Tuesday, October 15, 2019

British Airways Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

British Airways - Assignment Example The company has won several awards for best in customer service, the best airline, just to name a few (British Airways Plc SWOT Analysis, 2014, p. 4). This is the most recognized motivation model. Maslow suggested that in this model, people have a set of strong needs that are possible to arrange in a hierarchy. Once the motivation needs have been satisfied, they decline in importance. After a need has been satisfied another emerges to take its place. In addition, the lower needs must be satisfied before the upper level needs. The model states that an individual has five types of needs (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2009, p. 131). 1. Outcomes- first level outcomes refer to performance and the second level outcomes are the consequences in which the first level outcomes lead to (result of performance is some reward for attaining goal). 4. Valence- this is the strength of the employee’s preference for any particular reward or outcome. The first level outcome valence is the sum of the product of the associated second level outcomes and their instrumentalities. Thus, the first level valence depends on the extent to which the results are valuable in the second level outcomes. The valence can be either negative or positive (Lunenburg & Ornstein, 2012, p. 91). The logic of expectancy theory is that British Airways administration intervenes on the work situations to maximize expectancies, instrumentalities and valence that support organizational goals. To influence the expectancies, British Airways selects people with the appropriate abilities and skills, providing them with continuous professional development, supporting them with the needed resources and identifying clear performance goals. To accomplish this, British Airways makes the desired performance goals attainable. The administration makes it clear what is expected of the employees thus enabling them to attain the goals. To influence instrumentality, the administrators clarify the

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