on easing burdened courts off overcrowded detentions. This is meant to be sustained by case management whereby files of a detainee are technically organized to determin e essential needs on health, social, and other relevant aspects of development by which the person may learn to outgrow crime-prone attributes. Consequently, justice framework would be more systematized and versatile in dealing with a range of conflicts pertaining to criminal act. Another good cause for advocating diversion is that most youth in offense acquire the opportunity the opportunity of a 24-hour monitoring within aftercare duration that allows them exposure to a variety of educational and recreational activities that improve their stages at cure. Such was the case in the Key Program Inc. primarily held on Boston, MA in which a group of juvenile delinquents under diversionary supervision were taken to Harvard University and the visit to different parts of the campus paid off through interaction with the university students who conducted tutorial sessions in return while participation to motivational programs were also encouraged. With this fashion, justice administration ga ins direction in pursuit of enhanced objective at classifying how should the status for each culpable person settle according to the progress assessed in that event. Criminal justice system may also derive the advantage of minimizing expenditure on technologically advanced facilities for securing offenders since the use of diversion may possibly become a better substitute for the conventional means of

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