Friday, October 18, 2019

Health education in Malawi Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health education in Malawi - Research Proposal Example According to the United Nations Economic and Social Council , women and girls form a majority of individuals who are undernourished. This statistic reveals the societal inequities that females face in some societies. Women in developing countries are not educated as their male counterparts. They are less educate and, therefore, not well equipped in solving food security issues in their families. To resolve this, most programs involve increasing women’s access to education and improving their decision making power. Education empowers women as it improves the bargaining position of women in household matters. Programs such as IMAGE intervention try to empower women through microfinance ventures. Rural women, through IMAGE, are able to access microfinance services such as credit and savings to rural women (Kim et. al., 2007). IMAGE intervention enables women to start, develop and benefit from their own enterprises. This, in effect, reduces the occurrences of gender-based violence, as women are able to contribute to the economic welfare of the household. Women empowerment is the key to both the economic and food security problems in developing countries such as Malawi. The programs suggested in resolving the aforementioned problems in Malawi should be effective if successfully implemented. They all share one objective, empowering women who are undervalued by the ethnic communities in Malawi and the rest of Africa. In the case of Eva and Peter, the programs would solve their problems to an extent.

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