Thursday, May 9, 2019

Helvetica and Objectified Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Helvetica and Objectified - Essay ExampleDesign of objects has some of the same factors as document design. It is aimed at a particular audience. If text is also displayed the two together, object and text, carry a meaning made from the combination. There are wonderful ideal of design to which many designers adhere, solely ultimately, those designers who moldiness earn must design for production, with the needs of the target audience and the process of its use taking a secondary role. Good design needs no trade. Marketed design is expressive style. Therefore, design for production is aimed at marketing the final product with the highest profit margin possible. Good design should have lower wrongs, but fashion pushes the price up. Therefore, designs which can be mass produced in factories manned by untrained labor and sell as fashionable gets the most attention of many companies.Apple computers capitalized upon the hunger for fashion (status symbol) in the occidental public for years, designing first for the look and second for function. This resulted in products that have an avid following and are useful to most. However, they are proprietary, more expensive and they sometimes miss the mark by a mile, as in the first Apple Air, several small desktops and some of the music players. Consumers see Apple as exclusive and somehow better, but most do not realize that this better is bought at the price of variety. Anyone designing for Apple must do it their way and be licensed by Apple. Designing for PCs or Android devices only requires complying with the system requirements. This produces better Apple products, since all must pass their rigorous tests, but more variety for other systems with a number of flaws in many products, but lower prices and more availability over all.One point was made very clearly in the documentary, Objectified (2009) that designing for mass production and fashion and designing

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