Friday, May 31, 2019

Guidelines on Termination Letters :: essays papers

Guidelines on Termination LettersTermination LettersA type of bad news message which informs an employee that he is going to be terminated from his current job or position because of a particular reason. Reasons for Terminating an Employee pitiful performance of the employee Insubordination End of Project Financial Crisis in the Company Closure of Department or DivisionDos1. Warn the employee beforehand(predicate) Make sure that the employee was given a warning that he may be terminated because of his bad performance or the financial condition of the telephoner that may lead to the termination or lay-offs of its employees closure of the department, etc. 2. Explain all the way and completely the reason for the termination - Be sure to state clearly why he is being terminated. For example, a) because of bad conduct. (Give the specific incident, its witnesses on the particular incident/s. b) financial problems (Tell them straight to the pint that the company is experiencing that problem). The words you use should be clear and understandable, not too broad like the words difficult, etc.3.Make comments that will retain goodwill Writer should not preserve harsh wordslike lazy, just rephrase or use another better term for it. Remember that the employee should leave the relationship among the terminated employee and the firm as favorable as possible. 4.End with an encouraging note Dont dishearten the employee. Dont state in the letter that because of his bad performance for example, he will have a hard time getting a job. 5.Make suggestion in decision a job, if possible Suggest companies where he canapply for a job. This is also to encourage the reviewer of the letter. Donts (Avoid)1.Dont mislead the reader Dont mislead the reader into thinking that the letter

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Jesus Role as Reigning King :: essays research papers

Emphasizing Jesus Role as Reigning King page 277 3 & 4 In ANCIENT TIMES . . . moldiness ACTIVIETY AND FAN FAIR was done in the CARINATION of kings, and they were given GREAT HONOR AND LOYALTY by the people Why because a KING of a population had ultimate POWER AND RULERSHIP. What a KING said or WANTED done . . there were NO questions asked.The MORE LOYALTY that the people had for their KING the great his kingdom would become. And If the KING also had manufacturing businesss DIVINE BACKING, there was nothing he could NOT ACCOMPLISH.Although EARTHLY KINGS . . . lived and died . . . they were also IMPERFECT and MADE MISTAKES.But, . . . Jehovah God . . . would though . . . .ESTABLISH a RULERSHIP with a PERFECT KING who would live forever AND NEVER DIE. This INFORMATION was revived to Mary the EARTHLY MOTHER of the coming(prenominal) king. Open your bible to Luke 1 30 33. and Lets see how this was told to her. Even BEFORE this conversation between the angel and Mary took place it had be PROPHECY age ago about this KINGSHIP. Opens bibles to Daniel 7 13, & 14. When Jesus was on EARTH and BEFORE his death . . . it was FIRMLY established by his disciples that he was the Son of God . . . and would be the KING of Gods kingdom. That is why the people said . . at Luke 19 38 BLESSED IS THE ONE COMING AS THE KING . . .IN churchmanS NAME. Jehovah has GREAT LOVE for his son, who OFFERED HIMSELF up to die a PAINFUL AND SHAMEFUL death, on a torture stake. This was NOT . . . JUST some other DEATH. . . . . God Son DIED in behalf of mankind. So ACTIVE FAITH and BELIEF in the LIFE AND DEATH of Gods Son would divide those whose would cop everlasting LIFE and those who would not. As PREACHERS AND TEACHERS of Gods word . . .it IMPORTANT That we BUILD appreciation TO THOSE WE TALK TO. . . for what Jesus LIFE AND RULERSHIP truly means for mankind. And it depart REFLECT in the way a person lives their lives. To BEGIN with . . . OUR OWN WAY OF LIFE . . . shows whether we REALLY B ELIEVE that Jesus Christ is King and we argon WILLINGLY submit to his rulership.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

OHare International Airport :: Chicago Airport

A broadcast to expand OHare International Airport has begun to look more promising, butbackers of a aimd airport near Peotone said last week they dont expect the plan tochange the debate over a one-third airport. "Its still not going to lead air capa urban center, and wont solve their long-range problem," saidDon Goff, chairman of the Third Airport Alliance. "I dont see it as any setback," he said of the plan to build more terminals and gates. Goff said that even if OHare expansion proponents later use the World Gateway projectto justify building more runways, a third airport ordain still be needed. "Theyre still going to have to build another airport," Goff said. But those who hope plans for an airport near rural Peotone will be scrapped see the planas a sign of hope. "Im very happy about that," said Jill Holzaepfel of Peotone, who said she hopes the planesand traffic stay close to the city. "I chose to live out here on the farmland," sh e said, adding that those who are impacted bymore noise and pollution at an expanding OHare chose to live near the airport. Some Peotone opponents propose expanding the airport in Gary, Ind., or building atanother site. The major airlines that serve OHare International Airport and city officials reached atentative agreement to prevail ahead with a $3.2 billion renovation at the worlds secondbusiest airport, a city spokeswoman said. Mayor Richard Daley has called the project the "World Gateway Program." It hasinvolved months of negotiations between the city and the two major carriers that serveOHare United Airlines and American Airlines. "Right now, we have an agreement in principle," lucre Department of Aviationspokeswoman Monique Bond said Friday night. "We see confident that were movingforward and we are pretty optimistic about the finality of the agreement." The renovation, which is expected to take eight years to complete, is expected to increasethe bend of boarding gates by at least 25 percent. It is also intended to increase thenumber of flights and make connections in and out of the airport smoother. "This is fundamentally what we are doing to better use the existing facility with moreefficiency," Bond said. She said the redesign will help accommodate the airlines increaseduse of big planes, such as the Boeing 777. While Bond would not confirm the number of new gates involved, a report appearing innext weeks Crains Chicago Business cites sources familiar with the negotiations saying

What is an American? :: essays research papers

Let me ask you this What is an American? There is no right or wrong way to answer this question. It is diffucult to comp be an American today to an American two-hundred and fifty years ago, because the modern day America is so diverse that a label can non be stuck on the forehead of todays society. There are many diametric ways that one can describe an American today, infact there are so many ways that I could never come close to covering all of them in this essay. I feel the three most rough-and-ready ways to describe todays American are by the somebodys age, his or her priorities in life, and the way he or she chooses to present his or her physical self to others (fashion). end-to-end the life of an American their age at the time usually determines what activities they choose to be part of. A sixteen year old boy would not choose to spend his Saturday afternoon doing the same thing that a 75 year old grandfather of 6 would spend his afternoon doing. The teenager great power dec ide to play a game of baseball in the park, while the older man might decide to spend the evening with his grandchildren in his garden. unconstipated though both of these people decide to busy themselves differently because of their age they are still Americans. So it is evident that a persons age is descriptive of what a person may choose do with themselves.Yet another description of an American are the priorities that he or she hold dear to them. One person may feel that their family is their greatest priority, however a man with no family would not feel this way. This man might feel that his greatest priority would be taking care of himself. This can also be tied in with age. A younger person might feel that his of her greatest priority is to their friends, solely an older person might feel that their most important overall priority is to their children. Whatever a persons priorities may be it is true that many different Americans have many different priorities.Finally, the way a person decides to physically present themselves to others is a major descriptor of an American. Although some Americans care not what others gestate of their physical appearence, many on the other hand do. A certain high school girl might find pleasure in working(a) an entire

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Movie: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Essay -- essays research papers

Movie Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThe movie takes break finished in Vienna, Austria in the 1700s. The film beginswith the attempted suicide of Antonio Salieri, a act composer of the AustrianEmperor. He is placed in a mental asylum where a priest visits and asks for hisconfession. Salieri claims to have caused the death of Mozart. The rest of themovie is a narration by the court composer, mostly in flashbacks, of how hecaused this death.Salieri recounts that while he was playing games as a boy Mozart wasplaying music for the King. At the age of four, Mozart composed his frontmostconcerto, at seven, his first symphony, and at twelve, his first opera. He wasconsidered a child prodigy.Salieri wished to become a famous composer, like his idol. However, hisfather would not allow this. He didnt want his son to be a trained monkey, ontour around Europe performing tricks like a circus. Salieri prayed to divinity andwhat he considered a miracle happened his father dies and he was able to purs uehis musical studies. He eventually became a popular musician and teacher in theEmperors court. When he heard Mozart was advance to Vienna from Salzburg, heeagerly sought him out. He finally found him at a party, way from the separateguests, acting like a harum-scarum animal, chasing a five-year-old woman. However, as soon ashe heard his music starting without him, he changed into a serious musician,rushing to take his place as conductor. Salieri noticed that Mozart conductedwithout notes. Although he recognized that Mozart was a giggling, dirty-mindedcreature, he was also able to see the genius in him. He couldnt understand whereforeGod had chosen a obscene child to be his instrument. At another time, Mozartswife presents to Salieri some of his work in an attempt to get him a job as ateacher. Salieri sees that the music sheets have no corrections and no notes.Mozart simply composed from his head onto paper. It is then that Salieri isoverwhelmed by his brilliance. He realise that God has given to Mozart theskills and genius that he has always prayed for, and all he gave to Salieri isthe ability to recognize it. It is at this point that he turned away from Godand set out to ruin Mozart.Salieri then describes what Mozart was like. Mozart drank too much, hepartied all day and composed all ni... to suffer. As the movie ends, Salieri is being wheeledthrough a room of mentally ill patients and this is where he will spend hisremaining days.I think that Hollywood may have over-exaggerated Mozarts behaviour. Inmy learning there is no evidence that he was like this. I wonder if Salierireally hated or was jealous of Mozart. Did Salieri really plan to kill thecomposer? The being Book Encyclopedia states that Mozart did try to earn moneyby teaching pupils. There is no mention of any abnormal behavior.Whether the movie is true or false, I think the movie tries to show thatgenius is next to madness. A person may excel in one subject, yet the growth ofthe ot her parts of his behavior may be stunted. The movie also points out thatjealousy brings misery. Salieri was well paid and popular, had a high position,and had respect from other people. only he remained unhappy and even ruined hislife, all over the fact that another musician was better than he. Finally, itsa great tragedy that Mozart died so young and penniless.The movie was well acted, and the music was beautiful to hear.

Movie: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Essay -- essays research papers

Movie Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThe movie stops place in Vienna, Austria in the 1700s. The film beginswith the attempted suicide of Antonio Salieri, a court composer of the AustrianEmperor. He is placed in a mental asylum where a priest visits and asks for hisconfession. Salieri claims to have caused the death of Mozart. The rest of themovie is a narration by the court composer, mostly in flashbacks, of how hecaused this death.Salieri recounts that while he was playing games as a boy Mozart wasplaying music for the King. At the age of four, Mozart be his firstconcerto, at seven, his first symphony, and at twelve, his first opera. He wasconsidered a child prodigy.Salieri wished to become a famous composer, like his idol. However, hisfather would not yield this. He didnt want his son to be a trained monkey, ontour around Europe performing tricks like a circus. Salieri prayed to God andwhat he considered a miracle happened his father dies and he was able to pursuehis musical studies. H e eventually became a popular musician and teacher in theEmperors court. When he perceive Mozart was coming to Vienna from Salzburg, heeagerly sought him out. He finally found him at a party, way from the some otherguests, acting like a silly animal, chasing a young woman. However, as soon ashe heard his music starting without him, he changed into a serious musician,rushing to take his place as conductor. Salieri noticed that Mozart conductedwithout notes. Although he recognized that Mozart was a giggling, dirty-mindedcreature, he was also able to see the genius in him. He couldnt go through whyGod had chosen a obscene child to be his instrument. At another time, Mozartswife presents to Salieri some of his work in an attempt to constrict him a job as ateacher. Salieri sees that the music sheets have no corrections and no notes.Mozart simply composed from his head onto paper. It is then that Salieri isoverwhelmed by his brilliance. He realized that God has given to Mozart thes ov ercomes and genius that he has always prayed for, and all he gave to Salieri isthe ability to recognize it. It is at this point that he turned international from Godand set out to ruin Mozart.Salieri then describes what Mozart was like. Mozart drank too much, hepartied all day and composed all ni... to suffer. As the movie ends, Salieri is being wheel aroundthrough a room of mentally ill patients and this is where he will spend hisremaining days.I think that Hollywood may have over-exaggerated Mozarts behaviour. Inmy reading there is no evidence that he was like this. I wonder if Salierireally hated or was jealous of Mozart. Did Salieri really plan to kill thecomposer? The World Book Encyclopedia states that Mozart did try to earn moneyby teaching pupils. There is no mention of any abnormal behavior.Whether the movie is authentic or false, I think the movie tries to show thatgenius is next to madness. A person may excel in one subject, yet the outgrowth ofthe other part s of his behavior may be stunted. The movie also points out thatjealousy brings misery. Salieri was well paid and popular, had a high position,and had respect from other people. Yet he remained unhappy and even ruined hislife, all over the fact that another musician was better than he. Finally, itsa great tragedy that Mozart died so young and penniless.The movie was well acted, and the music was beautiful to hear.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Persona Responsibility Essay Essay

individual(prenominal) duty, in this context, is an important concept composed of these parts Fist, what the address personal indebtedness agency to you? Second, what relationship exists between personal responsibility and college success? Last but non least, what preliminary plan do you consider to practice personal responsibility in your education?Personal responsibility is a decision that you make to start up to your own ideals and expectations. It also means that you would be accountable for what you say, do, or depend. It chiffonier also mean self awareness of a person towards the success of ones sprightliness.Personal responsibility starts inside us and move outwards. We should not blame others for our mis perplexs. We should start blaming our self if something went wrong that way we can find ways to fix it and move on our life. Also, dont postpone doing what you can do today, because tomorrow has it own problem to solve if you can, today is the perfect day to develop your talents.Many students regard that it is a responsibility of the instructors or other students to help them succeed in college. I believe it is me and only me who can get my own success. Personal responsibility is accepting what ever consequences come from my attains and understanding how to improve and make necessary changes. By setting personal goals, staying focused, and time management skills, I can achieve college success.A good way to improve my college career is to stay organized. Often times in college, the schedule of classes, and making time for things other than school can be extremely challenging. This requires me to own a good time management skills, keep a detailed schedule of all future deadlines, and to have some(prenominal) resources and supplies available and ready to use. The Journalof College Admission says The student would benefit from using organizational tools, such as planners, calendars, to-do-list, folders, blinders, and dividers (Prevatt, Huijun, & Welles, 2011, para.).Also, every society, like every family has their rules. If you want to live a better life with no troubles, you have to follow those rules. Following the rules makes your life easier and happy.When it comes to relationship between personal responsibility and college success, we all need to think twice. There is correlation between personal responsibility of the student and their success in college. This relationship exists because personal responsibility directly bushels issues that are pertinent to ones life such as family, relationships, education, as well as physical and spiritual well-being of an singular. Personal responsibility determines the success of the student in college for a add together of reasons (Charles, 2008). The first, and I think one of the most important, is self-discipline. Personal responsibility is the ability to be in get word of ones life in terms of actions, emotions, etc. Students who do not have personal responsibility concer ning their lives are prone to influences of doing what others are doing by just following them without proper reasons. This lack of self-control comes about because any individual without a sense of personal responsibility will always be irresponsible. A student without personal responsibility will blame the lecture for impuissance in the exam when a responsible student with personal responsibility will rather analyze the reasons behind his/her failure and decide to take action to pass the exam. This explains why students who have a sense of personal responsibility have higher scores than those without personal responsibility (Bourbon, 1994).The other factor that makes students who take personal responsibility to succeed in college more than the others who do not take personal responsibility is that they do not allow circumstances to embarrass their progress in life. They do have a high sense of self-esteem, which makes them to confront issues critically rather than emotionally. St udents who feel that they are not in control pity themselves when they have issues to deal with in their lives thus shaming their physical health negatively. This may lead to absenteeism from classes and even suicidal cases (Charles,2008). Students who are aware of the rowing personal responsibility also manage to delay gratification its the ability to deny oneself pleasure in pursuit of a particular goal. Personal responsibility enables a student to stick out or to persevere in pursuit of academic excellence thereby delaying the enjoyment of pleasures, which may affect the concentration, or peace of mind in pursuit of excellence. The delay gratification of pleasures such as drug abuse, sexual relationships, and hooliganism are known to affect students academic performance (Bourbon, 1994). Studying at university is not just about learning a lot of things that are fascinating in themselves but, preparing your future in a work place. At the same time as you develop your knowledge of your subject and the skills required to perform well in it, youre actually developing a whole range of skills and intellectual abilities that can be transferred to other areas of life, including your future employment. To reach that goal, you have to be enceinte on yourself you have to set a study time and respect it no mare what, Study individually is good, but, group study is better because you have more than one ideas and a lot of experiences to take advantage of. You also need an appropriate place with no noise around to be concentre and do your work. Be strict on your school schedule like you are for the one at work.Make sure to do all your assignments on time and make sure that you respect the time you set for your studies. College demand extra work to do. You have to manage your time between your work, your family members, your friends and so on Time managing is very important if you want to succeed in college. Planning thing ahead can help thing get done wee so that you can have enough time to do your school work. As work responsibilities, school has his part too. Study, do assignment on time, participial in group activity, find a good place and time to study. Discipline is a key word I Think to succeed in college.A person cannot succeed if there is not a personal responsibility for what he/she is doing. In order for me to practice my personal responsibility in my education, I need to do my own assignment, do my work on time dont wait for someone else to do it for me. If Im having troubles understanding a subject, I can as my instructor or a classmate for help for more explanations instead of letting someone else do it for me. Doing your own assignment helps understanding your courses and be successful at the end.References Charles, Chester (2008). Building Classroom Discipline Boston Pearson Education Bourbon, Thomas (1994). Discipline at understructure and School New York Brandt

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Explanation as to Why Projects Fail Essay

Having the right members of mental faculty is very crucial when running a hear. encounter mangers deliver to be exceedingly c atomic number 18ful when employing members of staff, hiring people that do non know how to use tools during the development of a jump out enkindle result in time consumption.Going all over the budgetIf the shed manager wastes more than property hence necessary, then how their project going to be able to continue, how go out members of staff get paid, and where are they going to get the money for the tools that are needed. Project managers have to always be wary about how a great deal money is being spent and to always keep track of their budget and avoid spending too much money.Insufficient details from clientIt is extremely authorised for the project manager to find out as many details as possible in set up to create the product for them. If there are not enough details and the product is made, the client may not be satisfied and therefore t he project has failed as well as the project manager.There are projects out there that do not give enough requirements which have led to cases where the developers of the project having no input from the client, and create a project that they believe is needed without them knowing anything about the business itself. When the project has then been given to the client, business users will then say that it does not do what is needed to be done. This is also connected to a lack of user involvement a user has to always know exactly what they want and have the ability to specify it precisely.Not enough proper time to research and be afterBefore any project starts, planning has to always be interpreted place in order to prepare for the unexpected so that we can react quicker minimising any problems as much as possible. But if not enough time has been given to properly plan and also to research a product, that will only increase the risk of the project failing.Using the slander kind of to olsThere are many different kinds of bundles that can be used for many different kinds of things. Using the wrong software can be almost impossible or difficult to do the project. For example to create a spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel will be needed. But if Microsoft FrontPage is provided, then it would be impossible to create the spreadsheet because FrontPage is used to make websites and WebPages, not spreadsheets.They can over-run (passed the deadline)If a project has passed its deadline, it has failed and the client will probably not be able to afford the project any longer and will terminate the project. Projects can pass the deadline simply because certain problems may have been very difficult to thrash and therefore time-consuming. Other things can also include members of staff not working full time or not working properly in the project.Poor communicationPeople have to communicate with each other in order to know what is happening and what is going on. If people do not commun icate with each other then how they will know if they are doing everything in the correct order and if everything is working perfectly in order for them to continue. It is extremely important that members of staff tell each other when to apply certain things or when to start creating little bits in order to make the project.Lack of user InvolvementEveryone that has been hired to carry out the project must always be mingled so that project can run as swimmingly as planned. A lack of user involvement can prove to be fatal for any kind of project. Every user has to be involved otherwise nobody in the business will be committed to a system and may be also hostile to it. In order to have a successful project every single user has to be involved from the start of the project and continue to be involved throughout the whole development.Changes in the requirementsWhile a project is being developed, what can sometimes happen is that the client can suddenly decide to give more details to t he production of the project, because of this happening many projects has failed simply because there was not enough time to finish the project due to the amount of time that it took to add those extra details.Long or Unrealistic Time periodsSometimes clients give project managers a ridiculous amount of time to finish a project when it is impossible because there maybe few members of staff, or not enough money to pay for tools that are needed to create the project. Project managers have to plan carefully how much time is needed to create a whole project, a manager will have to take in consideration how much members of staff are needed and for how much time.Managers have to also be aware of any unrealistic time periods, for example for a product to follow or a specific tool or software. Waiting for tools to be delivered could take a week or more which could have an impact over the whole project. It is recommended that project managers review all project plans so that they will be ab le to see if they are all realistic before they belong with anything.Poor TestingPeople that are developing projects will have to carefully test them and also test to see if it meets the business requirements. But exam can sometimes fail because of many faults, these can include* Poor requirements* Tests not done properly or not at all* clever users that do not know the purpose of the system* Insufficient time to perform tests as the project is lateBad decisions being madeThis can involve wrong decisions that have been made by the project manager. Bad decisions can normally happen if no planning has taken place and the project manager does things without any meaning or thinking about it, managers will need to carefully make any decision. An example of this could be hiring more staff then needed or buying more softwares then needed for the project.Reference detailshttp// 22/09/09http// 22/09/09http// 06/10/09

Saturday, May 25, 2019

By the River

The story of Harry Howdy living In a small country town and his growth Into a four-year-old man Is a bloodcurdling. That Is, It describes his coming of age, a process that moves children, sometimes quite roughly, into the bad world. The death of his mother and the loss of a dear childhood relay transmitter certainly force Harry to enter this adult world, as they teach him the importance of close and supporting relationships. Harry has to take on adult responsibilities earlier than expected after the loss of his mother to a fatal disease.Both he and his familiar Keith, take over the housework my rather and me shared the duties our mother left field us to help their fuck off, who Is busy In full time employment, providing for the family. It is Harry and Keith who keep the household running by cooking and keeping the bathroom sparkle like a medal. Harry has to combine these adult responsibilities with the grief that he feels, not only with the death of his mother, but also the de ath of his close friend Linda Mahoney. Linda Mahoney was Harry close school friend and her support enabled him to cope with the death of his mother and the small mindedness of his town.She shared her levels, ambitions, and her delouses orange cake with Harry. She held out an orange cake and a card and l sat in the shade, enjoying her dreams and the sound of her eager voice until she stopped, closed her book, look up at me and ask, What do you inadequacy to be Harry? . This highlights Lands kindness to Harry and the way that she wants to encourage his dreams. When Linda drowned in a flood when Harry was 14, he grieved for her. From then on, Harry visited her memorial fumble so that our town had something worth remembe rally, to tell her stories and to be close to her.He kept the area tidy In memory of Linda. Just like his take looked after his mothers memorial. His school friend, Johnny Barlow, also grieved Lands death. As the story in By the River progresses, Johnny Barlow beca me Harry close friend. This was despite the Barlow family having a bad write up in town. The father lines up empty beer bottles the eldest brother received two years Jail, for beating up a businessman, the other brother Wayne, motorbikes, the pub and girls. The youngest son Johnny suffered as a result of the poor reputation of his family.Hell turn up Like his brother, locked In Jail. In Harry corning of age, his father teaches him to form his own opinions of people and not to rely on other peoples misjudgment. While everyone in their town judges Johnny, Harry becomes friends with him. Harry discovers a ring on Linda Mahogany grave and learns that Johnny cared for Linda and that he is actually capable of emotionally hurting despite what some people might think, she sat in the midst of us, remember? Together they grieve for Linda and live through the judgment of the town.By the River Is a powerful Illustration of the life of a young boy who grows up future(a) the death of his moth er and close friend Linda Mahoney. It provides vivid examples of the difficulties of living in a small country town. Through Harry experiences in assuming adult responsibilities, through his coping with grief and through his reassessment of peoples characters, Harry transitions from childhood Into adulthood. In the beginning, Harry only wants to escape his town. Through his becoming of an adult, Harry realizes that, If he Is going to leave this

Friday, May 24, 2019

Different arguments of civil society by katy pace

Different argu handsts of civil order of magnitude by katy pace BY Tuni127 Katie Pace Civil Society and its Definitions magical spell generally acknowledged to consist of privately formed social organizations, civil high nightclub remains an ambiguous construction prone to diverse interpretations. As a Western idea, first made famous by Alexis de Tocqueville in his analysis of American democracy, its application worldwide and in nations with differing social, religious, economic and governmental backgrounds has created debate roughly what civil fellowship is and how civil society influences or is influenced by government.Tocqueville first presented civil society to the West as voluntary, non- policy-making social organizations that strengthen democracy preventing a tyranny of the majority. Associations, which can be religious, moral, serious, futile, general or restricted, enormous or diminutive, protect diversity by uniting equal except namby-pamby individuals into powerful groups. These associations prevent the fragmentation of society by forcing men to consider the affairs of others and to work with their neighbors.According to Tocqueville, the equality and individualism fostered by democracy convince men that hey need nonhing from nor owe anything to their neighbors thus, without civil society, they would isolate themselves from the community. Finally, Tocqueville argues that civil society fosters the social norms and trust necessary for people to work together and teaches individuals to appreciate and efficaciously use their liberties. Consequently, civil society promotes democracy and checks one-man rule.Many Western writers wholeheartedly accepted Tocquevilles definition of civil society. In both his book, Making Democracy Work, and his article, correct In, Tuning Out The Strange Disappearance of Social Capital in America, Robert Putnam treats ivil society, also called social groovy, as features of social life- ne twainrks, norms and trust - that enable participants to act together more effectively to pursue shared objectives. Putnam argues that social capital influences citizen engagement in the community, which in turn influences government.A developed civil society is necessary for democracy to work well, for it relies on and develops the trust among individuals and the leadership skills necessary for a representative government. The author of the Solitary Bowler agrees that the association-forming habit is the stuff if civil society. His discussion of the decline of civil society in America is based on his Tocquevillean definition of civil society as a network of voluntary associations.Though the author acknowledges that American civil society may simply be undergoing metamorphosis and not disappearing, he holds fast to his Western view by drawing the commentators attention to new types of voluntary associations which satisfactory snuggly into his definition. The article, Bowling Alone, also focuses on new forms of social capital, but it does not redefine social capital. Other writers question Tocquevilles definition and analysis of civil society.In his article, The impressiveness of Being Modular, Ernest Gellner agrees that civil society is that set ot diverse non-governmental institutions, which is strong enough to counterbalance the state whilst not preventing the state from fulfilling its role of keeper of the peace and referee between major interests. However, he argues that this definition is deficient because it includes elements of plural societies that should not be considered examples of civil society.Gellner says a nation can have a plural, non-centralized, but socially oppressive society in which social order is aintained by local, kin-defined, religious and stifling rituals that leave no room for individual autonomy. Therefore, civicness cannot be determined by pluralism. once must narrow the definition of civil society and take a closer look at a societys associations to s ee if they fall inwardly the new definition. Sheri Berman attacks the traditional conception of civil society in, Civil Society and the Collapse of the Wiemar Republic. Prior to the nazis rise to power, Germany society was a plethora of social institutions.Due to the inadequacy of responsive national government and political parties, hese associations fragmented society instead of uniting it. Consequently, in an inversion of neo-Tocquevillean theory, civil society weakened and eventually undone the Weimar Republic, replacing a democracy with a totalitarian regime. Consequently, Berman argues that associations should be considered a politically neutral multiplier, dependent for its effects on the wider political context. Once the concept of civil society was applied to the East, more objections were thrown at it.In his article, Orientalism, Islam and Islamists, Bryan food turner discusses the role of elativism and ethnocentrism in western analysis of Middle Eastern society. Turner defines the Western viewpoint of civil society as that network of institutions which lies between the state and individual and which simultaneously connects the individual to authority and protects the individual from total political control. The West assumes that civil society is the main indication of social progress from a state of nature to one of civilization and from despotism to democracy.Defined by the West, despotism exists where civil society is either absent or underdeveloped. The estern concept of civil society is based on in individualism thus, the West assumes in that location is no established tradition of legitimate opposition to arbitrary governments in Islam because Islam is devoid of individual rights and individuality. However, the West ignores similarities between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Furthermore, the West accepts Islams lack of social capital as the cause of its political instability and fails to examine other possibilities.Eva Bellin also questi ons the application of Tocquevilles civil society to eastern studies in her work, Civil Society efficient Tools of Analysis for Middle East Politics?. Bellin argues that the term itself has a range of definitions. The West has applied this ambiguous term to the Middle East and determined that the contribution is inhospitable to civil society. Yet, the West ignores the use of the term by Middle Easterners themselves. Leaders call on civil society to promote projects of modernization. Islamists employ the concept to gain influence in the public sphere. Intellectuals use the term to increase individual liberty.Thus, civil society acquires elements of secularism, citizenship, civisme, civility, civil iberties, most of which would destroy despotism. Bellin concludes from this that the West should not dismiss the existence of civil society in the Middle East. Samu Zubaida also urges proponents of civil society to reexamine its definition in his article, Islam, the State and Democracy. H e defines two concepts of civil society. The first, a secular-liberal definition, conceives ot civil society as voluntary associations that foster individual autonomy and provide experience in the exercise of social and political rights and responsibilities.For such associations to exist, the state must ithdraw from economic and associational life while creating legislation and institutional mechanisms which provide the framework of rights and obligations for these spheres. The second definition of civil society is an Islamic-communal definition that conceives of civil society as an informal network of relationships whose focus is property and business. Finally, Ibn Khaldun provides a conception of civil society that, while written large before debates about social capital began, could enlighten the West about civil society in the East.In The Maquaddimah, Khalduns ivil society is based on group touch and religion. A leader acquires power and a society acquires stability if the com munity is bonded by feelings of kinship and common descent and by connections between clients and allies. Religion strengthens these bonds by eliminating Jealousy and discord as the community focuses its energy on important goals. Group feeling can exist in harmony with an absolute dominion and its lack can destroy an empire, rendering a community vulnerable to outside control. The different approaches to civil society outlined above leave the reader with two pposing definitions of civil society.The first is a Tocquevillean definition in which civil society and democracy are assumed to complement each other. The second is a Middle Eastern definition in which civil society does not consist of formal groups whose existence is designed to achieve specific goals. Civil society is instead a series of informal relationships based on religious, familial and clientele connections that can and do exist under undemocratic governments, for they are solo beyond the governments sphere. These r elationships have existed throughout Islamic history and continue to exist today.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Abstract for Literature review based on Dentists’ Knowledge of Ionising Radiation dental radiography.

Abstract for books revaluation Despite there is a quick growth in the tech nary(prenominal)ogy that has myriad benefits in improving the interventions of alveolar consonant consonant health, just now a fewer dentists are well aware of the risk hazards of most these modern technologies (Praveen, 2013). Large body of evidence suggests the lack of knowledge in dentists in regards to the risks associated with ionising radiation while giving dental service (Rout and Brown, 2012). More importantly, only a handful of studies have attempted to unveil the facts and current state of knowledge and awareness associated with detrimental effects of ionising radiation in Australian and Jordanian dentists. This study, through questionnaires and interviews, examined the dentists that are giving services in Australia and Jordan and assessed their knowledge of such(prenominal) effects that are linked with ionising radiations. The study was carried through intense literature review was carr ied out to collect the current background in the subject area and the findings of these studies were critically reviewed.Focus of the literature review was based upon the different factors, such as the complications of ionising radiation, complications in different climb on group people, preventive measures and the current state of knowledge in the dentists all around the globe. Praveen, (2013) suggests that radiation in dentistry is mainly used for diagnostic purposes and in a dental set-up usually the practicing dentist exposes, processes and interprets the radiograph. Although the exposure to such radiation is kept as very less, it is essential to shrink the exposure to the minimum to the dental personnel and patients in order avoid the carcinogenic and organ damaging effects that can be produced by it.. several(prenominal) radiation protective cover measures have been advocated to ameliorate these effects. Dose dependent radiation exposure was identified as a one of th e key measures in restrain the use of ionising radiation. As suggested by White and Mallya (2012), wise selection of patients to treat with ionising radiation and implement patient-specific reason, which ensures greater benefits than the harms are the two easiest ways to tackle with the risks associated with ionising radiation.However, Ayatollahi (2012) suggests that this drill is not adequately implemented in majority of the dental clinics. Secondly, the review identified children as most susceptible to radiation exposure. Preventive measures such as use of special radiation protection equipments and dose dependent exposure were suggested to be central in minimising the effects of ionising radiation in children in dental clinics. Moreover, it was suggested that knowledge of such risks in dentists can make a significant contribution in the improvement of safe dental lend oneself, ensuring adequate safeguards of both patients and dentists.The literature came up with a conclu sion that up to date and evidenced based knowledge is still lacking in dentist regarding the risks of radiation hazard. This will read re-educating and re-training the dentists, make them aware of ionising radiation risks, and make them able to answer any queries from patients active the risks of ionising radiations (Praveen, 2013). As part of the clinical practice, all dentists are required to meet radiography as part of the clinical practice in which dentists and members of the dental team, must understand the basic principles of radiation physics, hazards and protection, and should be able to undertake dental radiography safely with the production of high quality, diagnostic images (Rout and Brown, 2012). Although the grey area that was identified was that, dentists are poorly informed on how to use medical resourcefulness tools safely and efficiently. Furthermore, they are found to underestimate the radiation risk and their devastating effects in patients long term he alth. In addition, about of the studies revealed that despite some knowledge on the harmful effects of ionising radiation in patients, as well as in their own health, the knowledge of patients protection including the exposure distance and prevention of radiation leakage, protection of personnel, i.e. the occupational risk hazards of ionising radiation, dentists were reluctant to employ these safety measures in day to day practice (Rout and Brown, 2012)).Considering the context of this study, no research has evaluated Australian and Jordanian dentists knowledge on the risks associated with ionising radiation in the dental clinics suggesting the importance and need to carry out this study. This puts patients of different age groups in significant risk of developing pathological conditions that are induced by the exposure to ionising radiation. Thus, designing a training module to teach dentists about radiation safety and risk is mandatory for safe dental health practice. This study provides insights into developing new strategies, policies and practices to minimise or even avoid such risks in the future.ReferencesGray, C.F. 2010, Practice-based cone-beam computed tomography a review, Primary dental care journal of the Faculty of General alveolar consonant Practitioners (UK), vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 161-167.Lalla, R.V., Saunders, D.P. & Peterson, D.E. 2014, Chemotherapy or radiation-induced oral mucositis, Dental clinics of North America, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 341-349.Metsala, E., Henner, A. & Ekholm, M. 2013, Quality assurance in digital dental imaging a systematic review, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, .Praveen, B.N., Shubhasini, A.R., Bhanushree, R., Sumsum, P.S. & Sushma, C.N. 2013, Radiation in dental practice awareness, protection and recommendations, The journal of contemporary dental practice, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 143-148.Rout, J. & Brown, J. 2012, Ionizing radiation regulations and the dental practitioner 1. The nature of ionizing radiation and its use in dentistry, Dental update, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 191-2, 195-8, 201-3.Verma, S.K., Maheshwari, S., Singh, R.K. & Chaudhari, P.K. 2012, Laser in dentistry An innovative tool in modern dental practice, National journal of maxillofacial surgery, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 124-132.White, S.C. & Mallya, S.M. 2012, Update on the biological effects of ionizing radiation, relative dose factors and radiation hygiene, Australian Dental Journal, vol. 57 Suppl 1, pp. 2-8.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Chest Pain

CHEST PAIN pectus Pain Overview If you ar having severe annoying, crushing, squeezing, or pressure in your agency that lasts more than a few minutes, or if the throe moves into your neck, left shoulder, arm, or jaw, go immediately to a hospital emergency depart handst. Chest hurt is adept of the most frightening symptoms a person brook shoot. It is sometimes difficult even for a doctor or other medical skipper to tell what is make dresser discommode and whether it is burdenrending. * whatsoever part of the breast can be the rush of the disquiet including the stock ticker, lungs, esophagus, muscle, b nonpareil, and skin. Because of the complex nerve distri just nowion in the body, chest pain in the neck whitethorn actually originate from a nonher part of the body. * The stomach or other organs in the belly (abdomen), for example, can cause chest pain. Potentially life-threatening causes of chest pain ar as follows Causes of Chest Pain 1. Heart advance (acute myo cardial infarction) A nerve center attack follows when source flow to the arteries that supply the fondness (coronary arteries) becomes blocked. With decreased breed flow, the muscle of the punk does non receive enough atomic number 8. This can cause damage, deterioration, and death of the heart muscle. . Angina Angina is chest pain related to an imbalance between the atomic number 8 demand of the heart and the amount of oxygen delivered via the blood. It is caused by arrest or narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. Angina is different from a heart attack in that the arteries are not completely blocked, and it causes little or no permanent damage to the heart. Stable angina pectoris occurs repetitively and predictably while exercising and goes away with rest. Unstable angina results in unusual and occasional pain not relieved totally by rest, or pain that actually occurs at rest. . Aortic dissection The aorta is the main artery that supplies blood to the vital organs of the body, such as the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and intestines. Dissection means a tear in the inner lining of the aorta. This can cause massive internal bleeding and interrupt blood flow to the vital organs. 4. Pulmonary intercalation A pulmonary embolus is a blood clot in one of the major blood vessels that supplies the lungs. It is a potentially life-threatening cause of chest pain but is not associated with the heart. 5.Spontaneous pneumothorax Often called a collapsed lung, this delay occurs when air enters the saclike space between the chest wall and the lung tissue. Normally, negative pressure in the chest cavity allows the lungs to expand. When a spontaneous pneumothorax occurs, air enters the chest cavity. When the pressure balance is lost, the lung is unable to re-expand. This cuts off the normal oxygen supply in the body. 6. Perfo sum upd viscus A perforated viscus is a hole or tear in the wall of both area of the gastrointestinal tract. Thi s allows air to enter the abdominal cavity, which irritates the diaphragm, and can cause chest pain. . Cocaine-induced chest pain Cocaine causes the blood vessels in the body to constrict. This can decrease blood flow to the heart, causing chest pain. Cocaine also accelerates the progression of atherosclerosis, a luck factor for a heart attack. Causes of chest pain that are not immediately life-threatening hold the following 8. Acute pericarditis This is an inflammation of the pericardium, which is the sac that covers the heart. 9. Mitral valve prolapse Mitral valve prolapse is an pervertedity of one of the heart valves in which the leaves of the valve bulge into the upper heart chamber during contraction.When this occurs, a small amount of blood flows postward in the heart. This is believed by some to be a cause of chest pain in certain populate, although this has not been proven with certainty. 10. Pneumonia Pneumonia is an infection of the lung tissue. Chest pain occurs becau se of inflammation to the lining of the lungs. 11. Disorders of the esophagus Chest pain from esophageal disorders can be an alarming symptom because it often mimics chest pain from a heart attack. (a)Acid wane disease (gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD, heartburn) occurs when acidulent digestive juices flow backward from the stomach into the esophagus.The resulting heartburn is sometimes experienced as chest pain. (b)Esophagitis is an inflammation of the esophagus. (c)Esophageal spasm is defined as excessive, intensified, or unorganized contractions of the smooth muscle of the esophagus. 12. Costochondritis This is an inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs. Pain is typically located in the mid-chest, with intermittently dull and sharp pain that whitethorn be increased with deep breaths, act, and deep touch. 13. Herpes zoster Also known as shingles, this is a reactivation of the viral infection that causes chickenpox.With shingles, a rash occurs, normally wholly on o ne small part of the body. The pain, often very(prenominal) severe, is usually confined to the area of the rash. The pain may precede the rash by 4-7 days. insecurity of infection factors include any condition in which the immune system is compromised, such as advanced age, HIV, or cancer. Herpes zoster is highly contagious to people who have not had chickenpox or have not been vaccinated against chickenpox for the five days before and the five days after the manner of the rash. HEART ATTACK A heart attack is caused by coronary heart disease, or coronary artery disease.Heart disease may be caused by cholesterol build-up in the coronary arteries (atherosclerosis), blood clots, or spasm of the vessels that supply blood to the heart. Risk factors for a heart attack are- (a) richly blood pressure (b) Diabetes (c) Smoking (d) High cholesterol (e) Family history of heart attacks at ages younger than 60 years, one or more previous heart attacks, male gender (f) Obesity (g) Postmenop ausal women are at higher risk than premenopausal women. This is thought to be due to loss of the protective do of the hormone estrogen at menopause.It was previously treated by hormone supplements (hormone replacement therapy, or HRT). However, research findings have changed our thinking on HRT long-term HRT is no longer recommended for most women. (h) Use of cocaine and similar stimulants. Angina Causes 1. Angina may be caused by spasm, narrowing, or partial blockage of an artery that supplies blood to the heart. 2. The most common cause is coronary heart disease, in which a blood clot or buildup of fatty material indoors the blood vessel (atherosclerosis) reduces blood flow but does not completely block the blood vessel. 3.Angina can be triggered by exercise or forcible exertion, by emotional stress, or by certain heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias) that cause the heart to beat very fast. Aortic Dissection Causes Aortic dissection may be caused by conditions that damage the innermost lining of the aorta. (a)These include uncontrolled high blood pressure, connective-tissue diseases, cocaine use, advanced age, pregnancy, congenital heart disease, and cardiac catheterization (a medical procedure). (b) Men are at higher risk than women. (c) A similar condition is aortal aneurysm. This is an enlargement of the aorta that can rupture, causing pain and bleeding.Aneurysms can occur in the aorta in the chest or the abdomen. Pulmonary Embolism Causes Pulmonary embolism risk factors include (a)Sedentary lifestyle, (b)Obesity, (c)Prolonged immobility, (d) Fracture of a long bone of the legs, (e) Pregnancy, (f)Cancer, (g) score or family history of blood clots, (j)Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmias), (k) Heart attack, (l)Congestive heart failure. Spontaneous Pneumothorax Causes 1. Spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung) occurs when the pressure balance between the sac that contains the lung and the outside atmosphere is disrupted. 2. impairment to the chest that pierces through to the lung sac is the most common cause of this condition. This can be caused by trauma, as in a car wreck, bad fall, gunfire wound or stabbing, or in surgery. 3. about very thin and tall people may suffer a spontaneous pneumothorax due to stretched lung tissues and abnormal air sacs in the upper portions of their lungs. It is possible for these abnormal air sacs to rupture with even a sneeze or excessive coughing. 4. Other risk factors for pneumothorax include AIDS-related pneumonia, emphysema, severe asthma, cystic fibrosis, cancer, and marijuana and crack cocaine usePerforated Viscus Causes Perforated viscus may be caused by direct or indirect brand. Irritation to the diaphragm in this case comes from below the chest. The diaphragm is the muscle that allows us to breathe. It is located up under the ribs and separates the chest and abdominal cavity. Any soreness to the diaphragm, even from below it, can cause pain to be felt in the chest. Risk factors not rel ated to trauma are (a)Untreated ulcers, * (b)Prolonged or forceful vomiting, * (c)Swallowing a foreign body, * (d)Cancer, * (e)Appendicitis, * (f)Long-term steroid use, (g)Infection of the gallbladder, * (h)Gallstones, and * (j)AIDS. * * * Pericarditis Causes Pericarditis can be caused by viral infection, bacterial infection, cancer, connective-tissue diseases, certain practice of medicines, radiation treatment, and chronic renal failure. (a) One life-threatening complication of pericarditis is cardiac tamponade. Cardiac tamponade is an accumulation of fluid around the heart. This prevents the heart from effectually pumping blood to the body. Symptoms of cardiac tamponade include sudden onslaught of brusqueness of breath, fainting, and chest pain. Pneumonia CausesPneumonia may be caused by viral, bacterial, or fungal infections of the lungs. Esophagus Related Causes Chest pain originating from the esophagus may have several(prenominal) causes. Acid reflux (GERD) may be caused by any factors that decrease the pressure on the lower part of the esophagus, decreased movement of the esophagus, or lengthy emptying of the stomach. This condition may be brought on by (a)Consumption of high-fat foods, (b)Nicotine use, (c)Alcohol use, (d)Caffeine, pregnancy, (d) Certain medications (for example, nitrates, calcium channel blockers, anticholinergics, estrogen, progesterone), (f)diabetes, g)scleroderma. (h) Esophagitis may be caused by yeast, fungi, viruses, bacteria, or irritation from medications. (j) Esophageal spasm is caused by excessive, intensified, or uncoordinated contractions of the smooth muscle of the esophagus. Spasm may be triggered by emotional upset or swallowing very hot or cold liquids. Heart Attack Symptoms Typical heart attack pain occurs in the mid to left side of the chest and may also extend to the left shoulder, the left arm, the jaw, the stomach, or the back. Other associated symptoms are shortness of breath, increased sweating, nausea, and vom iting.Women may experience symptoms of heart attack similar to men (chest pain), but they also may be more atypical. Atypical symptoms include (a) Neck pain (b) Jaw pain (c) Shoulder pain (d) Upper back (e) Abdominal discomfort, (f) Shortness of breath, (g) Nausea or vomiting, (h) Abdominal pain, (j)Heartburn, (k) Sweatiness, (l) Light-headedness, (m) Dizziness, or (n) Unexplained fatigue. * Angina Symptoms Angina is similar to heart attack pain but occurs with physical exertion or exercise and is relieved by rest or nitroglycerin.Angina becomes life threatening when pain occurs at rest, has increased in oftenness or intensity, or is not relieved with at least triple nitroglycerin tablets taken five minutes apart. This is considered to be unstable angina, which may be a warning sign of an impending heart attack. Aortic Dissection Symptoms The chest pain associated with aortic dissection occurs suddenly and is depict as ripping or tearing. The pain may radiate to the back or bet ween the shoulder blades. Because the aorta supplies blood to the entire body, symptoms may also include (a)Angina-type pain, (b)Shortness of breath, (c)Fainting, d)Abdominal pain, or (e)Symptoms of stroke. Pulmonary Embolism Symptoms Symptoms of a pulmonary embolus include The sudden onset of shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and sharp pain in the mid chest, which increases with deep breaths. Symptoms of pneumothorax include The sudden onset of shortness of breath,sharp chest pain, rapid heart rate,dizziness, lightheadedness, or faintness. Perforated Viscus Symptoms Perforated viscus comes on suddenly with severe abdominal, chest, and/or back pain. Abdominal pain may increase with movement or when breathing in and may be accompanied by a rigid, boardlike abdominal wall.Pericarditis Symptoms The pain of pericarditis is typically descri sleep with as a sharp or stabbing pain in the mid-chest, go downed by deep breaths. pain may mimic the pain of a heart attack, because it may ra diate to the left side of the back or shoulder. One distinguishing factor is that the pain is worsened by lying flat and meliorate by leaning forward. When lying flat, the inflamed pericardium is in direct contact with the heart and causes pain. When leaning forward, there is a space between the pericardium and the heart. people overlay a recent cold, fever, shortness of breath, or pain when swallowing just before developing pericarditis.Mitral Valve Prolapse Symptoms Mitral valve prolapse usually has no symptoms, but some people experience palpitations (sensation of rapid or strong heartbeat) and chest pain. Chest pain associated with mitral valve prolapse differs from that of typical angina in that it is sharp, does not radiate, and is not related to physical exertion. Other symptoms include fatigue, light-headedness, and shortness of breath. Complications include infection of the heart valves, mitral valve regurgitation (an abnormal blood flow within the chambers of the heart), and abnormal heart rhythms, which rarely cause sudden death.Pneumonia Symptoms The chest pain of pneumonia occurs during prolonged or forceful coughing. The pain is usually one-sided an is worsened by coughing. Other associated symptoms include fever, coughing up mucus (sputum), and shortness of breath. Esophagus Related Symptoms With chest pain originating from the esophagus, symptoms depend on the source. * (a)Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) include (b)Heartburn, (c)Painful swallowing, (d)Excessive salivation, (e)Dull chest discomfort, (f)Chest pressure, or (g)Severe squeezing pain across the mid chest. h)You may feel uncomfortable or may experience (j)Profuse sweating, (k)Pallor, (l)Nausea, and (m)Vomiting. Symptoms of oesophagitis include difficulty swallowing, painful swallowing, or symptoms of GERD. The chest pain comes on suddenly and is not relieved by antacids. The pain of esophageal spasm is usually intermittent and dull. It is located in the mid-chest and may radiate to the back, neck, or shoulders. DIAGNOSIS Heart Attack In the hospital emergency department, the wellnesscare providers use one-third basic procedures to decide if a patient of is having a heart attack. (a) The premiere is the symptoms reported by the patient. * (b) The second is an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), an electrical tracing of the hearts activity. On the ECG, it may be possible to tell which vessels in the heart are blocked or narrowed. * (c) The third is measurement of enzymes produced by the heart muscle cells when they do not receive enough oxygen. These enzymes are detectable with blood tests and are called cardiac enzymes. Angina Angina is diagnosed by the same methods doctors use to diagnose heart attacks. In angina, the test results reveal no permanent damage to the heart.The diagnosis is make only after the possibility of a heart attack has been command out, usually by negative results on three sets of cardiac enzyme tests. the ECG may show a bnormalities, these changes are often reversible. * Another way to diagnose angina is the stress test these tests monitor your ECG during exercise or other stress to identify blockages in blood vessels to the heart. * Cardiac catheterization is used to identify blockages. This is a special type of x-ray (angiography or arteriography) that uses a harmless dye to highlight blockages or other abnormalities in blood vessels.Aortic Dissection The diagnosis of aortic dissection is based on the symptoms the patient describes, chest x-ray, and other special imaging tests. On a chest x-ray, the aorta will have an abnormal contour or appear widened. * Transesophageal echocardiography is a specialized ultrasound of the heart in which a probe is inserted into the esophagus. The technique is performed under sedation or general anaesthesia. The dissection may be identified very accurately by a CT scan of the chest or angiography. * * Pulmonary Embolism * * The diagnosis of pulmonary embolism is m ade from a variety of sources.Description of the patients symptoms and results of ECG and chest x-ray all may contribute to the diagnosis, but are not definitive. patient will be asked if they have had any symptoms of a blood clot in the leg. The healthcare provider may draw blood drawn from the patients artery to check the levels of oxygen and other gases. Abnormalities in blood gases indicate a problem in the lungs that is preventing the patient from getting enough oxygen. A ventilation-perfusion scan (V/Q scan) compares blood flow to oxygen intake in different segments of the lung. An irregularity in just one segment can indicate an embolism.CT scan of the lungs is another(prenominal) way to coiffure if a patient has a pulmonary embolus. It may be done instead of the V/Q scan. Spontaneous Pneumothorax Spontaneous pneumothorax is diagnosed by physical exam and chest x-ray. A CT scan may be helpful in locating a small pneumothorax. Perforated viscus usually can be identified by a chest x-ray with the patient standing upright or an abdominal x-ray lying on the left side. -rays in these positions allow air to rise to the diaphragm, where it can be detected. The symptoms and the results of the physical exam and other lab tests also assist in diagnosis. * Pericarditis * * Acute pericarditis is usually diagnosed by the patients symptoms, serial ECGs, and echocardiography. Certain lab tests may be helpful in determining the cause. * * Pneumonia Pneumonia is diagnosed by the patients symptoms and medical history, physical examination, and chest x-ray. Esophagus Disorders of the esophagus causing chest pain are diagnosed by a process of elimination. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the patients symptoms and medical history, after ruling out cardiac causes and observing whether the patient experiences pain relief from antacids.Chest Pain discourse Self-Care at Home Heart Attack If you suspect that you or someone you are with may be having a heart attack, call f or emergency services or go to the nearest hospital emergency department. * While waiting for the ambulance, have the patient chew two baby aspirin or at least half of a regular aspirin at least one hundred sixty mg. There is no evidence that taking more than this helps more, and the patient could have unwanted side effects if they take too much. * It is important to chew the aspirin before swallowing it because chewing decreases the time the medicine takes to have an effect.Chewing an aspirin in the early stages of a heart attack may reduce the risk of death and it may also reduce the severity of the attack. Angina If the patient has had angina and has nitroglycerin tablets available, have the patient place one under the tongue. This may aid in increasing blood flow to blocked or narrowed arteries. If the chest pain continues in the next five minutes, take another tablet under the tongue. If, after three nitroglycerin tablets, the patient does not have relief of the chest pain, g o to the nearest emergency department. Esophagus the pain is from acid reflux (GERD), it may be relieved with antacids.Even if the patients pain goes away after taking an antacid, do not assume they are not having a heart attack. The patient should still be evaluated in a hospital emergency department. Medical Treatment Heart Attack Treatment 1. Treatment for a heart attack is aimed at increasing blood flow by opening arteries blocked or narrowed by a blood clot. * 2. Medicines used to achieve this include aspirin, heparin, and clot-busting (thrombolytic) drugs. * 3. Other medications can be used to slow the heart rate, which decreases the workload of the heart and reduces pain. * 4. Angioplasty is a way of unblocking an artery.Angiography is done first to locate narrowing or blockages. A very thin plastic tube called a catheter is inserted into the artery. A tiny balloon on the end of the catheter is inflated. This expands the artery, providing a wider passage for blood. The balloo n is then deflated and removed. Sometimes a small metal scaffold called a stent is placed in the artery to keep it expanded. * 5. operation may be required if medical treatment is unsuccessful. This could include angioplasty or cardiac bypass. * * Angina Treatment * * Treatment of angina is directed at relieving chest pain that occurs as the result of reduced blood flow to the heart.The medication nitroglycerin is the most widely used treatment. Nitroglycerin magnifys (widens) the coronary arteries. It is often taken under the tongue (sublingually). People with known angina may be treated with nitroglycerin for three doses, five minutes apart. the pain remains, nitroglycerin is devoted by IV, and the patient is admitted to the hospital and monitored to rule out a heart attack. Long-term treatment after the first episode of angina focuses on reduction risk factors for atherosclerosis and heart disease. Aortic Dissection Treatment 1. Suspected aortic dissection often is treated wi th medications that reduce blood pressure. 2. Medications that slow the heart rate and dilate the arteries are the most widely used. * 3. Close monitoring is required to avoid lowering the blood pressure too much, which can be dangerous. * 4. Surgical mess is required for any dissection that involves the ascending (upward) portion of the aorta. * * Pulmonary Embolism Treatment * * 1. Anyone with a presumed or documented pulmonary embolism requires admission to the hospital. * * 2. Treatment usually includes supplemental oxygen and medication to prevent further clotting of blood, typically heparin. * * 3.If the embolism is very large, clot-busting medications are given in some situations to dissolve the clot. * * 4. Some people undergo surgery to place an umbrella-like filter in a blood vessel to prevent blood clots from the lower extremities from moving to the lungs. * * Pneumothorax Treatment 1. A pneumothorax without symptoms involves six hours of hospital observation and repeat chest x-rays. * 2. If the size of the pneumothorax remains unchanged, the patient is usually discharged with a follow-up appointment in 24 hours. * 3. If the patient develop symptoms or the pneumothorax enlarges, they will be admitted to the hospital.The patient will undergo catheter aspiration or have a chest tube inserted to reanimate negative pressure in the lung sac. Perforated Viscus Treatment Any disruption or perforation of the intestinal tract (viscus) is a potentially life-threatening emergency. adjacent surgery may be required. Pericarditis Treatment Viral pericarditis usually improves with 7-21 days of therapy with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as aspirin andibuprofen (for example, Motrin). Pneumonia Treatment Pneumonia is treated with antibiotics, and pain medication is given for chest wall tenderness.Costochondritis Treatment Costochondritis is usually treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen. Esophageal Conditions Treatmen t The three major esophageal disorders that cause chest pain 1) acid reflux (GERD), 2) esophagitis, and 3) esophageal spasm, are treated with antacid therapy antibiotic, antiviral, or antifungal medication medication to relax the muscles of the esophagus or some combination of these. Follow-up No matter what the cause of chest pain, regular follow-up visits with your healthcare provider are important.This will help you remain as healthy as possible and prevent worsening of your condition. Prevention Heart Attack Prevention Prevention of heart attack and angina involves living what the American Heart Association calls a heart healthy lifestyle. Reducing your risk factors has a significant effect on reducing your risk. * (a) Dont smoke. * (b) Maintain a healthy weight. * (c) Eat nutritious, low-fat foods in moderate quantities. * (d) If you drink alcohol, use alcohol moderately. * (e) Engage in physical activity or exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. (f) Control high blood pre ssure and high cholesterol. * (g) If you have diabetes, control your blood profits every day. Aortic Dissection Prevention Aortic dissection may be prevented by controlling high blood pressure and getting proper screening if the patient has a familial disposition to this disorder. Pulmonary Embolism Prevention (a) Prevention of pulmonary embolism includes living a heart healthy lifestyle. (b) No one should smoke, but women older than 35 years who use birth control pills are at especially high risk from smoking. c) When traveling on all-encompassing trips that require sitting for long periods of time (plane, car, train, etc. ) or other times of leg immobilization, get up and allow time for stretching and movement of the legs. Isometric contractions of the calves are helpful if getting out of the seat is not possible. * (d) If the patient has leg swelling, particularly if one is disproportionate to the other, see the doctor or healthcare provider. (e) You should always receive preve ntive anticoagulant medication after surgery, especially after orthopedic surgery.Spontaneous Pneumothorax Prevention Smoking cessation decreases the risk of spontaneous pneumothorax. Perforated Viscus Prevention Treating peptic ulcers appropriately and avoiding swallowing foreign bodies reduces the risk of perforated viscus. Pericarditis Prevention Because many cases of acute pericarditis are caused by viruses, effective handwashing may reduce transmission of infectious viral agents. Pneumonia Prevention Effective handwashing and good hygiene will help reduce the transmission of infectious viruses and bacteria that can cause pneumonia. Esophagus DiseasePrevention (a) Acid reflux (GERD) can be prevented to a certain extent in most people. * (b) empty foods and other substances that bring on or worsen symptoms, especially fatty foods * (c) Stop smoking * (d) Use alcohol in moderation, if at all * (e) bend eating large meals * (f) Avoid eating for three hours before bedtime * (g) Av oid lying down right after eating * (h) Elevate the head of your bed Outlook Early medical intervention improves survival in potentially life-threatening illnesses involving chest pain.Heart attack and unstable angina Heart disease, which includes heart attacks and angina, is the leading cause of death for American adults . Whether you survive a heart attack depends on the time it takes to get medical treatment, the region and extent of injury within the heart, and the presence of any other risk factors. Aortic dissection This condition is life-threatening. Quick action in getting medical treatment is essential with aortic dissection. When left untreated, about 33% of patients die within the first 24 hours, and 50% die within 48 hours.The two week mortality rate approaches 75% in patients with undiagnosed ascending aortic dissection. Pulmonary embolism Even with early treatment, 1 in 10 people with pulmonary embolism die within the first hour. It is treatable if it is not rapidly se vere and caught early. Patients are often maintained on blood thinners as treatment. Pneumothorax close people with this condition recover fully as long as it is not associated with other life-threatening injuries (like in an auto accident). It occurs mostly tall, thin, young people without lung disease.Patients who have had one spontaneous pneumothorax have about a 50% chance of recurrence. Other illnesses causing pneumothorax and complications from the chest tube placement may prolong or worsen the condition. Perforated viscus With early detection and intervention, the prognosis for perforated viscus is good in relatively healthy people. If you are in poor health prior to the perforation you will have a worse outcome. Acute pericarditis Although the course may vary with each person, the outcome is good if the disorder is treated promptly. Most people recover in two weeks to three months.Pneumonia In young, healthy adults, the prognosis for pneumonia is good with appropriate treat ment. Prognosis is generally poorer in the elderly and in people with weakened immune systems such as those with HIV/AIDS. Chest pain originating from the esophagus Reflux disease (GERD) affects about one-fourth of the adult existence and has a very low death rate. Esophagitis may lead to ulcerations, scarring, or narrowing of the esophagus. With the exception of possible perforation, which has a high death rate, the overall prognosis is good. Esophageal spasm has a good outcome.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Schema as Hirsch has defined it is an unified system of background relationships that allows people to understand the surface meaning of a statement (Hirsch 54). If people can find ways to influence students about things that are important in the gentleman, they would grow up connecting series of things important nowadays, and abolish up having the knowledge to choose what they can do next.If a person contains schema about environmental problems, and how to solve them, they would automatically put things side by side and build a solution for it. With the help of schema, people most especially students can be able to focus on what is important in the society today. If the student graduates with the mental ability to know automatically what is right for their health and be aware(predicate) of the environment problems, they can lessen the cause of it and the world would be a better place.If the student graduates with the general knowledge of choosing healthy foods, obesity would be l essened and if they graduate with the general knowledge to be aware of what they do to the environment, global warming would slow down. In the end, since schema cannot be taught, institutions should change the curriculum to teach information that will inform the schemata, so that the multiplication to come would automatically do what is right for them and for the environment.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse

The topic I chose for this project was the colligate between national hysteria and capacity villainy. From the research that I did, in that respect is a definite link between home(prenominal) do by and substance abuse. According to the National Coalition against house servant effect, Regular alcohol abuse is one of the tether incidentors for intimate partner forcefulness. Approximately 61% of domestic personnel offenders also attain substance abuse problems. Domestic power is the use of intentional emotional, psychological, sexual, or physical force by one family division or partner to reserve another.These acts can include, verbal abuse, threats, physical abuse, sexual abuse, destroying the victims possessions, slapping, punching, kicking, burning, stabbing, shooting, or killing the victims. A woman is beaten every 15 SECONDS in the United States, 30% of female trauma patients gravel been the victim of domestic violence. The medical costs for wo custody who have been injured by their partners total to more than 44 million annually. Researchers have put that one-fourth to one half of men who commit acts of domestic violence also have substance abuse issues.A study conducted by the Department of Justice of murders in families found that more than one half of defendants accused of murdering their spouses, as well as almost half of the victims, had been intoxication alcohol at the time of the incident. Alcohol and drugs whitethorn be used to cope with the physical, emotional, and/or psychological pain of family violence. Regular alcohol abuse is one of the leading factors for intimate partner violence, also men who batter frequently use alcohol abuse as an excuse for their violence.They attempt to rid themselves of indebtedness for their violence by blaming it on the effects of alcohol. (NCADV) The effects on children of substance abusing pargonnts is also great, Children of substance abusing p arents are more likely to experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse than children in non-substance abusing households (NCADV) In fact 80% of child abuse cases are linked with the use of alcohol and other drugs. These children are also at a greater risk of not only developing domestic violence issues of their own, but also substance abuse issues. An estimated 3 million children witness acts of violence against their mothers every year, and many believe that knockdown-dragout behavior is an acceptable way to express anger, frustration, or a will to control. (Recovery Network) Common myths astir(predicate) domestic violence are as follows domestic violence is caused by substance abuse, this is not true, domestic violence and substance abuse are two separate problems and must be treated separately.Two, substance abusers cannot control their slam-bang behavior, contrary to that belief, it had been proven that batterers know how to hide the violence they inflict, even under the influence of alcohol or drugs. And three, tre ating the substance abuse issues will end the domestic violence, this is also a myth because there is no guarantee that successful interposition for substance abuse will stop the domestic violence. The test between the link in domestic violence and substance abuse is great.In fact, About 40% of children from idle homes believe that their fathers had a drinking problem and that they were more abusive when drinking. (Recovery Network) Also, when a child is subjected to physical abuse, they are more like to develop drug abuse later in life. Another interesting fact is that teachers have reported a need for protective services three times more a lot for children who are being raised by psyche with an dependence than for other children (Recovery Network)Other connections I watch outed well-nigh while doing my research are that many times alcohol and other drug abuse may be used to cope with the physical. Emotional, and/or psychological pain of family violence. Often times the beha vior is learned, because we learn in our families and social groups that certain events or behaviors are connected and expected. Denial oft is a major factor in domestic violence too, because an abusive individual excuses their violent behavior and, are often excused by their partners and other family members because they were drunk and not in control. Also, Research supports the connection between substance abuse and domestic violence. Members of families in which one or both parents abuse substances are considered to be at high risk for physically abusing and neglecting their children. (Recovery Network) The National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse found that as many as 80% of child abuse cases are associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs, and the link between child abuse and others forms of domestic violence is well established.As far as treatment, the treatment for domestic violence and substance abuse needs to be approached separately. Because, in most cases subst ance abuse treatment does not address the anger management problems that are associated with domestic violence. Effective treatment for domestic violence offenders includes cognitive therapy, which helps the offender develop alternate ways of reacting to anger, and skill development, which helps the offender learn how to establish agreeable relationships that are free from violence. (Sober living by the sea) I learned a lot from doing this paper. As a woman who has been through domestic violence myself, it was intriguing to learn about the links between domestic violence and substance abuse. When I was married to my x, we both did marijuana, he had a lot of mood swings and violent tendencies. Now that I look back and now that I know what I know about the connection of domestic violence and substance abuse, I can see where he maybe would have thought his actions were justified. Also, knowing what I know now, I think it would be a tai judging that although he received treatment with his substance abuse issues and has been sober for about 7 years, he never received treatment for the anger issues and I can still see those types of behaviors in him today. Living with someone for that long ,you get to know aha their moods are, and I still know to this day when I can and when I cannot approach him about something, basically, I know what kind of mood he is in as currently as I see him.His anger is written all over his face, it is days like that when I realize that I am happy I was able to walk away from the relationship. The fear of never knowing how someone is going to react and always having to walk on eggshells is a heavy inwardness to live with everyday. Also being a recovering addict, I know that a lot of my own anger came from my guilt, resentments, and self-loathing, working on those issues and learning to love me for me and also working with the counselors at the Shock political platform and in treatment, helped me to be able to control my anger and take a timeout if I need to.Now that myself and my ex-husband are sober, I can only try for that we will have broken the cycle of addiction and domestic abuse so that our children do not have to experience the alike thing. Domestic violence and substance abuse are two huge problems that, I think, is becoming more and more of a problem in the world today. Being able to recognize the link between these two, I hope that I as a counselor, will be able to help more of my clients who are experiencing the same kind of situation.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Why I Want To Become An Engineer

Each and everyone of us had our own particular desire and I thinkd that has been develop since childhood. Ever since I was a kid, I was out(p) by the creation of the skyscrapers and outrageously styled buildings. I call for always appreciated the large structures and buildings which have border me and I have always had respect for the people who have been involved with the design and constructions of these buildings on much(prenominal) a large scale.I kept wondering how people could construct such an attractive and difficult creations. As I entered high school, my interests further expanded when I took studies in civil engineering and engineering conscription classes as it explain more about buildings. I know that to become a Civil engineer I have to work very hard in college and get very good grades. plain though my SPM result was not that good but I was determined to redeem it.Im running(a) hard to improve my grades in matriculation and I believe if someone in your comp an y that have this kind of attitude to look for continous improvement to some extent it can be beneficial to your company. On my behalf, I think I deserve this scholarship because I am very hard on the job(p) person. I put so much effort in anything I choose to do, or any task according to me. My conclusions in life are often high. I am a goal getter, so I will do anything to achieve my goals.I think that the drive I have to succeed, and to run knowledge into the life of the ones coming behind me is one of many reasons why I deserve this scholarship. Besides, my mention is the middle class salary earner so by having this scholarship I can sleep their burden. Lastly , I have think that civil engineering is an ideal field for me. I believe that I have the personal attributes and intelligence required to be a civil engineer. I alike believe that I possess the work habits and drive to be a successful engineer. This is why I have chosen to pursue this as a career.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Gym Goers

Three Categories of Gym-Goers NAU Composition 1 Three Categories of Gym-Goers People go to the secondary school to benefit their lifestyles by impartting back in shape, right? Most people that go to the secondary school do not fit into any other category other than normal, marrow that there is nothing specific astir(predicate) them that commence pop. Then there be those who definitely stick out with certain qualities you just notifyt seem to escape from. There atomic number 18 forever different categories gym-goers fall into and they are starting to stand out more and more.The different categories you will ensure at the gym are the coach, the loud meathead showoff, and the social butterfly. The first category is the coach. The coach is the guy cable that thinks he knows everything about anything. Typically these types of people are yelling from across the gym that you derriere do it or youre not doing that right then goes on to tell you the exact steps about the exerci se as if you wanted their help. These people will have on the best practice out clothes and shoes you can get because they think they make you perform better.Right when you think they are asleep(p) and have left you al maven, there they are right by your side again coaching you finished your workout. Nothing is worse than when you are running and someone comes up and tries talking to you, but these people are there telling you that you need to go faster and start nagging on the way that you are running. You might give them dirty looks in the mirror and try to tell them to go away, but you cant talk or yell at them because you cant breathe from all the running. The moment category is the loud meathead showoff.Many of times these types of gym goers are the people wearing shirts that show off their muscles and incessantly are looking in the mirror flexing. They are constantly screams oh yeah and oink very loud to make sure everyone in the gym hears them to draw at disco biscuitt ion. They are the type of people that will go right adjacent to someone while working out making sure they are doing everything ten times better than that person. You see these people usually with buddies that do the same thing and they will grunt face to face while flexing at each other and saying WHOO They might come over to you while you are doing pull-ups, grab the bar, and do five pull-ups to your one while they grunt loudly. They tend to fall down out in a group at the end of their work out and have a protein shake and converse about who lifted more, how many reps they did, and when they will meet tomorrow for their abutting work out. The third category is the social butterfly. Usually, this is the person that goes to the gym with hopes of working out but neer actually does so because they are too busy talking to everyone. They know absolutely everyone at the gym by first and last name and what they do for a living.They try their hardest to be involved in every joke and c onversation. They might start on the treadmill but then they see someone, get off the treadmill, and have an hour conversation with that person. They are almost always the nicest person in the gym and will come over while you are stretching to say hi so they can avoid working out. They are the people that are at the gym for a few hours and title that they did an hour of cardio and an hour of weight training just to make their selves feel better about the occurrence that they talked to people the whole time they were there.They will usually spend about thirty minutes on one machine just because they are having a conversation about the new iphone with the person next to them. If they would spend as much time working out as they did flapping their jaws they would be in great shape. No one really likes these people while they are working out, but someway they are always at every gym you attend. I only wrote about three types of gym-goers, so imagine how many other categories there are and what you would name them. Take a look next time and see who you can spot out. I guarantee youll find at least one of these people lurking around your gym.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Expressing Teen Identity by Using Slang: Attitudes and Opinions Towards the Slang of Teenagers

Expressing teen identity by utilise twitattitudes and opinions towards the cod of teenagers Introduction One of the virtually signifi tooshiet elements which people nonice while meeting with some i is the soulfulnesss quarrel. As embellish (20002) points break, the manner in which we character our actors line has a great importance while establishing social benevolent relationship and while conveying information al intimately the speaker. Ethnic background, gender, education, social class, age and many a(prenominal) separatewise aspects whitethorn influence the focus we talk.And the way we talk may influence former(a) peoples perception ab let out us. Language in the society in addition differs in the formality levels. When talking to the highest degree any particular kind of a idiom communication we uptake the term lyric poem variety. The variety of the language which is apply in a regionicular situation is called style. Styles be principal(prenominal) ly characterized by the vocabulary differences, notwithstanding withal by syntactic wizards. Styles range on the scale from very formal to extremely free. verbiage which is at the extremely informal end of the continuum is kn receive as slang. 1 Some people world power hypothecate that slang is entirely a young people issue. but the truth is that all of us give some kind of slang, and this usage is influenced by many factors. It is obvious that slang creates barriers between people or groups of people. So if you do not want some superstar, who is not a member of your group, understand what ar you ordaining, you may spend a bad-tempered slang, which is inherent only for your group. Using slang may withal be decompose of a persons identity. thereof the main task get h sr. ofled in this paper is to examine the use of slang among teenagers and the sources they atomic number 18 influenced by. This experiment ushers a view on teenage slang as a means of expressing t heir identity. It also includes society perspective and opinions on the adolescent use of slang. The teenage language was for a long period under-represented in language corpora. In order to repair this, a very umbrella teenage language star, the Bergen Corpus of London Teenage Language (COLT, 2002), was created.This large material is focusing on the spoken language of teenagers between 13 to 17 years in London. It consists of five hundred kelvin address and it is a part of the British National Corpus. 2 As a basis for my arguments I allow be mainly using corpus compilation, analysis and findings named Trends in Teenage Talk published in 2002 by Anna-Brita Stenstrom, Gisle Andersen and Ingrid Kristine Hasund, because as it consider the teenage slang language, it is the most relevant corpus for this es formulate. Slang and teenage languageIt is hard to give a definition of slang, because on that point is a difficulty of learning it from jargon ( picky vocabulary employ by par ticular profession), informalisms (special use of vocabulary according to geographical region), usage of shadowy terms (statements with unclear message) or neologism ( clean coinages or senses of haggle or phrases). Definitions do, however, exist, and the online Oxford English dictionary (2012) classifies slang into the three types The beginning(a) type consider slang as the special vocabulary used by any touch on of persons of a low or disreputable character language of a low and vulgar type.Another definition is that it is the special vocabulary or phraseology of a particular calling or profession the raftt or jargon of a certain class or period. And finally the last one says that it is the language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of standard educated lecture, and consisting either of new words or of current words employed in some special sense. Slang is natural part of each language. It is the non-standard vocabulary usually connected with part icular group of people. When discussing slang, we should consider its history and development.Slang has its origin in the middle of the 18th century. In that sequence slang was seen as a low level language, since it was used primarily by criminals, revelers and drunken people in pubs. Later on slang became regarded as a specific vocabulary of certain professions, identical printers, poets and even lawyers or doctors. During the beginning of the nineteen century slang begins to be seen as a highly colloquial part of almost any language. 3 More over as the online Oxford English dictionary demonstrates, the word slang appeargond in the connection with the language of youngsters for the very first time in 1818, when Sir J. T.Coleridge was recorded to cook utter the following Two of the best students come to me as a peculiar grinder (I essential have a little slang). 4 This connection appeared as well in William Makepeace Thackerays novel actors assistant Fair He was too old to lis ten to the banter of the assistant-surgeon and the slang of the youngsters. 5 This fact proves that the importance of the adolescent talk has been seen as an important variety of language for a comparatively long period. As well as human language also slang is continuously ever-changing its form and vocabulary and not all of the expressions have to disappear as its propagation grew up.On the one hand there are new slang words springing up and on the other hand old ones are dying. This means that the slang expressions used by teenagers may sometimes overlap the barriers of a particular group and go away more widely used. Some of the slang expressions may absorb into the English language and become part of Standard English. Types of slang As I stated previously it is hard to distinguish slang from other types of informal language. Linguists therefore tend to use different terms when describing types of slang.Slang is loosely carve up into public slang and specific slang. While gen eral slang is used among all people without the take away to be a member of an exact group, mainly to avoid conventions specific slang is used with a purpose to salute that a person belongs to a specific group and has a loyalty with other members of this group. It seems obvious that teenagers slang belongs to the specific one. In the Norwegian study Trends in teenage talk Stenstrom, Andersen and Hasund (2002 65) stated that adolescent talk do not include only general slang, only if also vague (E. . stuff same(p) that, often of), vogue (words which already exists in the language, but become fashionable for a short period of time6), proxy (the usage of a verb go or be like kind of of the quotation), small words (E. g. you know, sort of, yeah, like), taboo and swear words which he described with a term slanguage. In the next section I will look at these traces of slanguage. Teenage talk Before we start to talk about teenage language in depth, we must de comely the word teenager. The word teenager firstly appeared in 1941.Earlier on expressions like puber, adolescent, teen, farrow or teener were used to refer to a young person between the ages of 13 and 19. 7 The teenage years energy be viewed by some as the most difficult period in a persons action. It is typical that society views them as rebellious, sloppy, messy and imprecise. And this view is also reflected on their language. The rebellion energy be seen in a use of slang words and new expressions in order to shock, the impreciseness in the lack of grammar, sloppiness in amount of fillers like like or um and messiness in their handwriting.They are to some extent expected to act like adults, however, they top executive still be tempered as children. Sometimes even parents may not understand their children language, so that their attitude towards their slang use mogul be negative. However, the present generation of teenagers is not the first to have these kinds of informal expressions. Each generati on uses a language composed of informal words and phrases or a special own way of using a standard vocabulary. Everyone use different kind of language in different situations, so that adolescents will not use the same language while speaking with their parents as they do with their friends.The only origin of using this slang in front of their parents might be to keep them out of the loop. And this generally happens while they are talking about sex, drug or ethnic issues. Although many of these slang expressions are harmless(prenominal) and teenagers are using them just to be on the same boat as they peers, parents should be aware of this slang, so they potty avoid some unpleasant situation. Teenage age is the part of life when most people do not yet know what to do with their life.That is one of the reasons why many teenagers are trying to find their place and identity by joining some social groups, which they can feel connected with. They usually feel a need to become members of some subcultures that relate to their own attitudes and interests. Some subcultures have their own private language code, which helps its members to support their values, attitudes and uniqueness even more in other words slang language. As already mentioned, apart from general slang, teenagers also use other characteristic linguistic accepts know as slanguage.One part of the teenage slanguage is vogue expressions. Vogue words are already existing words like massive, paranoid or reckon, which have become trendy in teenage talk, but they tend to lose their popularity in a short time. It might also be words like wicked or sad used in a different new way a) Sad drinking habits = secret drinking in a embarkation discipline8, and b) A wicked pair of ragamuffin trousers, wicked rap, wicked symphony9. As Stenstrom, Andersen and Hasund (2002 86-89) states another fashionable feature in teenage language is the usage of vague words.Some classic physical exercises of vague words are lots o f, stuff like that, kind of, for ages, and so on, and whatever. Vague words are used instead of the sufficient words in talk. The reason for using them is to take up the talk to a more colloquial level and fill the gaps in a sentence. These words occur in adults talk as well. The exercising of vagueness we can see in this conversation Tommy and they like wanna see like how we talk and all that. You know Regina Yeah Tommy Rastafarian style and all10 According to Chanell (1994 197) vague words do not have a function of fillers without meaning.They are used for purpose to contribute the communicative message. Vague words are discussed with two interesting features in COLT (2012 105106) a) The research showed that usage of vague words is more frequent among adults than teenagers. However this finding might be quite inaccurate, because adults in COLT conversations mainly appear in the position of teachers and they might adopt the language means of their students to get more closed to t hem and b) COLT study find that it is not possible to associate the use of vague words with a specific gender or social background.Another trend in present teenage language is the usage of proxy phrases. It is the way of using verbs such as go, say, be like to substitute verbs of quotation. By using these verbs they can report to some situation or conversation and meaning can be also influenced by the tone or mimicry. In the corpus I have found following exmples a) It was like sort of, she just went (banging noise), and just fell over and I just 11, and b) Well what I tried last weekend, not quite crying but I did a sort of moody sort of thing, I di= I was really quiet and I just gnored every(prenominal)one and I was like really like, you know, didnt say a word. 12 According to Stenstrom, Andersen and Hasund (2002 165) other typical feature of teenage talk are small words, which can be divided into hedges, empathizers and tags. The usage of invariant tags to wit yeah, eh, okay, ri ght, and innit is one of the most frequent feature in teenage slang. Empathizers are used to evoke sympathy between speaker and listener. An practice session of this is you know. By hedges are considered expressions like just like or sort of. Their purpose is to make speech sounds more or less unclear or fuzzier.Another feature of slanguage is a vocabulary which is considered as forbidden because of its offensive character known as taboo words. Taboo words are usually connected with sex, death, excretion or the human body. Slang taboos are used to replace the regular synonyms. Ex adenylic acidles of these might be take the piss out of (make fun of), screw up (ruin), to be pissed (to be drunk). Teenage age is generally seen as an age of rebellion. Adolescents want to shock not only with their style of music, clothing, entertainment, but also with the talk style.That is the reason why they have favored the use of taboos. Just like taboos swear words are also considered as a part of f orbidden language, which should not be spoken out loud. Although what sets them apart from taboos, might be their acceptance. If person use a swear word in some relevant situation, for example hurting oneself, as a relief, than it might be more acceptable. For example in the Czech res publica is not forbidden to curse kurva if you hurt yourself. The purpose of swearing is quite obvious, it can come out of surprise, or anger or it may be used when people want to upset someone.Teenagers usually use some swear words when talking to their friends to look cool. In a novel study by Stenstrom, Andersen and Hasund (200264), it has been found that swearwords can be used as intensifiers to put more ferocity on adjective or adverb (extremely, do iting crap), abusives to refer to a person you are talking with (you turd/sod/motherfucker) or expletives expressing strong feelings, or serving as an oath or curse (for fucks sake, shit). Reasons for using slang British lexicographer Partridge (1 993) pointed out a good deal of reasons for using slang.These were to have fun by using playful expressions to be different by using new expressions to make your talk seems more witty, inventive and humorous to be picturesque to draw attention to flail from cliches, or to be brief and concise to enrich the language to be solid, concrete or victimize to strengthen or reduce your statement to soften unpleasant situations to reduce or disperse the earnestness of a conversation to entertain the audience for a social purposes to induce either friendliness or intimacy to show that one belongs to a certain school, trade, profession or social class to not be understood by others to show someone that he or she is not a part of a group. For instance Stenstrom (200216) provides an example that shows how someone is not a part of a group. He gave a tape recorder to few teenagers, so they could record their daily conversations. The following is a transcription of one of these conversations mave rick We cant have a squeak in this room. Get out. Brett Im not a fucking squeak, Im just in a choir. Bradley / express feelingsing/ Yeah, just now Rick /laugh/ Ah that just shows your ignorance dunnit really? Yeah Im a member of that one. Johnny Shows my ignorance?Brett Yeah if you werent ignorant youd know theres four parts to a choir and not just one castrate section. Johnny And youre in the Castro section? Brett /laugh/ No Im not. Johnny With a laugh like that youve gotta be. Rick Actually I tell you one good thing about cosmos in this choir yeah, Im in this little choir tonight, chamber choir yeah, which is only about, which is only about like ogdoad or nine people yeah? Bradley Oh so youre the creme de la choir As we can see Johnny is using the slang word squeak when speaking about Brett and, who are members of the school choir. By this he means that they have mutating voice, while singing in the choir and he is also making a fun, that they are castrated.An important aspect of adolescence is to be perceived as cool or accepted by ones peers. Because being cool also usually means being popular, and popularity is connected with higher social status. Teenagers desire for being part of a group, and also being a popular member of a group, may by many be considered one of the most important matters in this point of their life. Teenagers have a tendency to favor unique styles of music or clothes. They choose own friends and places where they like to spend their free time. And they also tend to use specific language. So that the usage of particular phrases, words and slang expressions might be seen as an identity stigma for them.The aims of young people are to be independent and free, so that they may use rather informal language than formal, to express their positive or negative attitudes towards other people or situations. Nevertheless at the same time they should be aware about choosing right language, while talking with different people. If they are not c apable to choose right way to talk for example with older people, then there is no surprise they might be perceived cheeky, rude or less intelligent. Sources and factors influencing teenage speech Compared with the past days, when the society was not influenced by the mass media, the talk of teenagers is very different today. It is mainly impact by the pop-culture. closely teenagers have access to the same music, films, TV shows, and advertisements and especially they have the connection to the internet.Before the cosmos of mass media such as internet, television or radio, slang varied mostly according to the regions you lived in. However in present days as there is a possibility to access the world via these electronic medias, adolescents share same or very similar culture. The reason why are these sources included to this assay is that they are influencing adolescents language and at the same time they help to spread this language quickly and easily. According to editor of the Oxford English Dictionary Jesse Shaidlower, technology has been one of the biggest drivers of new vocabulary for centuries. 13 There is no doubt that the internet is a great source of influence on the English language.In 2010 there were made an experiment by Salzburg academy about the addiction on media including internet. They asked students in ten universities virtually the world not to use internet, phone, email or any media for 24 hours. The results were comparable with withdrawal symptoms from drugs or alcohol. 14 We can see that most of the adolescents are addicted to the social pages like Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin, therefore their language is influenced by these social networks. Abbreviations like LOL (laughing out loud), OMG (Oh my God), FB (Facebook) or BTW (By the way) appear on internet pages every day and sometimes you can hear them in a normal spoken language as well.Also there is a grammar issue, because while chatting in the internet grammar is usually missing s o the message like this can easily appear BTW hope u r F9 2day. (By the way hope you are fine today. ) Teenagers tend to save time by reducing proper words to acronyms or symbols. We may say that Net Lingua is slang used among the internet at emails, social networks, online games, etc. We can also find many slang expressions which comes from TV shows, films or advertisements. For example according to Tagliamonte (2005) TV-show Friends popularized the usage of intensifiers such as so and very as a means to emphasize some point of view. Another example is the popularization of the greeting Wassup? which is the colloquial pronunciation of the phrase Whats up? . It became popular after the screening of the commercialised campaign for Budweiser beer in 1999. 15 This phrase was also used in one of the episodes of a popular TV show How I Met Your Mother named Trilogy Time. Another element which influences the adolescent talk is the music they listen to. Most of them prefer main-stream mu sic like pop, pop-rap or pop-rock or hip-hop music. And mainly hip-hop music is the one which has been influencing the English language already for some time. Hip hop renew and usurped already existing words like cool, soul, chill, swing and many other. ConclusionThis assignment has given the overview of lifestyle and speech among todays teenagers and it has find out why teenagers tend to use particular slang to express their identity. Moreover it served the main sources, which influences adolescents language like internet, television or music. It also mentioned the question if the use of slang may take off a bad impression on people they talk with. It was not easy to write about slang, because there are so many sources considering this topic. So that I chose to write about the group I thought uses slang the most, about teenagers. Firstly I tried to explain the term slang, show its origins and development.I have found that for the first time slang appeared in connection with teenag ers in 1818. This work showed that above the general slang, adolescents talk also include vague, vogue, proxy, small words, taboo and swear words. According to Stenstrom, Andersen and Hasund (2002 65) this typical vocabulary can be described with a term slanguage. This essay has shown teenagers use the slang to express positive or negative attitudes towards people or situations. On the one hand they use it to support their values, attitudes, and uniqueness and to show their sympathy for someone. On the other hand they use it to draw the attention, shock, to show the rebellion or antipathy.Perhaps the most important aspect in the life of a teenager is to be perceived as cool. This essay showed that the way teenagers use their language can make them either popular for their peers or outsiders. References first rudiment intelligence activity (2011). OMG The OED Hearts A Few New Words. ONLINE Available at http//abc intelligence information. go. com/US/omg-oed-words/story? id=13220816. UIgSOsVrit8. Last Accessed 24 October 12 Ayto, J. , Simpson, J. (1993), The Oxford Dictionary of modern Slang. Oxford Oxford University press. 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