Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Philosophy - Essay Example Sources of Knowledge Rationalism as a source of knowledge includes non-experimental sources such as logic, beliefs and mathematics. A person cannot experience any of these sources of knowledge, but can derive a sense of reality and purpose from them. Empiricism source of knowledge in the world today include acquiring information through experience such as seeing, feeling and hearing (Lemos, 2007). Non-experimental knowledge about the modern world comes from reasoning and beliefs. The knowledge in mathematics of adding two numbers such as 1+1 equals 2 is true because of the rational insight of the world around us. Non-experimental knowledge such as mathematics enables people to add money, fruits, clothes and numbers among others. Logic is using reasoning and mental capacity to find the truth about information. An example where logic applies in the modern world is trying to explain to people that men and women are mortal beings. This statement is true because everyone will die. However , the person saying or hearing this statement has not experienced the death to know that men and women are mortal beings. The last non-experimental knowledge of the world today is religious and cultural beliefs. This is the knowledge about God, the devil and ancestors spirits. People have not experienced the presence of God, the devil, heaven and hell because these are beliefs that are considered true from the Holy texts in religious books. Knowledge from experience includes experimental, introspection, memory and testimony (Lemos, 2007). Experimental knowledge thrives on perception such as seeing, feeling, tasting and touching and smelling. Scientific research and other common experiences of acquiring and assessing knowledge in the modern world involve the use of the five common... This paper approves that the major religions in the modern world include Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Buddhism, among others. Religion teaches that there is a powerful Supreme Being who is omnipresent and located in the heavens. The Supreme Being created man in his own likeness, the world and values to be followed and obeyed. In the contemporary society, religion is still popular because people are shopping for values, beliefs and guarantees that meet their individual needs. The most commons reasons why religious beliefs are still popular in the 21st century include marriage, diseases, life challenges and uncertainties among others. Memory is an important source of knowledge in the modern world because the mind records events and experiences that are used in future. People remember their childhood memories with their friends and project these memories to their children’s future happiness. Patients remember previous appointments to the doctor and the description of their ailments. This essay makes a conclusion that assessing knowledge in the modern society is through rationalism and empiricism, which deal with experiences and faith, respectively. Religious and scientific theories differ in their definition of reality, but they have similarities in dealing with invisible things, end of the world and seeking wisdom through extensive studies. Religion in the modern society is still popular because of the promise of heaven, virtues, cohesion, globalization and perseverance.

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