Thursday, September 26, 2019

ORIENTALISM, PREJUDICE AND DESCRIMINATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ORIENTALISM, PREJUDICE AND DESCRIMINATION - Essay Example USA policy makers have, declared various Islamic countries as promoters of terrorism and a part of ‘axis of evil’. Indeed, citizens from many Islamic citizens are heavily scrutinized at US airports because of such developments. Consequently, Muslims are ignited from such changes and protest against this maltreatment because they don’t want to be suspected as endorsers of terrorist elements worldwide. The first main characteristic of Orientalism is the ‘categorizations or generalizations’ about a specific religious and / or ethnic group over self-drawn assuptions that later lead to negative interpretations and misconceptions about Muslims and Arabs. The second characteristic is that Orientalism discuss about cultural diversity and differences in values such as those between Eastern and Western society. (Hosking, 2009) All individuals should be provided sufficient knowledge through lectures about followers of some major religions such as Christainity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddihism and Jewism so that they could understand religious differences among people. Indeed, there is dire need to foster mingling among people through joint annual gatherings and corner meetings in towns and residential areas. Next, individuals should also be taught that never support media’s propaganda against any particular ethnic or religious group. Rather, if people have ambiguities, they should better read authentic literature and interact with people of a particular religion to eradicate their

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