Thursday, May 16, 2019


entree to IMMUNOLOGY COURSE Subject Agenda* suppositious part (Lecture) 14. 01-18. 03-22. 04. 2013 Practical part (Labwork) occupy Materials Textbook (David Male and Ivan Roitt-2006-DIR Abul Abbas-2007AA), Clips and Internet search emailprotected com. Pass btiu12345 military rating Midterm Exam, Final Exam, Labwork Assignment (Home-work, Topic-oriented-In-class discussion, Readand-Present Practice) Contact me at R501, IU Building or via email emailprotected edu. vn NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Introduction to IMMUNOLOGY- An X soup What is Immunology? What is Immune System (IS)? History of Immunology Cells and alcohol-soluble Mediators of IS= ? Immune Response- Pathogens (Ags) Innate and adaptational Immunity- Collaboration NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Introduction to IMMUNOLOGY What is Immunology? What is Immune System (IS)? Immunology is the study of our protection from foreign macromolecules or invading organisms and our chemical reactions to them. Foreign macromolecule/ Antigen immunizing agent e. g. virus protein, worm, parasite Everything that should not be in my bodyImmune System Molecules, cells, tissues and organs which provide non precise and specific protection against Microorganisms Microbial toxins and Tumor cells Crucial to human survival NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 History of Immunology Experiential Immunology period experimental Immunology period Modern Immunology period Immunology act as an independent subject (1970s) NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 I. Experiential Immunology period (the seventeenth century- the in-between of 19th century) In ancient times, many serious infection diseases, such as smallpox, set upon and cholera etc, caused innumerable people dead.Plague downcast Death Disease NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Story of Plague port of Weymouth. The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350, and killing between 75 million and 200 million people Wikipedia Yersinia pestis NTTH-HCM IU-IMMUN-2013 Figure 1. Photomicrographs demonstrating the high bacterial impression of Y pestis in various organs. Top left, A Tissue Gram stain of a lymph lymph node reveals the profusion of neutrophils and large clumps of Gram-negative coccobacilli characteristic of Y pestis (Brown-Hopps, original ? 00). Large clusters of bacteria (arrows) are put together in the alveolar spaces (top right, B), adrenals (bottom left, C), and kidneys (bottom right, D) hematoxylin-eosin, original ? 400. Chmura et al. 2003, CHEST, Painful Lymphadenopathy and Fulminant Sepsis in a Previously Healthy 16-Year-Old girl NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 430 B. C Peloponesian War, Thucydides describes plague the ones who had recovered from the disease could nurse the sick without getting the disease a plump for time NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 In 1670, Chinese medical practitioners variolationEdward Jennar -An English physician He discovered that cowpox inoculation protected against smallpox in 1796 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMU N-2013 Vaccine- Vaccination Vaccine A preparation of microbial antigen, often combine with adjuvants,that is administered to individuals to induce protective liberty against microbial infections. Vaccination A brokerral term for immunization against morbific diseases,orginally derived from immunization against smallpox which uses the Vaccinia virus. NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Why do they not want to play with my kids? NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 II.Experimental Immunology period (the middle of 19th century-the middle of 20th century) 1. active voice immunity In the middle of 19th century R. Koch -Isolated and polite bacteria successfully Pasteur -Infectious diseases were caused by pathogens In 1880, Pasteur -Anti-cholera live-attenuated vaccine (old culture of Chicken V. cholera) -Artificial active immunity Robert Koch Active immunity The form of adaptive immunity that is induced by exposure to a foreign antigen and in which the immunized individual plays an active ro le in responding to the antigen. Louis Pasteur(1822-1895) NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 . Passive immunity In the late eighties of 19th century Roux and Yersin Diphtheria was caused by exotoxin put forwardd by C. diphtheriae The discovery of diphtheriae antitoxin and bactericindins Antitoxin-Antibody (Ab) Exotoxin-Antigen (Ag) force field on reaction of Ag and Ab in vitro -Serology In 1890,Von Behring and Kitasato -diphtheriae antitoxin was applied in treatment of Diphtheria - Artificial passive immunity Passive immunity The form of immunity to an antigen that is established in one individual by transfer of antibody or lymphocytes from some other individual who is tolerant to that antigen.NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 3. Mechanism of protective immunity Cell mediated immunity(CMI) 1883-1884, Metchnikoff Microorganisms were engulfed and destroyed by phagocytic cells humoral immunity(HI) -1897,Ehrlich Ab in serum played important roles in protective immunity some(prenominal) HI and CMI were very important for protective immunity, Ab in serum could promote the phagocytosis of phagocytic cells - 1903, Wright & Douglas 4. Study on immune-pathology & immune disease In 1902, Richet and Portier-Anaphylaxis Pirquet and Shick-Hypersensitivity In 1903,Arthus-Arthus phenomenon In 1906, Pirquet - Allergy In 1907, Donath and Landsteiner -Autoantibody cause autoimmune disease NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 5. Study on antigen In the early of 20th century, Landsteiner studied on antigenic clincher (epitope) -ABO blood type 6. Study on immunochemistry In 1938,Tiselius and Kabat -Ab is ? globulin In the fifties of 20th century, porter and Edelmen, -Molecular structure of Ab 4 peptides 7. Study on immune tolerance No positive response to specific Ag In 1945, Oven found natural immune tolerance In 1953, Medawar set up animal model of acquired immune tolerance in newborn period. . Hypothesis for Ab formation Templates cope (1930,Breinl and Haurowitz) Variable folding postulate (1940,Pauling) Natur al selection postulate (1955,Jerne) Clonal selection theory (1959, Burnet)- knockoff a group cells that stem from identical cell NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 III. Modern Immunology period (the middle of 20th century-the 21th century) 1. Study on immune system In 1957, Glick Fabricius found out that Chicken without bursa can not produce Ab -B cell In 1961,Good and Miller - Cell mediated immune of new born mice whose genus Thymus were taken away are defective -T cell 2.Study on monoclonal antibody -In 1975, Kohler and Milstein 3. Study on immune genetics -In 1978, genetic control of antibody diversity -Discovery of accurate mechanism of immune response on gene level (MHC, TCR , BCR) 4. Study on molecular mechanism of T/B lymphocyte activation and subscribe transduction 5. Study on effective mechanism of immune cells NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 6. Study on clinical immunology Organ transplantation Autoimmune disease Tumor immunology Infectious diseases 7.Study on applied immunology conceptualis ation of monoclonal antibody and genetic design antibody Preparation of recombinant cytokines Study on DNA vaccine Study on treatment with immune cells 8. clean techniques of modern immunology and application Separation of immune cells Protein analysis technique Phage display technique Preparation of new animal model NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 The immune system Immune system Innate (non-specific) immunity adaptational (specific) immunity Anatomic barriers (Skin,mucous membranes) Physological barriers (temperature, pH) Phagocytic Barriers (cells that eat invaders) Inflammatory barriers (redness, swelling, heat and pain) Antigen specificity Diversity Immunological memory self-importance/nonself recognition NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Our immune systems generate an almost infinite variety of cells and substances Foreign Recognition Memory Upon 2 exposure produces enhanced response Effector Response To eliminate or neutralize particle *In some cases, the IR fails to function at other times, the IR can turn on its hostNTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Humoral and cellular immunity (antibody mediated or cellular) NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 B cells Surface bound antibody Antibody secreting B cell Antigen B-cell Soluble antibodies, circculate in the body NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Antibody secreting B cell B-cell Virus killed NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Discussion Topics 1. Why do warm-blooded, long-lived animals get hold of particularly complex immune defense? p4-DIR 2. Why would removal of Ag lead to the decline in an immune response? p14-DIR And many more to explore in the DIR textbookHome works P18-DIR NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 The real ones Crawling Macrophage neutrophile and DCs NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Introduction to IMMUNOLOGY- An X soup What is Immunology? What is Immune System (IS)? History of Immunology Cells and Soluble Mediators of IS= ? Immune Respone- Pathogens (Ags) Innate and Adaptive Immunity- Collaboration Read DIR-page 1-18 NTTH-HCMIU-IMM UN-2013 Once upon a time There was a WARGAMES OF THRONES- MATTER OF LIVE OR DIE HAS IT ALREADY ENDED? NO, IT IS JUST A BEGINNING NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013

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