Monday, September 30, 2019

Labor Market Trends

Most of the economic analysts argue that trend of the labor market can be characterized as a dynamic one, meaning on a constant change, and its dynamism can be attributed to the changing economic performance of the market and some other factors that imposes an effect to the labor market. During the time when the economy is in good or bad condition, the behavior of the labor market is very different on every scenario. By understanding the trend of the labor force would mean, for the policy makers, having the capacity of predict the level and skills of the labor force that will be available in the economy and on how they will utilize its number to attain the societal goal as a whole. An economy having a surplus or a deficit of laborers would certainly bring costs and benefits. This is the reason why the labor market trends should be monitored form time to time. Factors affecting the labor market pattern should also be considered. Technology, government policy and the like must also be included into attention for it imposes either direct and/or indirect effects to the labor market trends. In the technological world that we are now living, it is ordinary for the economy to demand for new skills, job opportunities and new line of labor in order to suffice the need of the modern kind of living. With the complexity of the economy as time goes by, the policy makers has to monitor the demand and supply of low skilled and high skilled workers to protect the welfare of the majority while maximizing the profitability of the economy as a whole. As for the companies that plan to hire workers, it is necessary for them to understand the trend in the labor market for them to determine the level of education the available worker has and to set their standards based from the given information (Marcotte, 1991). This paper aims to discuss the current labor trend such as the trends for new jobs and its relationship to career development by relating an article about labor market trend to the existing one. Labor Market Trend Employment rate, wage rate, growth rate of the industries and the required level of education for an individual to have a work are just a few of the factors that should be considered in identifying the current trend in the labor market. According to the article of Fix, he talked about the reason of the increase in the demand for the laborers in the late 1990’s due to the sustainable growth in the US and globalization in the economy that even the low skilled workers and single mothers are hired to suffice the demand for the laborers. With this we can see that economic forces affect the trend in the labor market. The higher the investments in economy, the greater the number of possible job opportunity for that certain employment line. One example to this is the current high demand of the nurses in many parts of the world, because of this; most of the undergraduate students tend to study nursing in order to have a better career, get a better salary and so forth. It is understood that if a certain job line is in demand, there would be always a high wage rate, lot of benefits and â€Å"nice† employment terms and agreement. This is what has been the behavior of the students when choosing their undergraduate courses (Amirault, 1990). Government policies also play a vital role in affecting the trend in the labor market. Those job lines that have greater benefits compared to the others as mandated by the law would surely gain higher demand from the laborers (International-Labour-Organization, 2000). The government must also monitor their minimum wage rate to prevent their workers to migrate abroad. Migration of the skilled workers would greatly affect the economic performance of the country for it makes the country to have fewer workers in performing various economic roles. Wage rate must be set in balance in order to attract the workers to stay and work in the domestic market (Fix, 2002). The booming of a certain industry would also affect the current trend in the labor market for it attracts laborers to apply into that industry (Fix, 2002). One example into this is the impressive growth of the cellular phone industry in the south-east Asia and because of this, the tendency of the labor pool is to have a vocational course on electronics since there is a great demand for the said line of job. Cellular phone technicians also became in demand in the economy. Effects of the Globalization to Labor Market Trend Globalization has already been attributed to various negative effects that developed countries now experiencing. One of the main arguments of the analysts is that under globalization, multinational corporations are exporting laborers from the developed to developing countries through the aid of the â€Å"foreign direct investments† (International-Labour-Organization, 2000). When a certain corporation made its investment abroad, it brings with them some of the top skilled workers to supervise the operation of the new company branch in another country. In this case, all the skills of the imported laborers will benefit the country where the capitals are invested. And not only that, the host country could also benefit from the additional job opportunity that the company will offer to the labor market. Under the trade liberalization, the government is giving the consumers pieces of advice to prefer more the goods produced from abroad than with the locally produced one (International-Labour-Organization, 2000). With this, the local industry will find it hard to compete with the imported goods in terms of price and quality, therefore, harming the laborer since there is a possibility for them to be laid off to cut production costs on the part of the local industry. The increasing use of machineries and other advanced technological process to speed up the production made some laborers to loose their jobs since company owners prefer the most the machineries over the human labor for the former is more effective and efficient in working. Industries became more and more independent to technology in making their products produce faster and of great volume according to the International Labour Organization. It is therefore crucial for the government to regulate and protect the welfare of those laborers that might get harmed by their actions. Conclusion Based from the above statements and facts, we can clearly see that economic growth imposes negative effects to the trend in the labor market. The importation of the skilled workers leaves the importing country with less competitive laborers while letting the other countries to gain the benefits that are supposedly for the economy of the host country; and the preference of the imported goods than with the locally produced, harms not only the industry but also the laborers, for they could suffer from a decrease in their salary, or worse, loss their jobs. The behavior of the students in choosing a course also affects the future trend in the labor market. The number of demands for every job line serves as an attraction to the students. This would later on makes the supply of laborers on other job lines to turn down. The imbalance in the supply of the laborers in the economy could cause market turmoil and this should be prevented by the government to happen. The wage rate of the laborers especially the â€Å"low profiled† one must be monitored and evaluated often to ensure the welfare of those who are in need. As we all know, they compose the majority of the number of available workers in the market and by protecting their welfare would mean preserving the good working relationship of the workers and the market. Today labor unions play and have power to fight for the stake of the laborers in the economy and having trouble with them can greatly affect the economic performance of the country. A day mass demonstrations and strikes of the laborers could cause the loss of millions of dollars in terms of production of nay industry. The importance of understanding the trend in the labor market would really help every sector in the economy. REFERENCES Amirault, T. A. (1990). Labor market trends for new college graduates [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007 from Fix, D. S. N. a. M. (2002). Economic and Labor Market Trends [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007. International-Labour-Organization. (2000). Labour Market Trends and Globalization's Impact on Them [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007 from Marcotte, D. E. (1991). Learning in the Labor Market: The Changing Importance of Education and Training After â€Å"Formal† Schooling Ends [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007 from ; ;

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Difference between Festival in Europe and China

Festivals are said to define who we are. These are sets of traditions that we follow in a certain community. For China and Europe, their festivals are alike in such way that they all prepare extravagantly for the event with costumes, dishes and etcetera (Richardson, 2006). These festivals also commemorate a certain person or event that is of great importance for the people in the country or community. Some festivities like the Saint Valentines’ day and Christmas day are also alike in some ways. For instance, valentines day is the time were people express their love for the people that they care about just like in Christmas.Though Valentines Day connote lovers and couples it still gives the message of love in the same way as Christmas is the day of love and sharing(Pleck, 1999). The color red is also very popular during these festivities since it is the color of love. The atmosphere of the two festivals is the same since there is an air of love, sharing and compassion. People e xchange gifts and they have an icon that represents them. For valentines it is the cupid and for Christmas it is Santa(Elevale, 2007). However they vary in time since the former is on February 14 and Christmas is on December 25.New Year on the other hand is different from the festivals mentioned above. It is more related to other Chinese festivals since they ward off evil spirits through the use of fireworks. This festival is also not about love and sharing but of a fresh start. There are no figures or icons associated with it unlike that of Christmas and Valentines Day. Just like in the Dragon Boat Festival, the main focus is scaring away the evil in the home. The Dragon Boat festival in China is called â€Å"Duan Wu Jie† in Chinese and it is celebrated along with Mid-autumn festival and Chinese New year.It is one of the three major festivals celebrated on the fifth lunar month of the Chinese calendar and on its fifth day which normally falls on June 5. This is also known as the double fifth day. The fifth day of the month is believed by the Chinese to be the month of the devil since this is the time were disease become rampant. The Dragon Boat festival is done to drive away these evil spirits. This festival has the longest record in history because of its relevance to the lives of its citizens. Through the festival they are reminded to take care of their health and drive away evil spirits.This festival is highlighted by dragon boat races. Contestants ride in colorful boats with dragon designs and they row together with the rhythm of the drums. There are also special dishes that are associated with the festival. A few of these is the hsiung huan wine that adults drink to prevent evil from invading their body and to bring inner peace. Another dish is the tzung tzu which is a rice ball that was believed to e eaten by Chu Yuan before he drowned. Chu Yuan is a Poet who took his own life by jumping off the boat when he felt that there is nothing that he cou ld do to save his country from bad luck.He was known to be a good man y his neighbors so to prevent the fish from eating his body they threw food to the river to feed the fishes. They also right on boats with loud drums to scare the fishes. The fierce dragons are also added to the head of the boat. His neighbors rushed to the river to find his body and that is where the dragon race is said to have originated. It is said that the dragon festival is done to commemorate his death in 277 B. C. at the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (low, 2006).Since then the festival has evolved into eating the rice dumplings instead of throwing them to the fishes and because this festival also reminded them to take care of their health, they hanged herbs at their front doors. The most significant part of the festival is done at 12 noon where they try to balance and egg and make is stand. If they can do it, they will have a lucky year. The festival in Italy on the other hand is different of that in C hina. The focus is on the streets and not in the river. They decorate it with lights and vendors begin to line up the streets.The Festa della Madonna Bruna is a celebration of the people’s devotion to the brown madona (Foschino, 2002). This is where men in horses and costumes parade the streets and they guard the float of the brown madona. The brown Madona is used by knights to protect them in battles. They would paint her face on their shields and on their chariots(Lee, 2000). People try to get a piece of this paper mache ripping it into pieces. The float is then reduced into just chicken wire and a few paper since the devotees have already torn it apart.But this act is not just an extreme form of fanaticism but is supported by their faith. This means that by destroying the old they give way to the new(Bakerjian, 2003). It is rebirth. This festival happens on the 2nd of July. The history of this festival goes as far as 1389, not as old as that in China. They also don’ t have special dishes. The festival is just ended with an extravagant fireworks display at the church(Martin, 2000). These festivals reflect the values and the history of the people who celebrate it. Though some of them may seem a bit peculiar, they bear certain significance to the community.They are celebrated with zest and joyfulness that the entire community is caught up in preparation. It is also anticipated by many. These festivals are important to the lives of the people since they have beliefs that they find necessary for their daily lives. Though these festivals have certain differences, they are intended to celebrate or commemorate the events that are important for the people and their community. It is a way of reliving the history of a community that has paved way into what the community has become. These are the events that shaped the lives of the populace either through religion or common practices.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Daisy Miller a Hero Essay

A hero is a person, whom no matter what the situation is, always seems to be able to approach situation with a fearless and courageous attitude, and can is often admired by many. The novel Daisy Miller by Henry James is a fictional story about the life of an American girl in Europe and the situations that she experiences. Daisy reacts to these situations with a fearless and courageous approach. Her actions seem to affect every character in the story and are misperceived by many. Daisy consistently had the courage to stand up to the other Americans, the characters who adapted to the European culture, even though they continued to pressure her, and prevailed by not conforming to European society. Daisy is a hero in this story because of the way she approached and handled situations. A major conflict in the story is the clash of American culture and European culture. Daisy is constantly thrown into situations where she is pressured to conform to some traditional European way of doing things. Daisy does not let this pressure get to her. She instead continues to act without fear of what might happen to her. The text shows many examples of this. A major cultural conflict that happened in the novel is when Daisy is walking around the Pinchio with Mr. Winterbourne and Mr. Giovanelli. Mrs. Walker comes up in her carriage and begs Daisy to get in because of what her reputation might become since she was walking around with two men ( ). After Daisy refuses, Mrs. Walker says â€Å"should you prefer being thought a very reckless girls? and even gets Mr Winterbourne involved by having him give his opinion which lined up with Mrs. Walker’s( ). After examining the text, the reader sees that Daisy responds with a very fearless and courageous way, which in a way can also be compared to a quote from Emerson’s Self Reliance, â€Å"to be great, is to be misunderstood. † â€Å"â€Å"If this is improper, Mrs Walker,† she persued, â€Å"then I am all improper, and you must give me up†Ã¢â‚¬  is a quote that beautifully illustrates Daisy’s heroic personally by not being intimidated from the pressures of society. Another conflict in the novel was that at certain places at certain times, the chances of getting malaria were very high. While many of the locals decided to stay away from these areas, Daisy chose to not live fear. This fearlessness that Daisy displayed, led to Mr. Winterbourne confronting her and Mr. Giovanelli at the coliseum late at night about her catching the Roman fever (). Giovanelli responded to Winterbourne by saying he informed Daisy it was a â€Å"grave indiscretion† which Daisy responded with prudence (). Even now that Daisy was severely warned about the disease she still showed no fear and showed how she could be an inspiration to other women by saying she had a lovely time seeing the coliseum by moonlight and if she felt any danger she would take some pills (). â€Å"I don’t care,† said Daisy in a little strange tone, â€Å"whether I have Roman fever or not† shows how Daisy would not let fear dictate her life( ). Daisy Miller was a hero because of the fearless qualities that she displayed in the novel Daisy Miller. She may not display the common stereotypes of other fictionalized heroes such as flying or x-ray vision, but she does have influence on people, especially women, on how they can act regardless of what culture they are from. This view on life is very important because it shows young women, that they are empowered to handle situations anyway they like. Even when she died, many people showed up to her funeral and admired her. Giovanelli even stated at her funeral that out of all the women she was the â€Å"most innocent † ( ).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Microeconomics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Microeconomics - Term Paper Example The saving-investment is derived twice in this report once in the simplest way and then by adding other components of savings. The second part of this report delved into the aggregate demand and supply side of Keynesian economics. The Keynesian aggregate supply curve is studied in details. A typical Keynesian AS curve is reverse L-shaped with a sharp connecting point. However the newer version or the New Keynesian AS curve is also a reverse L-shaped with positive slope and rounded connecting corners. Different types of macro models emerged at different points of time in the history of economic development. Simple Keynesian model is the static demand side model used to predict values of the macro variables as well as for analysing the effect of Government policies. It claims that these variables like output and employment are determined by the level of effective aggregate demand in the economy. It also claims that through fiscal and monetary policy intervention, the Government can increase the level of demand and thereby increase aggregate output and employment in the economy. The Keynesian economists emerged after the Great Depression of 1929 following which there was a sustained period of unemployment of labour and under-capacity utilization. Keynesian economists explained how under certain circumstances absence of sufficient demand for produced goods and services may cause underemployment equilibrium i.e. a level of output and employment from which there is no tendency to change though both labour and machines are unemployed. It basically questioned the classical faith that the market will always ensure that whatever is produced will be demanded in the aggregate. Keynesian economists as a corollary argued that if the Government through fiscal and monetary measures can increase the level of demand, full employment of resources might be ensured. Most market economies followed the Keynesian

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Summary and response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Summary and response - Essay Example This will result in a learner who is well-versed in the many different aspects of learning. It must be understood that job skills are not sufficient. As such, they are not likely to prepare a learner to work effectively and efficiently. In Becoming a Learner, Matthew Sanders (2012, p. 8) states that â€Å"college is a time of preparation,† Meaning that it should be used only as a springboard for further success. In order to make improvements in this area, there is a need to optimize learning while in college. Therefore, it is evident that the learned skills in college will not enhance professionalism while working, meaning that learners have to go to greater lengths in gaining greater knowledge and skills. Author Matthew Sanders works at Utah State University, where he helps students get the most of out of their college experience in addition to being an assistant professor of communication studies (Sanders, 2012). Sanders seems to use his own experience of college, combined with what he now knows, to offer an informed opinion as to exactly what the college student should pursue while on campus. He is looking to reach people who are already in college or are about to graduate from high school and will be going to college. The purpose of Sanders’s book is to persuade the reader that they need to get their priorities right in college because otherwise it will be of little use to them. As this work was self-published, Sanders is able to give more of a personal feel to the text, which helps his message resonate with students. It must be noted that problems will always exist in the work place. These problems will vary in complexity and simplicity. As a matter of fact, many organizations need to solve such problems in the shortest amount of time possible. According to Sanders (2012), solving such problems requires both a skillful and knowledgeable person. In most instances, problem

ORIENTALISM, PREJUDICE AND DESCRIMINATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ORIENTALISM, PREJUDICE AND DESCRIMINATION - Essay Example USA policy makers have, declared various Islamic countries as promoters of terrorism and a part of ‘axis of evil’. Indeed, citizens from many Islamic citizens are heavily scrutinized at US airports because of such developments. Consequently, Muslims are ignited from such changes and protest against this maltreatment because they don’t want to be suspected as endorsers of terrorist elements worldwide. The first main characteristic of Orientalism is the ‘categorizations or generalizations’ about a specific religious and / or ethnic group over self-drawn assuptions that later lead to negative interpretations and misconceptions about Muslims and Arabs. The second characteristic is that Orientalism discuss about cultural diversity and differences in values such as those between Eastern and Western society. (Hosking, 2009) All individuals should be provided sufficient knowledge through lectures about followers of some major religions such as Christainity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddihism and Jewism so that they could understand religious differences among people. Indeed, there is dire need to foster mingling among people through joint annual gatherings and corner meetings in towns and residential areas. Next, individuals should also be taught that never support media’s propaganda against any particular ethnic or religious group. Rather, if people have ambiguities, they should better read authentic literature and interact with people of a particular religion to eradicate their

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Make one up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Make one up - Essay Example Religion has turned out to be one of the most influential parties in the issue of abortion. The laws of the land cannot also be ignored as they try to harmonize social issues and accommodate or reject abortion. On the same note, the pagans’ say on the matter has as well counted. All these aspects combined make abortion a complex issue across all known divides. The most important aspect in this case, however, is what the Goddess says about abortion. The Goddess holds abortion as one of the many forms of sacrifice. In this case, sacrifice practices are seen as a way of choosing between life and death. Most importantly, sacrifices are important to the Goddess. The more sacrifices humans make to the Goddess, the happier and satisfied she becomes. Those who sacrifice are also viewed as persons who can make essential decisions in life. The Goddess accepts sacrifices of many forms, and those made through abortion are just part of the sacrifice system. Abortion is all about love. Women who engage in abortion make sacrifices to the Goddess. This is a sign of love to the Goddess. On the other hand, women abort for varied reasons, all of which seem to conform to the Goddess’s system of taking sacrifices. In doing so, these women show their love in the death of the fetus. They have predetermined reasons to do so, a phenomenon that is held to be better for the unborn. As a result, abortion in this case becomes a way of expressing love to the unborn by women who abort. While religion would not hold any of the above to be the truth, the religion of the Goddess holds that some religions do not do women any good. This is evidenced by â€Å"the militant wing that identified patriarchal religion as the root of the problem of women subordination† (Stewart 280). The Goddess upholds the freedoms and rights of women, thereby countering the problem of subordination of women that is said to exist in patriarchal religion. Expression of love to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Philosophy - Essay Example Sources of Knowledge Rationalism as a source of knowledge includes non-experimental sources such as logic, beliefs and mathematics. A person cannot experience any of these sources of knowledge, but can derive a sense of reality and purpose from them. Empiricism source of knowledge in the world today include acquiring information through experience such as seeing, feeling and hearing (Lemos, 2007). Non-experimental knowledge about the modern world comes from reasoning and beliefs. The knowledge in mathematics of adding two numbers such as 1+1 equals 2 is true because of the rational insight of the world around us. Non-experimental knowledge such as mathematics enables people to add money, fruits, clothes and numbers among others. Logic is using reasoning and mental capacity to find the truth about information. An example where logic applies in the modern world is trying to explain to people that men and women are mortal beings. This statement is true because everyone will die. However , the person saying or hearing this statement has not experienced the death to know that men and women are mortal beings. The last non-experimental knowledge of the world today is religious and cultural beliefs. This is the knowledge about God, the devil and ancestors spirits. People have not experienced the presence of God, the devil, heaven and hell because these are beliefs that are considered true from the Holy texts in religious books. Knowledge from experience includes experimental, introspection, memory and testimony (Lemos, 2007). Experimental knowledge thrives on perception such as seeing, feeling, tasting and touching and smelling. Scientific research and other common experiences of acquiring and assessing knowledge in the modern world involve the use of the five common... This paper approves that the major religions in the modern world include Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Buddhism, among others. Religion teaches that there is a powerful Supreme Being who is omnipresent and located in the heavens. The Supreme Being created man in his own likeness, the world and values to be followed and obeyed. In the contemporary society, religion is still popular because people are shopping for values, beliefs and guarantees that meet their individual needs. The most commons reasons why religious beliefs are still popular in the 21st century include marriage, diseases, life challenges and uncertainties among others. Memory is an important source of knowledge in the modern world because the mind records events and experiences that are used in future. People remember their childhood memories with their friends and project these memories to their children’s future happiness. Patients remember previous appointments to the doctor and the description of their ailments. This essay makes a conclusion that assessing knowledge in the modern society is through rationalism and empiricism, which deal with experiences and faith, respectively. Religious and scientific theories differ in their definition of reality, but they have similarities in dealing with invisible things, end of the world and seeking wisdom through extensive studies. Religion in the modern society is still popular because of the promise of heaven, virtues, cohesion, globalization and perseverance.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sexual Harassment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sexual Harassment - Research Paper Example It was also clear that the policy on sexual harassment in the University was not effective due to inaccessibility and ignorance on the content of the policy. The findings faulted the university unpreparedness to deal with the aftermath of sexual harassment and also the inadequacy that was noted in terms of practices and the resourcefulness of the university to deal with sexual harassment. The research recommended the increase avenues of accessing the policy documents, the creation of awareness and major changes like including gender studies as a common unit in the university. The study also recommended that the university to improve the quality of the reporting of sexual harassment to the form that could be easily accessed by the victimized students. Increase in the intelligence was also recommended by the study among other recommendations. This section is an introduction of factors affecting Sexual Harassment directed on students in the University. It contains background of the study, problem statement, as well as objectives of the study. It also consists of significance of the study. Throughout the theoretical history of sexual harassment, scholars from multiple disciplines in the social sciences have grappled with a diverse set of interpretation of the definitions to conceptualize this abstract idea. According to Kenyatta University Sexual Harassment policy; (2010), sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that tends to create a hostile or offensive work environment. Bingham, S and Scherer, L. (2001) defines sexual harassment to include some specific range of offensive behaviors. In his argument, he suggested that the behavior is always repetitive and intended to present some disturbance and also to upset. He underscores this definition by saying that sexual harassment could refer

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Microprocessor and Interfacing Essay Example for Free

Microprocessor and Interfacing Essay Peripherals and Interfacing PIO 8255 The parallel input-output port chip 8255 is also called as programmable peripheral input-output port. The Intel’s 8255 is designed for use with Intel’s 8-bit, 16-bit and higher capability microprocessors. It has 24 input/output lines which may be individually programmed in two groups of twelve lines each, or three groups of eight lines. The two groups of I/O pins are named as Group A and Group B. Each of these two groups contains a subgroup of eight I/O lines called as 8-bit port and another subgroup of four lines or a 4-bit port. Thus Group A contains an 8-bit port A along with a 4-bit port. C upper. PIO 8255 †¢ The port A lines are identified by symbols PA0-PA7 while the port C lines are identified as PC4-PC7. Similarly, GroupB contains an 8-bit port B, containing lines PB0-PB7 and 4-bit port C with lower bits PC0- PC3. The port C upper and port C lower can be used in combination as an 8-bitport C. †¢ Both the port C are assigned the same address. Thus one may have either three 8-bit I/O ports or two 8-bit and two 4-bit ports from 8255. All of these ports can function independently either as input or as output ports. This can be achieved by programming the bits of an internal register of 8255 called as control word register ( CWR ). PIO 8255 †¢ The internal block diagram and the pin configuration of 8255 are shown in fig. †¢ The 8-bit data bus buffer is controlled by the read/write control logic. The read/write control logic manages all of the internal and external transfers of both data and control words. †¢ RD, WR, A1, A0 and RESET are the inputs provided by the microprocessor to the READ/ WRITE control logic of 8255. The 8-bit, 3-state bidirectional buffer is used to interface the 8255 internal data bus with the external system data bus. PIO 8255 †¢ This buffer receives or transmits data upon the execution of input or output instructions by the microprocessor. The control words or status information is also transferred through the buffer. †¢ The signal description of 8255 are briefly presented as follows : †¢ PA7-PA0: These are eight port A lines that acts as either latched output or buffered input lines depending upon the control word loaded into the control word register. †¢ PC7-PC4 : Upper nibble of port C lines. They may act as either output latches or input buffers lines. PIO 8255 This port also can be used for generation of handshake lines in mode 1 or mode 2. †¢ PC3-PC0 : These are the lower port C lines, other details are the same as PC7-PC4 lines. †¢ PB0-PB7 : These are the eight port B lines which are used as latched output lines or buffered input lines in the same way as port A. †¢ RD : This is the input line driven by the microprocessor and should be low to indicate read operation to 8255. †¢ WR : This is an input line driven by the microprocessor. A low on this line indicates write operation. PIO 8255 †¢ CS : This is a chip select line. If this line goes low, it enables the 8255 to respond to RD and WR signals, otherwise RD and WR signal are neglected. †¢ A1-A0 : These are the address input lines and are driven by the microprocessor. These lines A1-A0 with RD, WR and CS from the following operations for 8255. These address lines are used for addressing any one of the four registers, i. e. three ports and a control word register as given in table below. †¢ In case of 8086 systems, if the 8255 is to be interfaced with lower order data bus, the A0 and A1 pins of 8255 are connected with A1 and A2 respectively. RD 0 0 0 0 RD 1 1 1 1 RD X 1 WR 1 1 1 1 WR 0 0 0 0 WR X 1 CS 0 0 0 0 CS 0 0 0 0 CS 1 0 A1 0 0 1 1 A1 0 0 1 1 A1 X X A0 0 1 0 1 A0 0 1 0 1 A0 X X Input (Read) cycle Port A to Data bus Port B to Data bus Port C to Data bus CWR to Data bus Output (Write) cycle Data bus to Port A Data bus to Port B Data bus to Port C Data bus to CWR Function Data bus tristated Data bus tristated Control Word Register PIO 8255. †¢ D0-D7 : These are the data bus lines those carry data or control word to/from the microprocessor. †¢ RESET : A logic high on this line clears the control word register of 8255. All ports are set as input ports by default after reset. Block Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. ) †¢ 1. 2. 3. 4. †¢ It has a 40 pins of 4 groups. Data bus buffer Read Write control logic Group A and Group B controls Port A, B and C Data bus buffer: This is a tristate bidirectional buffer used to interface the 8255 to system databus. Data is transmitted or received by the buffer on execution of input or output instruction by the CPU. Control word and status information are also transferred through this unit. †¢ Block Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. ) Read/Write control logic: This unit accepts control signals ( RD, WR ) and also inputs from address bus and issues commands to individual group of control blocks ( Group A, Group B). †¢ It has the following pins. a) CS Chipselect : A low on this PIN enables the communication between CPU and 8255. b) RD (Read) A low on this pin enables the CPU to read the data in the ports or the status word through data bus buffer. †¢ Block Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. ) WR ( Write ) : A low on this pin, the CPU can write data on to the ports or on to the control register through the data bus buffer. ) RESET: A high on this pin clears the control register and all ports are set to the input mode e) A0 and A1 ( Address pins ): These pins in conjunction with RD and WR pins control the selection of one of the 3 ports. †¢ Group A and Group B controls : These block receive control from the CPU and issues commands to their respective ports. c) Block Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. ) †¢ Group A PA and PCU ( PC7 -PC4) †¢ Group B PCL ( PC3 PC0) †¢ Control word register can only be written into no read operation of the CW register is allowed. a) Port A: This has an 8 bit latched/buffered O/P and 8 bit input latch. It can be programmed in 3 modes mode 0, mode 1, mode 2. b) Port B: This has an 8 bit latched / buffered O/P and 8 bit input latch. It can be programmed in mode 0, mode1. Block Diagram of 8255 (Architecture). c) Port C : This has an 8 bit latched input buffer and 8 bit out put latched/buffer. This port can be divided into two 4 bit ports and can be used as control signals for port A and port B. it can be programmed in mode 0. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ These are two basic modes of operation of 8255. I/O mode and Bit Set-Reset mode (BSR). †¢ In I/O mode, the 8255 ports work as programmable I/O ports, while in BSR mode only port C (PC0-PC7) can be used to set or reset its individual port bits. †¢ Under the I/O mode of operation, further there are three modes of operation of 8255, so as to support different types of applications, mode 0, mode 1 and mode 2. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ BSR Mode: In this mode any of the 8-bits of port C can be set or reset depending on D0 of the control word. The bit to be set or reset is selected by bit select flags D3, D2 and D 1 of the CWR as given in table. I/O Modes : a) Mode 0 ( Basic I/O mode ): This mode is also called as basic input/output mode. This mode provides simple input and output capabilities using each of the three ports. Data can be simply read from and written to the input and output ports respectively, after appropriate initialisation. D3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 D2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 D1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Selected bit s of port C D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 BSR Mode : CWR Format PA 8 2 5 5 PCU PCL PA6 PA7 PC4 PC7 PC0-PC3 PB PB0 PB7 8 2 5 5 PA PCU PCL PB PA PC PB0 PB7 All Output Port A and Port C acting as O/P. Port B acting as I/P Mode 0 Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ 1. The salient features of this mode are as listed below: Two 8-bit ports ( port A and port B )and two 4-bit ports (port C upper and lower ) are available. The two 4-bit ports can be combinedly used as a third 8-bit port. Any port can be used as an input or output port. Output ports are latched. Input ports are not latched. A maximum of four ports are available so that overall 16 I/O configuration are possible. All these modes can be selected by programming a register internal to 8255 known as CWR. 2. 3. 4. †¢ Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. †¢ The control word register has two formats. The first format is valid for I/O modes of operation, i. e. modes 0, mode 1 and mode 2 while the second format is valid for bit set/reset (BSR) mode of operation. These formats are shown in following fig. D7 1 D6 X D5 X D4 X D3 D2 D1 D0 0- Reset 0-for BSR mode Bit select flags D3, D2, D1 are from 000 to 111 for bits PC0 TO PC71- Set I/O Mode Control Word Register Format and BSR Mode Control Word Register Format PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 RD CS GND A1 A0 PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PB0 PB1 PB2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 WR Reset D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Vcc PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 8255A 8255A Pin Configuration = D0-D7 CS RESET 8255A A0 A1 RD PA0-PA7 PC4-PC7 PC0-PC3 PB0-PB7 Vcc WR GND Signals of 8255 3 Group A control 1 D0-D7 Data bus Buffer 8 bit int data bus 4 Group A Port A(8) PA0-PA7 Group A Port C upper(4) Group B Port C Lower(4) PC7-PC4 PC0-PC3 2 RD WR A0 A1 RESET CS Block Diagram of 8255 READ/ WRITE Control Logic Group B control PB7-PB0 Group B Port B(8) D7 D6 D5 Mode for Port A D4 PA D3 PC U D2 Mode for PB D1 PB D0 PC L Mode Set flag 1- active 0- BSR mode Group A 1 Input PC u 0 Output 1 Input PA 0 Output 00 mode 0 Mode 01 mode 1 Select of PA 10 mode 2 Group B PCL PB Mode Select 1 Input 0 Output 1 Input 0 Output 0 mode- 0 1 mode- 1 Control Word Format of 8255 Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) b) Mode 1: ( Strobed input/output mode ) In this mode the handshaking control the input and output action of the specified port. Port C lines PC0-PC2, provide strobe or handshake lines for port B. This group which includes port B and PC0-PC2 is called as group B for Strobed data input/output. Port C lines PC3-PC5 provide strobe lines for port A. This group including port A and PC3-PC5 from group A. Thus port C is utilized for generating handshake signals. The salient features of mode 1 are listed as follows: Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) 1. 2. 3. 4. Two groups group A and group B are available for strobed data transfer. Each group contains one 8-bit data I/O port and one 4-bit control/data port. The 8-bit data port can be either used as input and output port. The inputs and outputs both are latched. Out of 8-bit port C, PC0-PC2 are used to generate control signals for port B and PC3-PC5 are used to generate control signals for port A. he lines PC6, PC7 may be used as independent data lines. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ The control signals for both the groups in input and output modes are explained as follows: Input control signal definitions (mode 1 ): †¢ STB( Strobe input ) If this lines falls to logic low level, the data available at 8-bit input port is loaded into input latches. †¢ IBF ( Input buffer full ) If this signal rises to logic 1, it indicates that data has been loaded into latches, i. e. it works as an acknowledgement. IBF is set by a low on STB and is reset by the rising edge of RD input. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ INTR ( Interrupt request ) This active high output signal can be used to interrupt the CPU whenever an input device requests the service. INTR is set by a high STB pin and a high at IBF pin. INTE is an internal flag that can be controlled by the bit set/reset mode of either PC4 (INTEA) or PC2(INTEB) as shown in fig. †¢ INTR is reset by a falling edge of RD input. Thus an external input device can be request the service of the processor by putting the data on the bus and sending the strobe signal. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. Output control signal definitions (mode 1) : †¢ OBF (Output buffer full ) This status signal, whenever falls to low, indicates that CPU has written data to the specified output port. The OBF flip-flop will be set by a rising edge of WR signal and reset by a low going edge at the ACK input. †¢ ACK ( Acknowledge input ) ACK signal acts as an acknowledgement to be given by an output device. ACK sig nal, whenever low, informs the CPU that the data transferred by the CPU to the output device through the port is received by the output device. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ INTR ( Interrupt request ) Thus an output signal that can be used to interrupt the CPU when an output device acknowledges the data received from the CPU. INTR is set when ACK, OBF and INTE are 1. It is reset by a falling edge on WR input. The INTEA and INTEB flags are controlled by the bit set-reset mode of PC 6and PC2 respectively. 1 0 1 0 Input control signal definitions in Mode 1 1/0 X X X 1 X X X X 1 1 X D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 Input 0 Output For PC6 PC7 PA0 PA7 INTEA PC4 PC5 STBA IBFA D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 PB0 PB7 INTEB PC 2 PC1 STBB IBFB PC3 RD PC6 PC7 INTRA I/O PC0 INTR A Mode 1 Control Word Group A I/P RD Mode 1 Control Word Group B I/P STB IBF INTR RD DATA from Peripheral Mode 1 Strobed Input Data Transfer WR OBF INTR ACK Data OP to Port Mode 1 Strobed Data Output Output control signal definitions Mode 1 1 0 1 0 1/0 X X X 1 X X X X 1 0 X D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 Input 0 Output For PC4 PC5 PA0 PA7 INTEA PC7 PC6 OBF ACKA D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 PB0 PB7 INTEB PC PC2 1 OBFB ACKB PC3 WR PC4 PC5 PC0 INTRA I/O INTRB Mode 1 Control Word Group A Mode 1 Control Word Group B Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ Mode 2 ( Strobed bidirectional I/O ): This mode of operation of 8255 is also called as strobed bidirectional I/O. This mode of operation provides 8255 with an additional features for communicating with a peripheral device on an 8-bit data bus. Handshaking signals are provided to maintain proper data flow and synchronization between the data transmitter and receiver. The interrupt generation and other functions are similar to mode 1. †¢ In this mode, 8255 is a bidirectional 8-bit port with handshake signals. The RD and WR signals decide whether the 8255 is going to operate as an input port or output port. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Salient features of Mode 2 of 8255 are listed as follows: The single 8-bit port in group A is available. The 8-bit port is bidirectional and additionally a 5-bit control port is available. Three I/O lines are available at port C. ( PC2 PC0 ) Inputs and outputs are both latched. The 5-bit control port C (PC3-PC7) is used for generating / accepting handshake signals for the 8-bit data transfer on port A. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ Control signal definitions in mode 2: †¢ INTR (Interrupt request) As in mode 1, this control signal is active high and is used to interrupt the microprocessor to ask for transfer of the next data byte to/from it. This signal is used for input ( read ) as well as output ( write ) operations. †¢ Control Signals for Output operations: †¢ OBF ( Output buffer full ) This signal, when falls to low level, indicates that the CPU has written data to port A. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) ACK ( Acknowledge ) This control input, when falls to logic low level, acknowledges that the previous data byte is received by the destination and next byte may be sent by the processor. This signal enables the internal tristate buffers to send the next data byte on port A. †¢ INTE1 ( A flag associated with OBF ) This can be controlled by bit set/reset mode with PC6 . †¢ Control signals for input operations : †¢ STB (Strobe inp ut ) A low on this line is used to strobe in the data into the input latches of 8255. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ IBF ( Input buffer full ) When the data is loaded into input buffer, this ignal rises to logic ‘1’. This can be used as an acknowledge that the data has been received by the receiver. †¢ The waveforms in fig show the operation in Mode 2 for output as well as input port. †¢ Note: WR must occur before ACK and STB must be activated before RD. WR OBF INTR ACK STB IBF Data bus RD Mode 2 Bidirectional Data Transfer Data from 8085 Data towards 8255 Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ The following fig shows a schematic diagram containing an 8-bit bidirectional port, 5-bit control port and the relation of INTR with the control pins. Port B can either be set to Mode 0 or 1 with port A( Group A ) is in Mode 2. Mode 2 is not available for port B. The following fig shows the control word. †¢ The INTR goes high only if either IBF, INTE2, STB and RD go high or OBF, INTE1, ACK and WR go high. The port C can be read to know the status of the peripheral device, in terms of the control signals, using the normal I/O instructions. D7 1 D6 1 D5 X D4 X D3 X D2 1/0 D1 1/0 D0 1/0 1/0 mode Port A mode 2 Port B mode 0-mode 0 1- mode 1 PC2 PC0 1 Input 0 Output Port B 1- I/P 0-O/P Mode 2 control word PC3 PA0-PA7 INTR INTE 1 PC7 PC6 OBF ACK STB IBF 3 I/O INTE 2 RD WR PC4 PC5 Mode 2 pins

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Introduction To Medicinal Plants Biology Essay

Introduction To Medicinal Plants Biology Essay About 250,000 higher plant species on earth, more than 80,000 species are reported to have at least some medicinal value and around 5000 species have specific therapeutic value. Herbs are staging a comeback and herbal renaissance is happening all over the globe. The herbal products today symbolize safety in compare to the synthetics that are considered as unsafe to human and environment. Even though herbs had been priced for their medicinal, flavoring and aromatic qualities for centuries, the synthetic products of the modern age surpassed their importance, for a while. However, the blind dependence on synthetics is over and people are returning to the herbals with hope of safety and security. Over three-quarters of the world population relies mainly on plants and plant extracts for health care. More than 30% of the entire plant species were used for medicinal purposes. (Joy, P.P., 2001) Herbals in world market: It is estimated that world market for plant derived drugs may account for about Rs.2, 00,000 crores. Presently, Indian contribution is less than Rs.2000 crores. The annual production of medicinal and aromatic plants raw material is worth about Rs.200 crores. This is likely to reach US $5 trillion by 2050. It has been estimated that in developed countries such as United States, plant drugs constitute as much as 25% of the total drugs, while in fast developing countries such as China and India, the contribution is as much as 80%. Thus, the economic importance of medicinal plants is much more to countries such as India than to rest of the world. (Joy, P.P., 2001) Biodiversity of herbals in India: India is one of the worlds 12 biodiversity centers with the presence of over 45000 different plant species. Indias diversity is UN compared due to the presence of 16 different agro-climatic zones, 10 vegetation zones, 25 biotic provinces and 426 biomes (habitats of specific species). Among these, about 15000-20000 plants have good medicinal value. However, only 7000-7500 species are used for their medicinal values by traditional communities. In India, drugs of plant origin have been used in traditional systems of medicines such as Unani and Ayurveda since ancient times. The Ayurveda system of medicine uses about 700 species, Unani 700, Siddha 600, Amchi 600 and modern medicine around 30 species. About 8,000 herbal remedies have been included in Ayurveda. The Rig-Veda (5000 BC) has recorded 67 medicinal plants, Yajurveda 81 species, Atharvaveda (4500-2500 BC) 290 species, Charak Samhita (700 BC) and Sushrut Samhita (200 BC) had described properties and uses of 1100 and 1270 species respectively, in compounding of drugs and these are still used in the classical formulations, in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. (Joy, P.P., 2001) Sources of medicinal drugs: The drugs are derived either from the whole plant or from different organs, like leaves, stem, bark, root, flower, seed, etc. Some drugs are prepared from excretory plant product such as gum, resins and latex. Plants, especially used in Ayurveda can provide biologically active molecules and lead structures for the development of modified derivatives with enhanced activity and /or reduced toxicity. Some important chemical intermediates needed for manufacturing the modern drugs are also obtained from plants (Eg. ÃŽÂ ²-ionone).The forest in India is the principal(diosgenin, solasodine) repository of large number of medicinal and aromatic plants, which are largely collected as raw materials for manufacture of drugs and perfumery products. The small fraction of flowering plants that have so far been investigated have yielded about 120 therapeutic agents of known structure from about 90 species of plants. Some of the useful plant drugs include vinblastine, vincristine, taxol, podophyllo toxin, camptothecin, digitoxigenin, gitoxigenin, digoxigenin, tubocurarine, morphine, codeine, aspirin, atropine, pilocarpine, capscicine, allicin, curcumin, artemisinin and ephedrine among others. (Joy, P.P., 2001) History of herbal medicine: Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Folk (tribal) medicines are the major systems of indigenous medicines. Among these systems, Ayurveda is most developed and widely practiced in India. Ayurveda dating back to 1500-800 BC has been an integral part of Indian culture. The term comes from the Sanskrit root Au (life) and Veda (knowledge). As the name implies it is not only the science of treatment of the ill but covers the whole gamut of happy human life involving the physical, metaphysical and the spiritual aspects. Ayurveda is gaining prominence as the natural system of health care all over the world. Today this system of medicine is being practiced in countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan, while the traditional system of medicine in the other countries like Tibet, Mongolia and Thailand appear to be derived from Ayurveda. Phytomedicines are also being used increasingly in Western Europe. Recently the US Government has established the Office of Alternative Medicine at the National Institute of Health at Bethesda and its support to alternative medicine includes basic and applied research in traditional systems of medicines such as Chinese, Ayurvedic. (Joy, P.P., 2001) Disadvantages: A major lacuna in Ayurveda is the lack of drug standardization, information and quality control. Most of the Ayurvedic medicines are in the form of crude extracts which are a mixture of several ingredients and the active principles when isolated individually fail to give desired activity. This implies that the activity of the extract is the synergistic effect of its various components. About 121 (45 tropical and 76 subtropical) major plant drugs have been identified for which no synthetic one is currently available. The scientific study of traditional medicines, derivation of drugs through bio prospecting and systematic conservation of the concerned medicinal plants is of great importance. Unfortunately, much of the ancient knowledge and many valuable plants are being lost at an alarming rate. Red Data Book of India has 427 entries of endangered species of which 28 are considered extinct, 124 endangered, 81 vulnerable, 100 rare and 34 insufficiently known species (Thomas, 1997).There are basically two scientific techniques of conservation of genetic diversity of these plants. They are the in situ and ex situ method of conservation. (Joy, P.P., 2001) In Situ conservation of medicinal plants: It is only in nature that plant diversity at the genetic, species and eco-system level can be conserved on long-term basis. ( It is necessary to conserve in distinct, representative bio geographic zones inter and intra specific genetic variation. Ex situ conservation of medicinal plants: A. Ethno-medicinal plant gardens: Creation of a network of regional and sub-regional ethno-medicinal plant gardens which should contain accessions of all the medicinal plants known to the various ethnic communities in different regions of India. This chain of gardens will act as regional repositories of our cultural and ethno medicinal history and embody the living traditions of our societys knowledge of medicinal plants. ( Current status: There are estimated to be around 50 such gardens in the country ranging from acre to 40 acres some of them were set up by an All India Health Network (AHN). More recently a network of 15 such gardens has been set up in 3 states of South India with the initiative of FRLHT. One of the gardens is located in TBGRI, (Tropical botanical garden research institute) Palode at Thiruvananthapuram. B. Gene banks: In India there is a large number of medicinal plant species are under various degrees of threat. The precautionary principles would suggest that an immediate and country-wide exercise be taken up to deposit seeds of wild medicinal plants with a first priority to known Red listed species and endemic species. Current status: The department of bio-technology, Government of India has recently taken the initiative to establish 3 gene banks in the country. One is with ICAR at the NBPGR (National Bureau of plant genetic Resources) Campus, the second is with CIMAPs, (Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic plants) Luck now and the third with TBFRI in Thiruvananthapuram. C. Nursery network: The most urgent and primary task in order to ensure immediate availability of plants and planting materials to various user groups is to promote a nationwide network of medicinal plant nurseries, which will multiply all the regional specific plants that are used in the current practice of traditional medicine. These nurseries should become the primary sources of supply of plants and seed material that can be subsequently multiplied by the various users. Current status: Planting material for 40 odd species of medicinal and aromatic plants is reportedly available in the ICAR and CSIR (CIMAP) network. In South India FRLHT (Foundation for Rural Revitalization of Local Health Tradition) has recently set up a network of 55 supply nurseries. D. Cultivation of medicinal plants: Figures projecting demand and trade in medicinal plant species globally indicate a step upward trend in the near future. One estimate puts the figure of world trade in medicinal plants and related products at US $ 5 trillion by A.D. 2050 (world bank report , 1996).The demand so far has been met mainly from wild sources. This cant go on for much longer; policy intervention is urgently needed to encourage and facilitate investments into commercial cultivation of medicinal plants. (Joy, P.P., 2001) Cultivation of medicinal plants is inversely linked to prevalence of easy and cheap collection from the wild, lack of regulation in trade, cornering of the profits from wild collection by a vast network of traders and middlemen and absence of industrys interest in providing buy-back guarantees to growers. Current status: In the Govt. sector agro-technology of 40 odd species has been developed by ICAR Agricultural University System and CSIR (CIMAOs RRL, Jammu and Jorhat). In recent years industries like Dabur, Zandu, Indian Herbs, Arya Vaidya Shala, and Arya Vaidya Pharmacy and others have made some symbolic efforts to initiate cultivation. Since1984 NABARD (National Bank of Agricultural and Rural Development) has formulated schemes for financing cultivation and processing of medicinal plants. E. Community based enterprises: The income generated by the traditional medicine industry benefits small section of the society. A strong case exists for promotion of community level enterprises for value addition to medicinal plants through simple, on site techniques like drying, cleaning, crushing, powdering, grading, packaging etc. This will also increase the stake of rural communities in conservation and change the skewed nature of income distribution of the industry. Current status: Three community based enterprises are known in south India, one in Gandhi gram Trust, (Dindigul), Premade development Society (Peer made) Kerala and the third by VGKK in B.R.Hills, Mysore. Importance of Herbal Medicines: Herbal medicines are prepared from a variety of plant material such as leaves, stems, roots, bark, etc. They usually contain many biologically active ingredients and are used primarily for treating mild or chronic ailments. ( Herbal remedies can also be purchased in the form of pills, capsules or powders, or in more concentrated liquid forms called extracts and tinctures. They can apply topically in creams or ointments, soaked into cloths and used as compresses, or applied directly to the skin as poultices. A combination therapy integrating ayurveda and allopathy whereby the side effects and undesirable reactions could be controlled can be thought of. Studies can show that the toxic effects of radiations and chemotherapy in cancer treatment could be reduced by Ayurvedic medications and similarly surgical wound healing could be accelerated by Ayurvedic medicines. Modern science and technology have an essential role to play in the process. Systems of Medicine: There are mainly 3 systems of medicine practiced in the world today. They are, Modern System of medicine or Allopathy: This system was developed in the Western countries. In this system drugs (tablets, capsules, injections, tonics etc.) are manufactured using synthetic chemicals and / or chemicals derived from natural products like plants, animals, minerals etc. This system also uses modern equipment for diagnosis, analysis, surgery etc. Medicines or drugs of this system is often criticized for its treatment of the symptoms rather than the cause of the disease, harmful side effects of certain drugs and for being out of reach of common / poor people due to the high cost of drugs and treatment. This system is used in all the countries of the world today. ( Alternative Medicine or Traditional System: Different countries of the world developed independently their own traditional systems of medicine using locally available materials like minerals and products of plants and animals. ( The World Health Organization (WHO) is giving importance to these alternate medicine systems to provide Primary Health Care to millions of people in the developing countries. Development of herbal medicine: China developed the Chinese system of medicine, which is practiced in China, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and other countries. In India, Ayurveda (developed in North India), Siddha (developed in Tamil Nadu) and Nagarjuna (developed in Andhra Pradesh) systems of medicine were developed. Ayurveda is practiced in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh also. Herbo-mineral is another traditional system used in India and other neighbouring countries. Drugs (balms, oils, pills, tonics, paste etc) are manufactured and marketed in these systems. (Joy, P.P., 2001) Advantages of traditional medicine: Traditional systems of medicine continue to be widely practiced on many accounts. Population rise, inadequate supply of drugs, prohibitive cost of treatments, side effects of several allopathic drugs and development of resistance to currently used drugs for infectious diseases have led to increased emphasis on the use of plant materials as a source of medicines for a wide variety of human ailments. Folk Medicine or tribal medicine: The medicinal systems followed by various tribals of different countries are popularly known as folk or tribal medicine. In the system, the medicine man or the doctor of the tribe who has the knowledge of treating diseases, keeps this knowledge as a closely guarded secret and passes it to the next generation by word of mouth. No written texts on these systems are available and different tribes follow different time tested methods. The treatment is often associated with lengthy and mystic rituals, in addition to prescription of drugs (decoctions, pastes, powders, oils, ashed materials etc.). Generally speaking, folk medicine can also be regarded as a traditional system of medicine. The basic aim of all the above systems of medicine is to alleviate the sufferings of human beings and their domesticated animals. ( Other Systems of medicine: Yoga, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Reiki, Magneto therapy, Pyramid therapy, Flower therapy, Homeopathy, Nature Cure or Naturopathy etc. are some of the other systems of medicine practiced in different parts of the world today. Utilization of Herbal Plants: The utility of medicinal plants has four major segments they are, Medicinal plants utilized in indigenous or traditional systems of medicines (ISM) Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy systems of medicines , OTC (over the country, non-prescription) items / products involving plant parts, extracts galenicals etc. , Essential oils , Phyto pharmaceuticals or plants used in modern systems of medicine. ( Medicinal plants used in Traditional Systems of Medicine: As its name implies, it is the part of tradition of each country which employs practices that have been handed down from generation to generation. An important feature of traditional therapy is the preference of practitioner for compound prescriptions over single substance/drug as it is being held that some constituents are effective only in the presence of others. This renders assessment of efficacy and eventually identification of active principles as required in international standards much difficult than for simple preparation. In India, earlier the medicines used in indigenous systems of medicines were generally prepared by the practicing physicians by themselves, but now this practice has been largely replaced by the establishment of organized indigenous drug industries. It is estimated that at present there are more than 1, 00,000 licensed registered practitioners of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani medicine or Homeopathy. In fact reliable data on availability in different regions of country as well as supply and demand of medicinal plants used in production of indigenous medicines are not available. ( Plants-parts, extracts and galenicals of medicinal herbs: The direct utilization of plant material is not only a feature of ISM in the developing world but also in developed countries like USA, UK, Germany etc., the various herbal formulations are sold on health food shops. Preparation of decoctions, tinctures, galenicals and total extracts of plants also form a part of many pharmacopoeias of the world. The current trend of medicinal plants based drug industry is to procedure standard extracts of plants as raw material. ( Essential Oils from herbal plants: The essential oil industry was traditionally a cottage industry in India. Since 1947, a number of industrial companies have been established for large scale production of essential oils, oleoresins and perfumes. The essential oil from plants includes Ajowan oil, Eucalyptus oil, Geranium oil, Lavender oil, Palmarosa oil, Patchouli oil, Rose oil, Sandalwood oil, Turpentine oil and Vetiver oil. Phyto-pharmaceuticals of medicinal plants: During the past decades, bulk production of plant based drugs has become an important segment of Indian pharmaceutical industry. Some of the Phyto-pharmaceuticals which are produced in India at present include Morphine, codeine, papaverine (Papaver somniferum), quinine, quinidine, cinchonine and cinchonidine (Cinchona sp., C.calisaya, C. Hyoscine, hyoscyamine (Hyocyamus Niger and H. muticus), colchicine (Gloriosa superbad, Colchicum luteum and Iphigenia stellata), cephaeline and emetin (Cephalis ipacacuanha), sennosides A B (Cassia angustifolia and C. acutifolia), reserpine, rescinnamine, ajmalicine and ajmaline (Rauvolfia serpentina); vinblastine and vincristine, ajmalicine (raubacine) (Catharanthus roseus); guggul lipid (Commiphora wightii); taxol (Taxus baccata); artemisinin (Artemisai annua) etc. ( Table I: Represents about plants containing Therapeutic value (Joy, P.P., 2001) Plant groups Plant species Family Genera Species Thalophytes 230 I.Monocots A)Liliaceae 45 165 B)Orchidaceae 45 135 Bryophytes 39 II. Dicots A)Compositae 89 331 Pteridophytes 382 B)Leguminosae 91 313 Gymnospermae 55 C)Ranuculaceae 31 208 Angiospermae: a)Monocotyledones b) Dicotyledones 676 3495 D)Laminaceae 46 189 E)Rosaceae 28 146 F)Umbelliferae 34 123 G)Rubiaceae 35 118 H)Euphorbiaceae 30 104 Total 4877 I)Asclepiadaceae 29 101 CLASSIFICATION OF HERBAL PLANTS: They are classified according to the part used, habit, habitat, therapeutic value etc, besides the usual botanical classification.Based on Therapeutic value they are classified as follows. Anti malarial : Cinchona officinalis, Artemisia annua ,Anticancer : Catharanthus roseus, Taxus baccata ,Antiulcer : Azadirachta indica, Glycyrrhiza glabra , Antidiabetic : Catharanthus roseus, Momordica charantia , Anticholesterol : Allium sativum Anti inflammatory : Curcuma domestica, Desmodium gangeticum , Antiviral : Acacia catechu Antibacterial : Plumbago indica , Antifungal : Allium sativum , Antiprotozoal : Ailanthus sp., Cephaelis ipacacuanha , Antidiarrhoeal : Psidium guava, Curcuma domestica , Hypotensive : Coleus forskohlii, Alium sativum , Tranquilizing : Rauvolfia serpentina , Anaesthetic : Erythroxylum coca , Spasmolytic : Atropa belladona, Hyoscyamus niger , Diuretic : Phyllanthus niruri, Centella asiatica , Astringent : Piper betel, Abrus precatorius Anthelmentic : Quisqualis indica, Punica granatum , Cardio tonic : Digitalis sp., Thevetia sp. Antiallergic : Nandina domestica, Scutellaria baicalensis ,Hepatoprotective : Silybum marianum, Andrographis paniculata. (Joy, P.P., 2001) Safety of medicinal plants: The safety and effectiveness of alternative medicines have not be been scientifically proven and remains largely unknown. A number of herbs are thought to be likely to cause adverse effects. Furthermore, adulteration, inappropriate formulation, or lack of understanding of plant and drug interactions have led to adverse reactions that are sometimes life threatening or lethal. Proper double-blind clinical trials are needed to determine the safety and efficacy of each plant before they can be recommended for medical use. Although many consumers believe that herbal medicines are safe because they are natural, herbal medicines may interact with synthetic drugs causing toxicity to the patient, may have contamination that is a safety consideration, and herbal medicines, without proven efficacy, may be used to replace medicines that have a proven efficacy. (Joy, P.P., 2001) Eg: Ephedra has been known to have numerous side effects, including severe skin reactions, irritability, nervousness, dizziness, trembling, headache, insomnia, profuse perspiration, dehydration, itchy scalp and skin, vomiting, hyperthermia, irregular heartbeat, seizures, heart attack, stroke, or death. Poisonous plants which have limited medicinal effects are often not sold in material doses in the United States or are available only to trained practitioners, these include: Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Datura, Gelsemium, Henbane, Male Fern Phytolacca, Podophyllum andVeratrum. Furthermore, herbs such as Lobelia, Ephedra and Eonymus that cause nausea, sweating, and vomiting, have been traditionally prized for this action. Plants such as Comfrey and Petasites have specific toxicity due to hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid content. There are other plant medicines which require caution or can interact with other medications, including St. Johns wort and grapefruit. (Phytotherapy , INTRODUCTION TO DIABETES MELLITUS In recent years, developed nations have witnessed an explosive increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) predominantly related to lifestyle changes and the resulting surge in obesity. The metabolic consequences of prolonged hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia, including accelerated atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, and blindness, pose an enormous burden on patients with diabetes mellitus and on the public health system. (Goodman Gilmans, 2006) In 1869, a German medical student, Paul Langerhans, noted that the pancreas contains two distinct groups of cells the acinar cells, which secrete digestive enzymes, and cells that are clustered in islands, or islets, which he suggested, served a second function. Direct evidence for this function came in 1889, when Minkowski and von Mering showed that pancreatectomized dogs exhibit a syndrome similar to diabetes mellitus in humans (Goodman Gilmans,2006) In the early 1900s, Gurg Zuelzer, an internist in Berlin, attempted to treat a dying diabetic patient with extracts of pancreas. Although the patient improved temporarily, he sank back into a coma and died when the supply of extract was exhausted. E.L. Scott, a student at the University of Chicago, made another early attempt to isolate an active principle in 1911. Using alcoholic extracts of the pancreas Scott treated several diabetic dogs with encouraging results; however, he lacked clear measures of control of blood glucose concentrations, Between 1916 and 1920, the Romanian physiologist Nicolas Paulesco found that injections of pancreatic extracts reduced urinary sugar and ketones in diabetic dogs. Although he published the results of his experiments, their significance was fully appreciated only years later. (Goodman Gilmans, 2006) Banting assumed that the islets secreted insulin but that the hormone was destroyed by proteolytic digestion prior to or during extraction. Together with Charles Best, he attempted to overcome the problem by ligating the pancreatic ducts. The acinar tissue degenerated, leaving the islets undisturbed; the remaining tissue then was extracted with ethanol and acid. Banting and Best thus obtained a pancreatic extract that decreased the concentration of blood glucose in diabetic dogs. (Goodman Gilmans, 2006) Insulin was purified and crystallized by Abel within a few years of its discovery. Sanger established the amino acid sequence of insulin in 1960, the protein was synthesized in 1963, and Hodgkin and coworkers elucidated insulins three-dimensional structure in 1972. Insulin was the hormone for which Yalow and Berson first developed the radioimmunoassay (Goodman Gilmans, 2006) Insulin regulation is achieved by the coordinated interplay of various nutrients, gastrointestinal hormones, pancreatic hormones, and autonomic neurotransmitters. Glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, and ketone bodies promote the secretion of insulin. The islets of Langerhans are richly innervated by both adrenergic and cholinergic nerves. Stimulation of a2 adrenergic receptors inhibits insulin secretion, whereas b2 adrenergic receptor agonists and vagal nerve stimulation enhance release. In general, any condition that activates the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system (such as hypoxia, hypoglycemia, exercise, hypothermia, surgery, or severe burns) suppresses the secretion of insulin by stimulation of ÃŽÂ ±2-adrenergic receptors. Predictably, ÃŽÂ ±2 adrenergic receptor antagonists increase basal concentrations of insulin in plasma, and ÃŽÂ ²2 adrenergic receptor antagonists decrease them. The sugar is more effective in provoking insulin secretion when taken orall y than when administered intravenously because the ingestion of glucose (or food) induces the release of gastrointestinal hormones and stimulates vagal activity. Several gastrointestinal hormones promote the secretion of insulin. The most potent of these are gastrointestinal inhibitory peptide (GIP) and glucagon like peptide 1 (GLP-1). Insulin release also is stimulated by gastrin, secretin, Cholecystokinin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, gastrin-releasing peptide, and Enteroglucagon. (Goodman Gilmans, 2006) Distribution: Insulin circulates in blood as the free monomer, and its volume of distribution approximates the volume of extracellular fluid. Under fasting conditions, the pancreas secretes about 40 mg (1 unit) of insulin per hour into the portal vein to achieve a concentration of insulin in portal blood of 2 to 4 ng/ml (50 to 100 minutes/ml) and in the peripheral circulation of 0.5 ng/ml (12 minutes/ml) or about 0.1 nM. After ingestion of a meal, there is a rapid rise in the concentration of insulin in portal blood, followed by a parallel but smaller rise in the peripheral circulation. (Goodman Gilmans, 2006) Half Life: The half-life of insulin in plasma is about 5 to 6 minutes in normal subjects and patients with uncomplicated diabetes. This value may be increased in diabetics who develop anti-insulin antibodies. (Goodman Gilmans, 2006) Metabolism: Degradation of insulin occurs primarily in liver, kidney, and muscle. About 50% of the insulin that reaches the liver via the portal vein is destroyed and never reaches the general circulation. Insulin is filtered by the renal glomeruli and is reabsorbed by the tubules, which also degrade it. Severe impairment of renal function appears to affect the rate of disappearance of circulating insulin to a greater extent than does hepatic disease. Peripheral tissues such as fat also inactivate insulin, but this is of less significance quantitatively. The important target tissues for regulation of glucose homeostasis by insulin are liver, muscle, and fat, but insulin exerts potent regulatory effects on other cell types as well. Insulin is the primary hormone responsible for controlling the uptake, use, and storage of cellular nutrients. (Goodman Gilmans, 2006) Figure 1: Insulin release from ÃŽÂ ²-cell DIABETES MELLITUS: Diabetes mellitus (DM) consists of a group of syndromes characterized by hyperglycemia; altered metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins; and an increased risk of complications from vascular disease. Most patients can be classified clinically as having either type 1 or type 2 DM. Criteria for the diagnosis of DM have been proposed by several medical organizations. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) criteria include symptoms of DM (e.g., polyuria, polydipsia, and unexplained weight loss) and a random plasma glucose concentration of greater than 200 mg/dl (11.1 mM), a fasting plasma glucose concentration of greater than 126 ml/dl (7 mM), or a plasma glucose concentration of greater than 200 mg/dl (11 mM) 2 hours after the ingestion of an oral glucose load In the United States, about 5% to 10% of all diabetic patients have type 1 DM, with an incidence of 18 per 100,000 inhabitants per year. A similar incidence is found in the United Kingdom. The incidence of type 1 DM in Europe varies with latitude. The highest rates occur in northern Europe (Finland, 43 per 100,000) and the lowest in the south (France and Italy, 8 per 100,000). The one exception to this rule is the small island of Sardinia, close to Italy, which has an incidence of 30 per 100,000. However, even the relatively low incidence rates of type 1 DM in southern Europe are far higher than the rates in Japan (1 per 100,000 inhabitants). There are more than 125 million persons with diabetes in the world today, and by 2010, this number is expected to approach 220 million. (Goodman Gilmans, 2006) Both type 1 and type 2 DM are increasing in frequency. The reason for the increase of type 1 DM is not known. The genetic basis for type 2 DM cannot change in such a short time; thus other contributing factors, including increasing age, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and low birth weight, must account for this dramatic increase. In addition, type 2 DM is being diagnosed with remarkable frequency in preadolescents and adolescents. Up to 45% of newly diagnosed children and adolescents have type 2 DM. There are genetic and environmental components that affect the risk of developing either type 1 or type 2 DM Types: Diabetes can be divided into

Friday, September 20, 2019

Free Essay - The Token Black Guy :: Personal Narrative Essay Example

The Token Black Guy    In school social circles, I always find myself "The Token Black Guy." I thought of this term for my role after viewing an episode of Scrubs on TV.  Ã‚   I started thinking about the small number of black students at my school. It is something I have always turned a blind eye to.    I've never really been bothered about being the only black friend most of my friends have. But at times, it leads me to some stressful conclusions. I realize that I, in a way, represent the entire black community to them, as they get to know me, and see my strengths and weaknesses. It is one of the things that keeps me motivated. Perhaps I want people to see only the best in us, or perhaps it is something deeper.    I have never had problems with people because they were white. There have been, however, those who've had problems with me because I'm black. Sometimes, it's very subtle: because I am black, I must listen to rap music, play basketball or use a lot of slang. In truth, my parents make fun of me for using a lot of big words, I'm terrible at sports, and usually listen to classical music.    Other times, however, it is more overt. People come up to me using slang and gestures typical of urban African-American youth, and expect me to reciprocate. It's gone so far as for white kids to think they can use the "n" word around me. This does more than make me angry, it makes me question my identity.    Modern culture, especially that perpetuated on MTV, has given many suburban white kids the idea that they are oppressed by some business-like aristocracy. That may be true in a way, but in another, it is puzzling that the reaction has been for many middle-class Caucasian youth to adopt black culture as their own. And as far as media perception of black people, I really don't fit that mold. I am very in touch with my culture, heritage and race. And I take a great deal of pride in it. But because I don't fit the stereotype that even white kids are now trying to emulate, it sometimes puts me at odds with my own perception of my race.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Damon Perez Mrs. Mcgillivray 8th Grade Science 18 December 2013 Incarceration is the process of being sent to prison. The top 10 reasons people are sent to prison are: larceny, drug possession, public intoxication, fraud, theft, aggravated assault, armed robbery, DUI, homicide, and rape. Women are 20% of people arrested. About 15% of people that are arrested are released within 4 hours or less - and about 66% are released within 48 hours. Some people that are arrested are released on bond - 46%. Some people who are arrested are charged with felonies - 25%, the other people were charged with misdemeanor offenses - 75%. There are differences between prison, jail, and juvenile detention. Prisons are operated by state governments and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). They are designed to hold individuals convicted of crimes. People serving long sentences (over a year) go to prison. Jails are most often run by sheriffs and/or local governments. They are designed to hold individuals awaiting trial or are serving short sentences. People serving short sentences (a year or under) go to jail. A youth detention center, also known as a juvenile detention center or, known as juvie, is a secure residential facility for young people. They are called juvenile delinquents. They are waiting court hearings and/or placement in long-term care.( There are approximately 1494 prisons in the United States. Jail is where people serve time for the bad stuff they did, a place where a person convicted of a crime is detained. Prison is a place for those convicted of serious crimes. Felony charges are more serious crimes that carry much higher jail time. Misdemeanor charges are still serious crimes just not as dangerous nor se... ...y will schedule a hearing to think about the sentence at a later date. In most felony cases the judge waits for the results of a presentence report, prepared by the court's probation office, before making the sentence. If the defendant pleads not guilty, the judge will proceed to schedule a trial. People charged do not have to prove their innocence. Instead, the government must provide evidence to convince the jury of the person’s guilt. The level of proof in a criminal trial is proof "beyond a reasonable doubt," which means the evidence must be so strong that there is no logical doubt that the person charged committed the crime. ( Works Cited:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Marilyn Monroe Essay -- Biography Biographies

Marilyn Monroe Norma Jean Baker was born on June 1st 1926. She said that she came from an unhappy and deprived childhood. Galdys was Norma's mother. She had two children with Jack Baker (Norma's father) while still very young. Her father died in a car accident soon after she was born and at the age of 26 Galdys remarried to Edward Mortenson. Edward didn't want children but Galdys did so she divorced him. Soon after that Galdys couldn't take care of Norma anymore so she gave her up for adoption. In an interview Norma said that her grandmother tried to "mother" her with a pillow and how she was forced to do the dishes (at age 5) in an orphanage and that she was abused in one of the families that she was adopted by, and the fact that she was raped by a policeman. On June 19th 1942- two weeks after her 16th birthday Norma Jean married to James E. Dougherty. The marriage lasted for 4 years and by the time the divorce was granted she was well- known as "Marilyn Monroe". The name "Marilyn Monroe" came from the Broadway musical actress, Marilyn and she got Monroe from her grandmother. In July 1942- during the war there was a great demand for pin-up pictures for the soldiers. One of the soldiers took plenty pictures of Marilyn but they were never printed, he said that they were lost in the mail. So Marilyn went to Blue Book Modeling and studio Agency and was put to work immediately. This is when it all went big for her. By this time she was about 19 years old. She starte...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


CHAPTER 1 : THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION Not all people are given the chance to have a quality education especially in the Philippines because it is now complicated. That’s why having the chance to study and choosing the course should not be compared to something like for an example buying a dress for a special occasion and when realization comes into your mind that you don’t want it, you’ll return it or maybe get your money back. No, this isn’t right, because in college life, you have to treat every second as an important detail of your life. You should not waste every moment in it. So choosing the course which you think fits your capabilities is very important. Studying a specific course in college is not only about paying the fees rather the most important things here are the time and effort spent. Money, time and effort are the most precious things in one’s life and once it is used or spent, it’s hard to gain again or worst you may never have it at all. So the time these are wasted for nothing, for sure the blame for this mistake will be felt truly. When looking at the profile of those students who are working and at the same time is studying, you would notice that they never dare wasting their time. For them, every second counts. Make an observation and you will find out that almost all of the working students are working too hard to finish their studies. For them, wasting their effort, time and money is such a big mistake. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Student jobs have become a sort of trend among students around the world, who want to work while they are studying. In short, the term that suits this trend is ‘Earn and Learn’ policy. Other reason why student jobs are popular among students is they help to cope up with the constant increase in tuition fees, and a way to afford further educations. The problem has been developed with the question as to how the corresponding workloads and required working hours of working students affect their academic performance at Polytechnic University of the Philippines. As a researcher, the main purpose of the study is to know the factors that affect the academic performance of working students. In addition, this paper aims to provide encouragement and motivation to all students especially those who are financially distressed to pursue and finish a college degree in order to be competitive in the future and be able to realize their goals and aspirations. It may also provide learning experiences and information to other students who are not working. In order to accomplish our objectives, we adopted several methodologies in obtaining data and information such as conducting surveys by providing questionnaires to our subjects, getting information in the internet and conducting interviews personally and honestly with our target subjects to get assurance that our data, information and values gathered were correct and accurate. IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY These studies will be beneficial to the following: The Students. Because of this study, the students will be able to know the profile of the working students and they will realize the truth about what they are going through. By this process, the working students will serve as inspirations to their fellow students especially to those who are almost losing their hopes and eagerness to pursue their studies. The Mentors. This study also helps the teachers to be able to easily notice those students who were really dedicated to their studies and who were not wasting their time and money on their universities. These will also give them enough knowledge on what the working students are going through when they are studying while working. They also know those students who deserved to be given considerations. The Parents. By this study, the parents will be able to know the advantage of working while studying. And because of these, they will also realize the reason why working students are doing such, especially if their sons or daughters are one of those students who are already working or planning to have a job while studying. To the Future Researchers. This study will help them as guide in conducting their own research. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The objective of studying this matter is to know the profile of the working students and the implication on the class standing. Specifically, they need to answer these following questions: 1. What was the working students are going through while they are studying and at the same time working? 2. What are the statuses of the working students when it comes to their grades and their participation in class? SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY This research is concerned on the profile of the working students based from their academic standing. This covers the engineering students of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. The profile of the working students will be distinguished by the aid of the questionnaires prepared by the researcher. In this research we can clearly notice the academic standing of the working students definitely by the help of the surveys conducted by the researcher.

Monday, September 16, 2019

General Adaptation Syndrome

The steps of the general adaptation syndrome that I would experience are alarm reaction, which is the body’s initial response to any stressors. This reaction mobilizes or arouses the body in preparation to defend itself against a stressor. This reaction involves a number of body changes, which are initiated by the brain and further regulated by the endocrine system and the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. The next stage of the general adaptation syndrome I would experience is the resistance stage. This stage occurs if the stressor, which initiated the alarm reaction, is not dealt with. The body is attempting to restore the lost energy and repair the bodily damage. The final stage of the general adaptation syndrome that I would experience is the exhaustion stage. If stressors are still not dealt with, the body becomes exhausted, muscles become fatigued, and the body is then depleted of the resources required for combating stress. The emotional effects will make each day intolerable and filled with dread. I could experience anger towards my co-workers, as I filled overwhelmed. Experience depression, as an overwhelming feeling of failure, and prolonged stress of my job. The cognitive effects of stress will inhibit my thinking patterns, my ability to focus, and impair my memory and problem solving ability. The effects of the continuing stress on my health could potentially be deadly. Stress will weaken my immune system. The continued stress will increase my heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension. I will suffer from headaches, an increased risk of blood clotting, allergies, hives, or heart disease. To effectively deal with the stress of this new position, some techniques I would use would be writing down the different sources throughout my day. Relaxation training and biofeedback training, evaluate what changes in attitude and behavior will need to be made in order to get the most out of my life. I will seek support from family and friends, to determine if the new position is a benefit to me, or if it is potentially to much stress, for me to commit to taking on.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Senior year

The time has finally arrived less than a month to senior graduation. Just not too long ago I was sitting down in the lecture hall getting my senior portraits done . Let was a very long processes trying to figure out what outfit I was going to wear , trying this and trying that on until I found the perfect outfit for my last set of high school pictures. Once it came time to do the cap and gown pictures it hit me that this is literally my last and final year of high school.Who would have known that your senior year is literally the most expensive year in all f the years you've been in high school. Spirit packs are a must during your senior year which includes a cute backpack, sunglasses, and a lanyard yea it was a bit on the pricey side but so what its senior year. Then you have all the books that finally decided to catch up with you that you have to pay for because you were too lazy to keep up with them. Cap and gown, Prom, All night grad party and of course the year book is all a par t of those dues no one wants to pay but choose to because It's your last year.Choosing graduation Invitations was hard because there were so many efferent packages to choose from then having to make a list of the people you wanted to Invite. It's hard to know that this year was a year for a lot of â€Å"last time â€Å"things. The last Whereon vs†¦ South lakes football game thankfully we won that game. My very last year of playing powder puff with the girls of 2014 that have literally played every year approaching the senior year. This year was our year at the pep rally being able to see our year showed In the dance was great, we went crazy seeing that because this Is our year to shine. Senior year The time has finally arrived less than a month to senior graduation. Just not too long ago I was sitting down in the lecture hall getting my senior portraits done . Let was a very long processes trying to figure out what outfit I was going to wear , trying this and trying that on until I found the perfect outfit for my last set of high school pictures. Once it came time to do the cap and gown pictures it hit me that this is literally my last and final year of high school.Who would have known that your senior year is literally the most expensive year in all f the years you've been in high school. Spirit packs are a must during your senior year which includes a cute backpack, sunglasses, and a lanyard yea it was a bit on the pricey side but so what its senior year. Then you have all the books that finally decided to catch up with you that you have to pay for because you were too lazy to keep up with them. Cap and gown, Prom, All night grad party and of course the year book is all a par t of those dues no one wants to pay but choose to because It's your last year.Choosing graduation Invitations was hard because there were so many efferent packages to choose from then having to make a list of the people you wanted to Invite. It's hard to know that this year was a year for a lot of â€Å"last time â€Å"things. The last Whereon vs†¦ South lakes football game thankfully we won that game. My very last year of playing powder puff with the girls of 2014 that have literally played every year approaching the senior year. This year was our year at the pep rally being able to see our year showed In the dance was great, we went crazy seeing that because this Is our year to shine.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Language for Teachers Task 4: Focus on the Teacher’s Language Essay

In this paper, I analyze my language in the classroom in terms of its accuracy and appropriacy for teaching. I quote six utterances from an Elementary level (A1) with twelve adult students who work at an investigation institute. This lesson starts with a conversation about a woman’s vacation to Aspen in order to introduce the Idiomatic Future. 1. When checking a dialog from students’ book assignments, I asked a comprehension question to the whole class. Accurate and appropriate: â€Å"What is the reason to buy two machines that do the same thing?† This sample focuses the learners’ attention to the question being answered at that moment. It also provides modified input to enhance students’ understanding because this could have easily been worded like: â€Å"Why buying two machines to do the same job?† Thus, by paraphrasing why and replacing job for thing, I make sure I use semantic elements that students can easily identify in spoken language uttered by a known speaker, the teacher. 2. When checking homework, I was nominating students to listen to their answers from the book. Accurate but inappropriate: â€Å"Repeat! Maybe if someone didn’t do the homework, this person can write the answer.† This message clearly referred to a specific student who was distracted when the rest were checking and correcting homework. Its function was to involve as many students as possible in this whole-class activity. However, it was not my intention to make them self-conscious about not having completed their assignments. In an effort to lower these students’ affective filters, I could have said, â€Å"Listen to your classmate’s answer again so you can write any corrections or comparisons.† This alternative could sound artificial and a little complicated because it is the product of careful thinking in a written paper. However, I think it could provide comprehensible input, thus exposing students to cognates such as corrections and comparisons. 3. When I was setting the situation about a future trip, I read for my students a conversation from the book introducing the Idiomatic Future. In the conversation, a woman answers she is going to stay at the Aspen Hotel for her vacation. This is the reply from the other woman. Inaccurate but appropriate: â€Å"Wow, I *her that’s really nice!† (Vs. â€Å"Wow, I hear that’s really nice!† ) I had read that conversation for different groups several times, but I had never had this mispronunciation before. The first times, I would probably just read it verbatim because I would pay a lot of attention to the text. Later, I was already familiar with the story, so I might have changed hear for heard without noticing. It was not until now that I realize hear is not completely accurate to model the typical meaning of this tense. Indeed, hear implies the speaker has been hearing about the quality of the hotel; while heard suggests she once had knowledge about its quality. So, a quick unconscious decision made me change my pronunciation at the last moment, thus producing something between both verb forms. If I had paid more attention to that text beforehand, I could have changed hear for heard in the written text and I could have told students to correct this in their books, too. 4. Right after I finished reading the conversation between those two women, just before asking comprehension questions about this story. Inaccurate and inappropriate: â€Å"And that’s it. Now, let me ask you a few questions about this. It’s just, you know, understanding†¦ [inaudible] I think I sounded redundant and pointless because I was anxious about my timing at this moment in the lesson. I probably should have avoided talking at all, even though it is difficult for me to keep quiet in class. Otherwise, I could have prepared different written versions of explicit instructions, such as: â€Å"Listen to these questions and respond with complete answers.† The function of this alternative wording would be to set a parameter for the answer expected from the students by the school. 5. During the grammar and semantic explanation of the target structure on the board, a student asked about the difference between Idiomatic Future and Simple Future. I talked about the certainty or resolution that auxiliaries such as will and won’t convey. Accurate but inappropriate: â€Å"You will die.† Eventually, I conjugated this verb in the first person singular, both in Simple and Idiomatic Future. For each sentence, I provided a context illustrating their possible function. I wanted everybody to relate to this explanation and to remember it by providing enhanced input, not by presenting the language in a special form, but rather by providing a remarkable meaning. However relatable or remarkable these examples might be, now I think my discourse might have seemed a little disturbing for some people. Therefore, I could have used a different subject for such contrasting sentences, such as: â€Å"That tree will die, but it is not going to die soon.† 6. I sneezed, so some students said â€Å"Salud†. I modeled and wrote on the board â€Å"bless you!†, then I explained the difference with â€Å"God bless you!† Inaccurate and inappropriate: â€Å"Using the name of the Lord in vain is a sin.† Obviously, it was not my intention to preach to the students. Actually, I meant to portray the puritan heritage of English in their formulaic manners. However, I do not think this was conveyed to students, even if they did understand my words. Also, my style resembled L1 a. Now, I would only comment on the difference between using the word god or not by saying â€Å"For them, taking the name of the Lord in vain is blasphemous.† Thus, I would be increasing the semantic field of the verb take by using it differently from its physical meaning and I would be introducing the cognate blasphemous. As a conclusion, it is difficult to avoid becoming over controlling of the classroom language, thus maintaining a sensible proportion between TTT and STT. This ratio might depend on the variety of roles a teacher can assume during a lesson or stages with different interaction patterns. Therefore, what we do say in class must be carefully planned or resourceful and precise. Another compromise teachers can reach involves comprehensible input and modified or adapted input: When teachers act as models, it is necessary to produce a language that is fairly intelligible for students (just a step beyond their level); however, when the teacher gives directions or takes the role of a tutor, he/she needs to lower his/her language in order to ensure most students understand. Word count: 1,084 References Lightbown, P. Spada, N. (2006). How languages are learned New York: Oxford University Press ICELT In-Service Certificate in English Language Teaching Declaration I, Eduardo Garcà ­a Acevedo, declare that the following Language for Teachers Task 4: Focus on the teacher’s language is entirely my own work and that it is written in my own words and not those copied directly from any other source, except for those properly acknowledged. Signature: Date: August, 30th 2013