Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Schema as Hirsch has defined it is an unified system of background relationships that allows people to understand the surface meaning of a statement (Hirsch 54). If people can find ways to influence students about things that are important in the gentleman, they would grow up connecting series of things important nowadays, and abolish up having the knowledge to choose what they can do next.If a person contains schema about environmental problems, and how to solve them, they would automatically put things side by side and build a solution for it. With the help of schema, people most especially students can be able to focus on what is important in the society today. If the student graduates with the mental ability to know automatically what is right for their health and be aware(predicate) of the environment problems, they can lessen the cause of it and the world would be a better place.If the student graduates with the general knowledge of choosing healthy foods, obesity would be l essened and if they graduate with the general knowledge to be aware of what they do to the environment, global warming would slow down. In the end, since schema cannot be taught, institutions should change the curriculum to teach information that will inform the schemata, so that the multiplication to come would automatically do what is right for them and for the environment.

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